Mitigation Reduction FAQs
for District 41 Families | Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Dear District 41 Families,
Happy 2.22.22! As we move into our mask recommended phase, I wanted to take a moment to provide some additional information/clarification to you. As always, please reach out directly to your school nurse with any health/medical related questions.
2-day has been a day filled with 2 many 2's 2 keep up with!
Dr. K. (notice two fingers)
Mitigation Reduction FAQs for District 41 Families
How will D41 handle asymptomatic individuals moving forward? A 5 day isolation is required only for students/staff who test positive for Covid per IDPH/CDC guidelines. If the parent/guardian chooses to ignore/disregard/dispute their positive result and sends their child to school, we will contact the parent/guardian to pick their student up. A call to the DCHD would also be made for further consultation as they would make the determination as to next steps.
Is a negative COVID test required to return to school for symptomatic individuals? The plan states that students/staff are required to stay home when they are sick with COVID-like symptoms or other illnesses. The plan does not require a negative test to return or a specific period of exclusion.
Are unvaccinated staff/students required to be excluded if they are a close contact? This is not required.
What are the return to school criteria after any illness requirements for all staff/students? A fever 100.4 or greater must be gone for 24 hours without the use of medication for return to school/work. The same requirement is in place for vomiting and diarrhea. This has been standard protocol for any illness and will continue to remain in place.
Are staff/students required to wear a mask when seeking nursing assistance? Health offices in schools are mask recommended under our plan. Symptomatic individuals will be offered a mask when entering the Health Office, but not required to wear it.
How will contact tracing and low risk notification work moving forward?
Close contacts are not required to quarantine or be excluded from school. Contact tracing, notifying school close contacts, and building wide low risk notification is not required.
Are visitors to D41 schools required to wear a mask?
Masks are recommended but not required in all D41 buildings. This includes volunteers, visitors, as well as participants and guests at after school activities/sports/events/programs/meetings.
Who is eligible for remote learning?
Students who test positive for COVID-19 or have been identified by the health department as a probable case are eligible for remote learning through Day 10 of their isolation.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41