Kendallvue Community Newsletter
October 29 - November 5, 2023
All Students are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
We had a great turnout for our Trunk or Treat event! The timing of the event was just right. Hopefully you all stayed warm this weekend. A big thank you to Ellen March for her efforts in putting this event together. Of course, thank you to our wonderful PTA, Watch DOGS, and other volunteers in helping make this a great event! I loved seeing all the creative costumes from kids and parents! Congratulations to all our pumpkin carvers too!
We have a lot of events this week. Tuesday is Halloween parade and classroom parties. Please read further on in the newsletter for more detailed information. Wednesday, November 1st is our PTA budget meeting. Prior to the PTA meeting, will be our final SAC meeting in 2023. In this SAC meeting I will seek feedback on our Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) - in other words, how we implement instruction and curriculum. We will also talk about our upcoming budget talks in January. Finally, we will discuss school security. If any of these issues are important to you, please come to the school on Wednesday and engage in the conversation. We are excited to celebrate our amazing students during our first HOWL Awards celebration on Friday, November 3rd during the school day. Look for an invitation from your student's teacher if they are receiving an award.
Next week on Thursday, November 9 is our Veterans Day music performance. Our first performance will be during school hours at 1:30-2:15pm and our second performance will be at 6:00-7:00pm. The students and Mrs. Millard have been working hard to put together a great performance. We are excited to celebrate our Veterans. Our Thursday performances will take the place of our Veterans breakfast. Thank you Veterans for your service to our nation.
Thank you for all the families that attended our fall conferences last week. We tried something new this year by offering daytime and evening conference sessions. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey so we can take your feedback for future conferences. So far the most common feedback was switching the two days so the half-day was the last day before the 4-day weekend. Thanks in advance for providing your feedback to we can strive to do better for our community.
I look forward to seeing you all this week!
Bruce Lindsey
Halloween Parade/Parties
- Halloween parade - October 31- 2:15
- Halloween parties - October 31-2:30
SAC/PTA Meeting- Nov. 1
- SAC Meeting - 5-6pm
- PTA Meeting - 6-7:15pm
November 13
- November 13- Teacher Work Day- No School
Upcoming Events
October 31 - Halloween Parties & Parade- Parade will start at 2:15, parties to follow
November 1- SAC Meeting 5:00-6:00 pm, PTA Meeting 6:00-7:15 pm
November 1- Orchestra Concert - 7pm at Bear Creek High School
November 2 - Band Concert - 7pm at Bear Creek High School
November 3 - HOWL Awards Assembly
November 9 - Veteran's Day Music Performance
November 13 - Teacher Work Day (No School)
November 14-17 - Book Fair
November 16 - Report Cards Come Home
November 17 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break
December 1 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
December 4 - Vision & Hearing Screening
December 19 - Winter Music Performance
December 19 - Winter Holiday Parties
December 20 - January 5, 2024 - Winter Break
Milk Caps For Mooola
How does the program work?
- Drink Longmont Dairy Milk (All caps from Longmont Dairy products in our glass bottles are eligible)
- Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
- Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box in the office.
- Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash!
Front Office Updates
Original Works
Mrs. T is submitting a late order for Original Works! Any late order forms must be turned in to the office by 11/1!
Bus Passes
Bus passes were sent home with students who ride the bus. Please attach the pass to their backpack so that it can they can easily scan them when they get on and off the bus. Replacement bus passes at $15. *If your student did not receive their bus pass, email Amy.Stephens@jeffco.k12.co.us. They can STILL ride the bus!
Kendallvue Giving Tree
Kendallvue hosts a Christmas present drive every year for families experiencing financial hardship. If you are interested in receiving gifts, please fill out this form Kendallvue Giving Tree Information and Application. Forms were also sent home in Thursday folders on 10/26. The form must be returned by 11/13/23 and all information will be kept strictly confidential.
Cafeteria Update
The milk provider for our District Food Service Department (including the Kendallvue cafeteria) is experiencing milk shortages that will likely continue into the holiday season. Milk.pdf
Library and Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
Mrs. Brenner, the Digital Teacher Librarian, is looking for parent volunteers who might be willing to come in for 1 to 2 hours once per week to help out in the library. If you’re interested, please sign up for a weekly volunteer slot here.
She also needs a few more parent volunteers to help with the Book Fair in November. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please sign up here.
Annual Writing Contest & I Love to Read Art Contest
The Education Nonprofit Corporation is sponsoring two contests for Jeffco students. The I Love to Read art contest and Jeffco Writing Challenge are both open until Thursday, February 16. Reminder: Schools with the highest number of participants also receive a donation for their participation. Contact - Cheryl Pendleton
From the Clinic
Student attendance is the most important factor in student academic success. Students cannot learn when they are not at school. Of course, we do not want students who are sick in school. But please take some time to read through this CDE document for more information about "How sick is too Sick".
School Enrollment Survey
We invite you to participate in the School Enrollment Survey, open now through Friday November 17. Your feedback will play a key role in shaping the future of Jeffco's schools. We are eager to understand the reasons why you chose the school your student(s) attends and to learn which school programs matter most to you. Your insights will help us make informed decisions that improve the enrollment process and ensure that our programming aligns with your family's educational needs.
Additional survey details:
- Brief Survey: The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete
- Single Survey Per Household: You only need to complete the survey once, regardless of the number of students in your household.
- Anonymous Participation: Your responses will be kept confidential, as the survey is anonymous.
- Language Options: The survey is available in multiple languages.
Your feedback provides the foundation for our ongoing efforts to meet your family's unique needs. Thank you for your continued support and partnership to help all Jeffco students thrive and achieve their biggest dreams.
More PTA Updates
Ninja Nation funds and next PTA meeting:
Thank you for all of the Ninja Nation support! Please be sure to attend the next PTA meeting on November 1st @ 6 PM (virtual, or in-person) to vote on how the funds will be spent towards the students and school! If you are not yet a PTA member and would like the opportunity to vote, you can sign up here!
There are a variety of ways to help the school, dependent upon your time availability and interests. Please consider clicking the links below and finding something you can do! (Thank you!)
- Staff Lounge treats (monthly): https://signup.com/go/XEbAYoT
- Library weekly support: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4CA5A72FA6F58-44959271-kendallvue#/
- Book Fair help (Nov 13-17th) : https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4CA5A72FA6F58-45009194-kendallvue#/
- Watch Dogs- https://www.teamkendallvue.com/watch-dogs/
Halloween Parade & Parties
Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year. We will have our annual Halloween parade and parties on Tuesday, October 31st. Please read this letter for more information about the parade route and time. The parade will begin with preschool at 2:15pm. (PK will have a party before the parade). Students will walk around the school for families to see. Parties will begin after the parade for K-5 classrooms.
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