Campbell Elem Counselor Newsletter
#2 , Sept. 20th, 2022
Fun Stuff Happening On Campus
5th graders showing off their drawing skills.
Kindergartener's using play-doh for sculpture's.
Our Kindergarten class celebrated Constitution Day with a parade around the school.
Counselor Corner
We had our first Counselor Corner last week and our students reviewed our Kindness Chant. They did so well. The 4th grade class quoted it perfectly with no help!
Social Emotional Library - click here
This is a great resource for books on topics like grief, bullying and kindness!
You must view it in slideshow mode to be able to click the links.
You must view it in slideshow mode to be able to click the links.
Mental Health Tips
Sometimes it's hard to know how to support your child's mental health. Check out the website below for some helpful tips.
Chillax Man
Weather The Storm | Guided Meditation for Kids | Breathing Exercises | GoNoodle
It's Never Too Early To Start Planning for College
Check out the website below to find out about how to start saving for college now.
September is Hispanic Heritage Month
Learn more about it with this video.
Hispanic Heritage Month for Kids! | Hispanic Heritage History | September Celebrations | Twinkl