Ferson Creek eNews
December 11, 2020
Lost and Found
Winter Celebrations
Pictures are In!
- If you are coming by next week to pick up supplies for your child's winter party, their pictures will be out with those supplies.
- If you didn't already order pictures, you have a proof of the photo with ordering information to pick up.
- If your child's class is not doing a supply pick-up, pictures will be out front, sorted by classroom.
- If you do not come to pick up the pictures, we will send them home with your child when we are back in person in January.
Attendance During Remote Learning
D303 Has Job Openings!
It takes more adults to operate schools safely for students during the pandemic. District 303 currently has numerous job openings in a variety of job categories. If you are looking for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment, please visit the D303 Human Resources page to apply for a position.
One of the more flexible positions available is that of a D303 Substitute. You can choose to work, or not work, as your schedule permits. We are really in need of substitutes!
D303 has a Substitute Teacher's Handbook to show you the ins and outs of the job.
If after reading this, you are interested, please, reach out to Julie.Wenger@D303.org. Julie is our substitute coordinator. If you hold a Bachelor's degree, she can walk you through the process of applying for a substitute license with the state. This license affords you the opportunity to sub for teachers and teacher's assistants. If you hold a high school diploma or Associate's degree, you can apply for a Paraprofessional License. This license affords you the opportunity to sub for teacher's assistants.
After you get your license, you can apply to substitute teach in D303.
Click HERE for the application if you hold a Bachelor's degree and Substitute license.
Click HERE for the application if you hold a high school diploma or Associate's degree and Paraprofessional license.
Students have completed their winter iReady diagnostic. You will receive a paper copy of the diagnostic result in the mail during the week of December 21st. If you would like to access your child's iReady diagnostic information electronically, as well as additional family resources, please watch the video below.
The First Latinx KidLit Festival
There is a great event happening this Friday and Saturday, the Latinx KidLit Book Festival. All of the events are free and there are some amazing authors who will be speaking, including Lulu Delacre. For a free schedule and watch links:
Games, Podcasts and Reading: Winter Break(out) Activities - Parent University
Games, Podcasts and Reading: Winter Break(out) Activities
Sessions will be organized as follows:
Breakout Edu Sessions - 3:00-3:30
How to Raise a Reader - 3:30-4:00
Podcasts for Kids, Tweens and Teens - 4:00-4:30
Winter break is coming, and it is the perfect time to explore and try something new or just have fun as a family. Join us for this 90-minute Parent University session where we will share ways to foster a love of learning through fun activities you can do as a family. We will guide you through sites and activities you can use with your child to visit faraway places, create a family podcast, find a new favorite book, and play collaborative problem-solving games. Join the Zoom meeting here.
Gray Willows
Looking back on the summer it is easy to focus on all of the hurdles that the virus brought us, but ultimately, we had a great summer and accomplished a lot of great projects towards our restoration goals. With safeguards in place, we were also able to host a record amount of volunteer service, including multiple Eagle Scout projects, multiple intern projects, native seed harvest workdays, and general park service projects. On top of that we had what is probably the best fall prescribed burn season on record. This wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for all the volunteers that helped out.
As we move into winter, we have a busy season of invasive brush clearing scheduled, including some great projects at Harley Woods and Gray Willows Farm. We are looking for your support with these projects, more information below.
Just because it is colder doesn't mean that it isn't a great time to visit the parks, we hope to see you there!
A general reminder to all park users regarding our policies on the COVID-19 virus,
Maintain social distancing where possible
Wear face masks as required
10 people maximum per park amenity: playground, pavilion, dog park, ball field, etc.
Wash/sanitize hands before/during/after park visit
Use park facilities at your own risk
Gray Willows Photo Credit: Christine Beach
Ferson is Thankful!
It is the time to be thankful!
Even in the current pandemic, there is so much to be thankful for in District 303. There are three ways that you can contribute to our #D303Thankful Campaign.
- Write a note of appreciation to a staff member. You may download and print our notecard template linked here or create a note of your own to share.
- Participate in our social media campaign by sharing a picture or thought using the hashtag #D303Thankful.
- Share a story, note of appreciation, or photo on Let’s Talk using the D303Thankful button.
Book Checkout During Remote Learning
Please click here for directions regarding checkout for 2nd - 5th grade students.
Please click here for K-1st grade checkout directions.
- Remote Learning for All Grades: Monday, November 30th - Friday, December 18th
- Winter Break : Monday, December 21st - Friday, January 1st
- School Improvement Day - No Students: Monday, January 4th
- School Resumes: Tuesday, January 5th
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/