SVDP School
February Newsletter 2019
Dear SVDP Community,
It is difficult to believe that recently we celebrated the 100th day of school. Kindergartners opened their classroom door to find 100 balloons and a variety of activities based on the number 100. This day reminds us that we are more than halfway through this school year!
We are already planning for the school year 2019-2020. Below you will find the calendar for the new school year providing you with the dates for the beginning and ending of next school year and the holiday schedule.
As part of the planning process, we are concentrating on in-coming students. Potential kindergarten students were assessed by a team of teachers and staff. They appear to be an excited and enthusiastic group with much potential. Additionally, there are a number of transfer applications to be considered. We look forward to welcoming many new faces to our SVDP family!
At the end of January, the 3rd grade celebrated their First Reconciliation, and this weekend, our 8th grade students participated in the sacrament of confirmation. Keep our students in your prayers as they continue their faith journey here at SVDP.
One of the ways we show our capacity to accomplish great things is through our service program. This month’s calendar has been filled with activities that will benefit others. Valentine bags were made by 5th and 7th grades. Second graders were the sandwich makers of the month, making sandwiches for those served by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Student Council sponsored a coin drive that raised nearly $1,000.00 in change for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Congratulations to Kindergarten for bringing the most change!
On Tuesday, March 12th, the State of the School report will be presented to our community. This event is hosted by the Parent Guild and begins at 7:00pm. Please join us!
Blazers & Baubles 2019
School Calendar 2019-2020
Tuition Announcement 2019-2020
The tuition for the 2019-2020 school year has been proposed by the Saint Vincent de Paul School Finance Committee, reviewed by the Saint Vincent de Paul School Advisory Board, and accepted and approved by the school administration.
To remain competitive, the Archdiocese has approved an increase of 4.0% for teacher salaries. The tuition for the 2019-2020 academic year will be increased by approximately 4.0% in each category.
Tuition Rates for 2019-2020
Category A: $10,200.00 per student
Category B: $12,000.00 per student
Category C: $12,600.00 per student
Category D: $14,200.00 per student
Kindergarten Fee: $500.00 per student
8th grade Graduation Fee: $300.00 per student
For the 2018-2019 school year, the annual service hour requirements are 15 hours for a single parent and 30 hours for a two-parent household. The fulfillment of the commitments identified in the definitions above will be verified on February 22nd to determine the family’s tuition category for the next school year.
Tuition contracts are scheduled for distribution mid-March and may reflect a change of category status depending on your attendance at Mass and/or the volunteer hours submitted by your family. Upon completion of the school year, you may request to have your category re-evaluated.
Parent/Teacher Spring Conferences
This is the first year that we are making available spring parent/teacher conferences. This is not required. If you have been in contact with your homeroom teacher regarding a conference, please click the link below and select the grade appropriate tab along the top to sign-up for your 15 minute Parent/Teacher Conference.
Summer Learning Academy 2019
If you are interested in having your student participate in the Bay Area Young Writers Project, please visit their website to register -- YWC SF Pacific Heights @ St. Vincent de Paul School.
Space is limited.
About us
Location: 2350 Green Street, San Francisco, CA, USA
Phone: (415)346-5505