WMS Friday Forecast
August 23, 2019 - Week 2
Dear Parents:
There are many ways for our students to show kindness:
- Do something nice for someone who will not expect it
- Donate food for a food pantry or items for an animal shelter
- Stop someone from being mean on social media
- Put a sticky note one someone's locker with a positive message
Talking at the dinner table about kindness is important. Ask them what they can do to spread kindness and in what ways can they stop unkindness. And modeling kindness for our kids makes a big difference.
The main area we now see the most unkindness being shown is over social media. Setting clear expectations and monitoring their online activities can give you the opportunity to do some teaching about kindness in your family.
Thank you-
Half-Day Schedule and Activities on August 30, 2019
Friday, August 30, is our first half-day of school. Student dismissal will be at 12:10 PM. Here are a few notes for the day:
- Students will not have have a lunch period but can opt to receive a bag lunch (see the email sent out yesterday 8-23-19) that they will take home with them.
- As this is our first half-day, we are not sure how fast buses will show-up. Expect that they may be late.
- This day will be our "safety day" where we a practice fire drill, a bad weather drill, and a lock-down drill.
- All absences must be called in with detailed information, including:
- who is calling and their return phone number,
- the date of the absences,
- your student's ID number (if you have it) and,
- the reason for the absences. It is especially helpful if you speak slowly and spell your child's last name.
- Please note- we cannot accept emailed absences.
- If you know in advance that your child will be absent for more than two days (three days or more), please use the Prearranged Absence Form. That will allow us to mark your child excused without you having to call it in. Ideally, we would like these forms completed and brought to the office 2-3 days before your child is absent from school.
Thank you for helping us keep accurate records of attendance for our students!
Band/Choir/Orchestra Absences:
Next year we think this will all be solved as we change hours for our elementary schools. This change should allow for the feeder school buses to be at WMS earlier than before.
WMS Breakfast Information
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
Looking to help out a local cause?
New or gently used items are greatly appreciated. Donation boxes are located near the front entrances of North High School, East High School, and Thompson Middle School, and donations will be accepted through the end of August.
See the flyer included below for a list of items! THANK YOU!!!
WMS Families
Several years ago I was the principal at a high-poverty school. One of the signs of poverty is that there is a lack of reading and books in the home simply because books are expensive.
We are helping one of my past teachers to get books into the hands of her 4th graders and the students in her school using the Scholastic Books order form. Our donations help her build literacy and the love of reading that many of our WMS students have.
This is where you can help: For only $9 per child ($1 per month for a FULL school year. (Any multiple of $9 works... it just increases the number of kids you will have helped.) If you are interested in sponsoring a child (or more) you can help by sending in a check made out to "Scholastic Book Club" and dropping the check here at the WMS office. There is absolutely no pressure to do this.
Thank you to those who have already donated and also to those who will choose to do so. Our goal is to inspire children one book at a time!
Click the link below for more information and register for the Color Run
Kelly Hadfield, Al Watts, Amy Wollack, Ananya Yammanuru, Barb Staker, Carrie Koziol, Clint Van Langingham, Cris Kennedy, Deanna Leslie, Denise Call, Diane Wachowski, Doug Denz,
Erika Mannerick, Gracia Diaz, Heather Harrill, Holli Beall, Jackie Techter, Jen Auriemma, Jennifer Howe, Jody Wesner, Joyce Catozza, Kerry Hollar, Kim Barnum, Laura Musich, Laurie Lyons, Lisa Weier, Lori Muehling, Malissa Nelson, Marisa Burch, Mark Wachowski, Michella Tanig, Mirella Newman, Misty Nanna, Morty and Rick, Nicole Wang, Nikki McCall, Patty Barone, Tammy Riddiford, Tiffany Cassata, Tobey Bartel, and Yesenia Martinez
Angie Miki, Jackie Techter, Jennifer Dobinson, Joyce Catozza, Liz Umlauf, Lucyna Olechny,
Michelle Giesecke, Roberta Lee, and Tracy Dullea
During the Materials Pick-Up, we had a volunteer raffle going for those who volunteered. Parent Tricia Sabathne was our winner so her daughter received lunch with three friends.
Community Events & Information
Washington DC/New York Trip
Informational meeting: Wednesday, Sept 11 3.45pm, room 205 (students may attend without parents)
- What: 8th-grade spring break trip to Washington DC and New York City
- When: March 30-April 3, 2020
- Cost: $1750 (includes flights, hotel, food, admission, tour guides, tips, etc.) payment plans available
Ready to go? https://portal.brightsparktravel.com/
Tour Code: TNJ3U8T
Contact info: Mr. Massie 331.224.5137
Contact for sample itinerary and payment plans info
Highlights: National Monuments, Smithsonian Museums, Holocaust Museum, Supreme Court, Capitol Tour, Arlington Cemetery, Library of Congress, 30 Rock rooftop, Statue of Liberty cruise, 9/11 memorial, Broadway show, Times Square, Central Park, and moreā¦
CLICK HERE to view a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
September 7, 2019 - Fox Mill 5K & 1-Mile Color Run/Walk Honoring Kayla Lehmann
Please join us for the Fox Mill 5K & 1-Mile Color Run/Walk on September 7, 2019 honoring Kayla Lehmann. Kayla, who passed away on April 7, 2018, was a St. Charles East freshman who was passionate about music while also being an avid reader and gifted writer. Proceeds from this year's race will benefit Kayla's Hope (www.kaylashope.org), a foundation that seeks to take away the stigma of depression and mental illness so that no one has to suffer in silence. For more information, to register, or to make a donation, please visit www.foxmill5k.com.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303