Simmons Elementary School
February 14, 2024
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary
On Monday, we celebrated the 100th Day of this school year! Students in the younger grades were involved in many math and STEM activities related to the number 100. Some children even dressed up as they might look at age 100!
Thank you to everyone for your patience and grace with the first virtual learning day yesterday! We appreciate the preparation by the teachers and the support by the families. We truly are better together. It's great to see everyone back in person today.
A few friendly reminders about car line drop off and pick up:
- Safety first - please be patient as you enter and exit off Babylon Road. Be mindful of the school zone (15 mph) speed limit.
- Please enter car line only by driving past the school and turning right from Babylon Road. Do not make a left turn into car line from Babylon Road or try to join from the high school driveway.
- Have your child exit the vehicle from the driver's side, adjacent to the curb.
- Do not attempt to pull around cars ahead of you in the drop off line.
- Please follow any directions given by the staff at car line. They are trying to ensure the safety of your children and everyone else in the parking lot.
- In the morning, if you arrive and no adults are present at the car line, you need to park your car in a legal parking spot and walk your child into the main office. Car line is supervised until 8:50 a.m. After that time, students are considered tardy for school.
- Thank you for your courtesy and kindness!
Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 15 - African American Read In
Friday, February 16 - Early Dismissal at 1 p.m. for students
Monday, February 19 - No School for Presidents' Day
Wed., February 21 - HSA Meeting at 7 p.m. in the library or virtual
Tuesday, February 27 - Grades 3 and 4 Talent Show at 7 p.m.
Simmons HSA Happenings
Food Drive Week 3
We are starting week 3 of our five week food drive tomorrow. Thank you for supporting this effort by our Grade 5 Student Leadership team!