Principal's Weekly Update
November 13th-17th
Dear Families,
I am happy to be back from a few days away from the school. I spent a good part of the week serving on an accreditation visiting team for NEASC at a Christian academy in the northern part of Massachusetts. Mrs. Remmes recently served on a team as well. Having opportunities like these allow us to see how other schools operate so we can bring back new ideas and best practices to our own school. On Thursday, the Catholic Schools Office sponsored a professional development day for all faculty and staff.
This coming Thursday, 11/16, we will have half day for the faculty and staff to work on self-study report for NEASC. A survey for our self-study was recently sent out to all families. We have kept it open an additional week, so please consider providing us with feedback.
We are very excited about a new STEM project that middle school students will be participating in this year. A volunteer from the National Weather Service will be training our students to be weather spotters. In conjunction with our science curriculum, they will be taught how to observe weather events and practice data gathering tasks such as measuring precipitation. We will then be able to report data to the NWS during weather events. We will keep you updated as this project unfolds.
It is hard to believe that it is the last full week before Thanksgiving. There are some fundraisers and events currently being planned for the Advent season, so keep an eye out for those updates. As always, all parents are welcome to attend out School Life Committee this Thursday, 11/16 at 6 p.m. We hope to see you there.
Megan dos Santos
November Calendar
11/14 - School picture retakes
11/16 - 1/2 Day - Dismissal @ 11:30
11/16 - School Life Committee Meeting @ 6:00
11/17 - Latin Club (rescheduled)
11/22 - 1/2 Day for Thanksgiving - Dismissal at 11:30
11/23 - Thanksgiving
11/24 - No School
Important Date Change: December 15th
We are in the process of rolling out a new anti-bullying curriculum from MARC (Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center) at Bridgewater State University. In order to support these efforts, the Catholic School Office has arranged for professional development for our teachers.
Please note that we have moved our SAL Day on 12/1 to 12/15. This means that there will be school on 12/1. There will be a no school on 12/15. This will be SAL Day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we are appreciative of your flexibility.
School Life Committee
Our next School Life Committee Meeting is Thursday, 11/16 at 6 pm.
Latin Club - Date Change
Latin Club has been moved from Monday, 11/13 to Friday 11/16 for this week.
A Christmas Carol at Bishop Stang
Christmas is coming early to Bishop Stang High School as the Theatre Company is thrilled to present Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," adapted by Patrick Barlow. We're revitalizing this beloved classic, reintroducing you to cherished characters like Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, and the endearing Tiny Tim. In this rendition, you'll embark on an emotional journey filled with laughter, tears, comedy, and drama!
The cast and crew of "A Christmas Carol" have poured their hearts and souls into this production over the past two months, ensuring an unmissable experience. It's a family-friendly show that appeals to all ages. As an extra delight, we'll sweeten the deal with a special Christmas treat when you attend this unforgettable performance.
Mark your calendars for two enchanting performances on Friday, November 17, and Saturday, November 18, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are reasonably priced at $12 for adults and $10 for students, children, and senior citizens. The attached "free student pass" may be used by any current student at a Diocese of Fall River Catholic elementary school.
The cast and crew of "A Christmas Carol" eagerly await your presence! Join us for this enchanting production at the John C. O'Brien gymnasium at Bishop Stang High School, 500 Slocum Rd., North Dartmouth, MA. If you have any questions, contact the school at (508) 996-5602 for more details.
Christmas Card Picture Competition
The Catholic Schools Office would like to invite all students from the Diocese of Fall River Catholic schools to enter the Christmas Card Contest! We are looking for a religious Christmas drawing that will be featured on our Christmas card. Guidelines for the drawing:
- The drawing must depict a religious Christmas theme.
- Ideally the drawing should be in pencil or colored pencil.
- All submissions must be submitted either directly from families or from the school by Wednesday, November 15, 2023.
- The winner will be announced on Tuesday, November 21st, on Facebook and Instagram.
- Parental consent must be included as part of the submission.
We hope students and families enjoy this contest and look forward to receiving your creative ideas!