2022-2023 CJMS BTS
Back to School Information for Students, Staff, & Families
Dear Cabin John Middle School Students and Families:
Welcome back to what we know will be an amazing school year at Cabin John Middle School! It is my sincere hope that our entire Cabin John community is doing well, in good health, and good spirits while enjoying these last few weeks of summer.
This school year, I am thrilled to be starting my fifth year here at Cabin John Middle School. Last year I had the privilege of serving as acting principal after my years as an assistant principal and principal intern. I am now honored to begin my first full school year as the official principal of our school community.
The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT), your PTSA, the counselors and countless other teachers and staff have been working all summer to prepare for the students to arrive. The Building Services staff members have worked especially hard to give the building a thorough cleaning and we are all finalizing our plans to make this the best year yet.
Throughout the summer our leadership team has been reflecting on our purpose and mission here at Cabin John Middle School. In order to best serve our students, we took an in depth look at our instructional achievement data and the student, staff and family voice data that we collected last year. After a reflective analysis, we believe it is pertinent to our students' success to focus on respect, relationships, and resilience. During our planning time for the 2022-2023 school year, we grounded ourselves in committing to our new mission and vision.
CJMS Mission
Cabin John’s mission is to create compassionate and resilient learners who approach life with a growth mindset, a respect for diversity, and a desire to serve the global community.
CJMS Vision
Cabin John Middle School is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that promotes respect, positive relationships, and resiliency.
I truly believe our entire school community will benefit from our commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, and I look forward to working with the staff and community to make our mission and vision a reality for our students.
The remainder of this newsletter includes information to help you prepare for the 2022-2023 school year. Please read the information under each category heading carefully. We have made every effort to answer all the questions we are anticipating from you; however, if additional questions arise, please feel free to contact me via email at Somer_Snider@mcpsmd.org. You can also check out our CJMS website at any time!
I look forward to meeting all of you!
Ms. Somer Snider
Principal, CJMS
CJMS Communication with the School Community
Cabin John has always made clear communication a priority. We will continue to prioritize communication and tell the story of Cabin John Middle School through multiple venues. Please expect the following from us:
Weekly Sunday night Connect Ed phone call @ 6:00pm from administration with detailed information on activities and upcoming happenings at CJMS.
Weekly Smore newsletter from administration with detailed information on activities and upcoming happenings at CJMS.
All updates and links will be found on the Cabin John Middle School website.
Weekly Summary Assignment (a document briefly listing all class assignments for the week) will be included in the weekly Connect Ed as well as posted on the CJMS website.
Cabin John Twitter account will continue to be utilized to communicate messages and share news and events with our community. (@CabinJohnMS)
We are continuing our work to be more “green” and share as much information as possible with parents electronically. We will notify you with Connect Ed updates when we add or update with new information. But, if you cannot find what you need in this newsletter or on our webpage, please contact the main office and we will be happy to help you.
CJMS Grade Level Contacts
CJMS Important Back to School Dates in August
When: Thursday, August 18th from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Who: 6th graders NEW to MCPS and 7th & 8th graders new to CJMS
What: Students new to the county in all grade levels and students new to CJMS in 7th and 8th grade are invited to come to CJMS to get to know our school!
Transportation is not provided for this event.
6th Grade Mini-Day
When: Thursday, August 25th from 8:15am to 12:00pm
Who: All CJMS 6th grade students
What: 6th grade students are invited to participate in a "mini-day" to acquaint them with the CJMS school community before the official first day of school on Monday, August 29th. On Thursday, August 25th, your students may ride their bus from their scheduled bus stops to Cabin John for an all school orientation day. School will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. and students may ride home on their regular buses.
Students in our special education discrete programs are strongly encouraged to attend, but their bus transportation may not be available, so parents are encouraged to drive their students to school to meet their teachers.
FIRST Day of School
When: Monday, August 29th
Who: All CJMS
What: Staff will assist students in locating their classrooms. All students will receive their schedules on the first day of school. Grade level counselors will be available to answer student scheduling questions.
All 6th grade students will report to the cafeteria
All 7th & 8th grade students will report to posted homeroom assignments located in the 7th & 8th Grade PODs.
Students in our Special Education programs will report to their designated classroom teachers.
Back to School Night & 1st PTSA Meeting*
When: Wednesday, August 31st from 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Who: All CJMS
What: Please join us at 6:00 PM for the following Back to School Night Activities:
6:00 PM - PTSA meet & greet in the activity lobby
6:00 PM - Room 1301 - Health Materials Review for 7th and 8th grade parents only
6:45 PM - PTSA Welcome meeting in the cafeteria
7:00 PM - Talk with Ms. Snider and then parents/guardians will visit their child’s classes, following their child’s schedule.
Your children will bring home their daily class schedule, or a schedule can be obtained in the school’s Media Center.
Carpooling is encouraged, but overflow parking will be available at Bells Mill Elementary School, 1 block from our building, on Bells Mill Road.
*As we get closer to this event, we will evaluate the need for a virtual BTSN.
NEW 2022-2023 Bell Schedule
Bus Transportation
Bus Routes for Cabin John Middle School - General Education
We are excited to offer an opportunity for your child to participate in CJMS 2022-2023 Tutoring program IN PERSON and/or VIRTUALLY at no charge!
We know that many students have unfinished learning because of the educational impact from COVID-19. Our High Dosage Tutoring model makes sure students have the skills they need to stay successful in their grade level classes. We plan to provide the following areas of tutoring: Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and Executive Functioning*. Executive Functioning will help students better plan, organize, and study for their classes.
In person tutoring will occur T, W, TH from 3:15-4:30 with bus service provided. Virtual tutoring can occur ALL 7 days of the week M-Sun. Please choose the number of days, time(s) and subject(s) that works best for you.
Please complete the information on this form and return to Tamara Hardy in the counseling office ASAP to claim your spot! You can turn it in personally at the counseling office or email it to Tamara_A_Hardy@mcpsmd.org.
CJMS Student Planners
Cell Phone Policy
Students may use their cell phones before 8:15AM and after 3:00PM. Emergency calls may be made in the main office.
Student Backpacks in Lockers
Students are also welcome to use their Chromebook carrying case throughout the day, but will not be allowed to have their backpacks with them throughout the day.
Please Join our CJMS PTSA!
Click here to read a message from our PTSA President and learn how you can support CJMS throughout the year!
Our first meeting will be at the start of Back to School Night on August 31st. Please join us to hear more about how we can all support our CJMS school community!
Community Message from MCPS
Cafeteria News & Secondary School Meals Information
The Division of Food and Nutrition Services (DFNS) will resume regular meal services during the 2022–2023 school year. Find out more information here: SCHOOL MEALS: ENROLLMENT, PAYMENTS, CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE
Meal Prices for 2022-2023:
Students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for meals! Students in Maryland who qualify for reduced price meals and who wish to participate must reapply each year at MySchool Apps.com - Application For more information and How-To videos visit the Food Services website .
Regular Price (All Levels) : $1.30
Reduced Price (All Levels): No Cost
Regular Price: $2.55 (Elementary), $2.80 (Middle and High)
Reduced Price (All Levels): No Cost
Additional Resources:
MySchoolBucks.com - For parents to make prepayments to your child's cafeteria account
- MySchoolBucks Explained English / Spanish
Maryland State Immunization Requirements for Students
Incoming Grade 7 students need to provide documentation of one Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) and one dose of Meningococcal (MCV4). Immunization and Vaccination Requirements
Maryland residents can gain access to their own immunization records in ImmuNet and print out the Maryland 896 form without having to go to their healthcare provider or local health department. Maryland MyIR (My Immunization Record) is a free website service (https://myirmobile.com) that allows consumers to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet. This information can then be presented to schools at the parent or guardian's discretion. Or contact your child’s health care provider for a copy of their immunization record.
Procedures for Parent and Community Volunteers
Montgomery County Public Schools requires school volunteers and partnership agencies to complete certain compliance measures in order to volunteer within our school district.
- Online Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect Training via their myMCPS Classroom/Canvas account
- Background check (dependent upon the type of volunteer service, per the Volunteers regulation and FAQ)
- COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation - NEW!
MCPS has created a step-by-step User-Guide (with pictures) on how to access create and access their myMCPS Classroom/Canvas account to complete the Online Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect Training module AND upload the Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination from the state Department of Health.
The online course grade sheet will show a total of 183.3% for completion of both compliance modules. You can show the gradesheet as evidence of successful completion to schools and your name will appear on the MCPS volunteer roster after October 1.
MCPS is asking for a pdf copy of your vaccination certificate in order to upload it to this module, you can download a copy from Maryland MyIR (directions for completing this process are located in this support guide). As an alternative, you may also upload a copy of one of the following:
Do you need to see the newsletter in a different language or a larger font?
To adjust your view of the newsletter, click on the "accessibility" button. The button is a circle with figure in it. Once you click the accessibility button, the menu to choose the language or different font size will appear.
Cabin John Middle School
Assistant Principal (6th Grade): Ms. Kimberly Trostle
Assistant Principal (7th Grade): Mr. Casey Siddons
Assistant School Administrator (8th Grade): Mr. Andrew (Andy) Lee
Main Office Phone: 240-406-1600
Fax: 240-740-4403
Guidance Counseling Office: 240-406-1560
Health Room: 240-406-1570
Attendance Office: 240-406-1599 (to leave a VM)
Please call CJMS to notify us of your child's absence.
Email: Somer_Snider@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/cabinjohnms/
Location: 10701 Gainsborough Road, Potomac, MD, USA
Phone: 240-406-1600
Twitter: @CabinJohnMS