Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: September 15, 2023 ~
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Dear Everitt Families:
Ah, fall. We're enjoying the new cooler weather at Everitt. Soccer, football, and basketball continue to be popular activity choices during recess. If you have soccer balls, footballs, or basketballs at home that you don't need, we would love to take them off your hands.
Academics are in full swing around here. Last Friday, we sent the first emails (and phone calls) to families about grades that are lower than a C. We will send those weekly to keep you all updated. You can also find student grade and attendance information in Infinite Campus. We are happy to help if you'd like a tutorial on how to log in and find that information.
As you saw in the message that we all received from Jeffco, September is Attendance Awareness Month. Below I share some Everitt-specific attendance statistics and information about the importance of attendance to student success in school. Please join us in ensuring that all students attend as much as possible throughout the school year. Outside of the academic reasons to prioitize school attendance, we miss our students when they aren't here and our community is not the same without them!
One of the key character traits that we strive to develop at Everitt is Bravery. This week, both Theatre Guild and Musical Theatre held auditions for the fall shows. The talent that we have floating around these halls is exceptional and I can't wait for you to see our theatre students shine on stage in October for Zombies the Musical and in December for our Theatre Guild production. What struck me this week even more than the talent of our students was how brave they are. They prepared scenes, monologues, and songs to sing for their teachers and classmates in hopes of securing a role. I know many of you get to hear the rehearsals at home and probably the nerves that come with it, too. You would have been so proud of your children this week.
Speaking of Bravery, our PBIS system is off and running and students are beginning to earn rewards for demonstrating Leadership Achievement Bravery and Strength (LABS). Ice Cream with a Cop has proven to be one of the most popular uses of LABS cash (which students earn for demonstrating their LABS traits). You can find photos below of our first students to earn Ice Cream with a Cop this week. Friday lunchtime drawings with LABS cash have been a hit as well. You might ask your student how they've been earning LABS cash in their classrooms this week.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
Attendance Awareness Month
As we settle into the new school year, we are excited to share that September marks Attendance Awareness Month. One of our goals this year is to provide extraordinary student experiences by making student attendance a priority. Across Colorado and the country, student chronic absenteeism is on the rise.
What is Chronic Absenteeism?
Chronic absenteeism means missing 10 percent or more of the total enrolled days during the school year for any reason. This works out to approximately 2 days per month. It includes excused, unexcused, out-of-school suspensions, and in-school suspensions that last more than one-half of the school day. Colorado ranks sixth highest absenteeism rate in the country.
Currently, Everitt Middle School has an attendance rate of 90.6%. We believe we can do better for our students to be successful in school and beyond.
Why Does Attendance Matter?
Research demonstrates a strong connection between student attendance and academic performance
Regular attendance allows students to establish and nurture relationships
Students who get to school each day have a better chance of learning and succeeding
Research shows that students who miss two days of school per month can struggle with reading and this may lead to social-emotional stress
When your student misses school they also lose valuable learning time, can fall behind in their school work and as a result, it’s difficult to catch up
Students chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade
By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at-risk for dropping out of school
By 9th grade good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores
We understand some absences are unavoidable due to illness or family emergencies but we also know that students who miss too much school, even occasionally, can fall behind academically or socially.
Tips to Support Families
Here are a few helpful tips to help support regular, on-time attendance:
Make sure your student is getting enough sleep
Limit the use of electronic devices in the bedroom
Set out clothes and backpacks the night before so your student is ready to go in the morning
Establish a set morning routine to support getting out the door on time
Only keep your student home if they are truly sick
Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home; If your student is experiencing anxiety about school, let us know so we can offer additional support to them
Talk to your student’s teacher, counselor or other parents in the community about what has worked for them to motivate their students to attend school
Avoid scheduling vacations and doctor’s appointments when school is in session
Have backup plan for unexpected situations
If there are challenges in getting your student to school, please contact our school or Family Response Service Team (FRST) for support
Our staff will be working on incentives for students and classrooms to encourage and celebrate good and improved student attendance. We will have a drawing for prizes at the end of the month and will include all students who have 90% attendance and above.
If you need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your student's counselor or any administrator so we can create a plan to better support your student. We believe that regular attendance is a key factor in your student’s academic progress and overall growth. Let’s continue to work together to emphasize to our students when they show up, students can thrive!
What's Happening Next?
9/21 ~ PTA Movie Night @ Everitt 7:00 pm
9/22 ~ NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS-Staff Development
9/26 ~ 8th Grade Warren Tech Field Trip 11:30 am-1:00 pm
9/29 ~ Hat Day $1 Sea Camp Fundraiser
10/4 ~ Picture Retakes
10/4 ~ PTA/SAC Meetings 6:30/7:30 pm
10/10 ~ Music Department Fall Concert @ WRHS
10/12 ~ Everitt Information Night 5:00-6:00 pm
10/17 ~ Family Conferences 4:15-6:30 pm
10/18 ~ Family Conferences 4:15-6:30 pm
10/19 ~ NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Staff Development
10/20 ~ NO SCHOOL
10/27 ~ Hat Day $1 Sea Camp Fundraiser
Everitt Student Newsletter
Everitt Bell Schedule 2023-2024
What's Happening at Everitt...
Ice Cream with a Cop
Thanks, Officer Mallory!
Who will earn it next?
Theatre Class -- Scene Design for the Lion King by 8th grader Anakin
Sources of Strength Builds the "You Belong" Campaign
Student Council...Pledge of Allegiance then hard at work planning
8th Grade Warren Tech Field Trip
Parents/Guardians of 8th grade students:
On Tuesday, September 26th, 8th-grade students will be going on a field trip to tour Warren Tech High School’s central campus. Students will be receiving a permission slip from their Language Arts teacher on Monday, 9/11, that they will bring home for your signature and then return to their Language Arts teacher by 9/13. Please be on the lookout for this permission slip.
Warren Tech is an extension of every Jefferson County high school and offers academic, career, and technical training and education in 36 different programs. These programs prepare high school students with academic, career, and technical skills for college, employment, and potential careers.
Most students at Warren Tech are high school juniors and seniors as students must be 16 in order to attend. Programs range in length from two to four semesters. Credits earned at Warren Tech count toward graduation and qualify as academic credits and electives under the Colorado Commission on Higher Education College admission requirements. Most of Warren Tech’s programs also provide the opportunity for students to earn college credit through the Colorado Community College System.
It is recommended that interested students talk to their counselors early in their high school careers regarding attending Warren Tech. Careful course planning will ensure that students can meet high school graduation requirements and also take advantage of Warren Tech’s opportunities. For more information about programs click HERE.
Student and Family Handbook
Conduct Code Slides
Tardy policy update
How to support your students in math at home...
The following links contain information about what we are working on in math classes right now.
SSIS Opt Out Survey
NOTE: You do not need to fill out and return this form if you are OK with your child being screened. If you DO NOT want them screened, then turn this in by Friday, 9/29/2023.
The Everitt Middle School community works together to ensure high levels of learning for all. This includes not only being attentive to academic growth, but also recognizing that the social and emotional growth of students is critically important. Current research indicates a direct connection between students’ emotional well-being and their academic performance. We are dedicated to creating academic and social-emotional support linked directly to the assessed needs of our students. We now have the opportunity to systematically screen the social and emotional skills of all our students. We will be using the Social Skills Improvement System™ Social-Emotional Learning Edition Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales (SSIS SEL). to screen students' social-emotional competencies.
SSIS-SEL Information: The SSIS-SEL Edition Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales is a strength-based tool for screening and progress monitoring social and emotional competence. Teachers will be asked to score each student in their class in the six following areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, and motivation to learn.
How will the data be used? The screener and scoring information will remain at Everitt and all information will be kept confidential. The information acquired through the screener will guide our development of school-wide, small group, and/or individual social-emotional interventions. You will be notified if your child is invited to join a small group or individual intervention.
Need more information? We would be happy to provide a copy of the screener to you. If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact:
Shaun Richey (Social Emotional Learning Specialist) at 303-982-8546 or shaun.richey@jeffco.k12.co.us
Prefer your child not be screened? Please respond by filling out the information below by Friday 9/29/2023. You do not need to fill out and return this form if you are OK with your child being screened. If you opt your child out, this will not affect the relationship between the school and you and your child in any way.
Padres/Padres Guardián/Familias,
La comunidad de Everitt Middle School trabaja en conjunto para garantizar altos niveles de aprendizaje para todos. Esto incluye no sólo estar atento al crecimiento académico, sino también reconocer que el crecimiento social y emocional de los estudiantes es de vital importancia. Las investigaciones actuales indican una conexión directa entre el bienestar emocional de los estudiantes y su rendimiento académico. Nos dedicamos a crear apoyo académico y socioemocional vinculado directamente a las necesidades evaluadas de nuestros estudiantes. Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de evaluar sistemáticamente las habilidades sociales y emocionales de todos nuestros estudiantes. Usaremos las escalas de monitoreo de progreso/detección de la edición de aprendizaje socioemocional del Social Skills Improvement System™ (SSIS SEL). para evaluar las competencias socioemocionales de los estudiantes.
Información SSIS-SEL: Las escalas de detección/monitoreo de progreso de la edición SSIS-SEL son una herramienta basada en fortalezas para evaluar y monitorear el progreso de la competencia social y emocional. Se pedirá a los profesores que califiquen a cada estudiante de su clase en las seis áreas siguientes: autoconciencia, autogestión, conciencia social, habilidades para relacionarse, toma de decisiones responsable y motivación para aprender.
¿Cómo se utilizarán los datos? La información de evaluación y puntuación permanecerá en Everitt y toda la información se mantendrá confidencial. La información adquirida a través del evaluador guiará nuestro desarrollo de intervenciones socioemocionales individuales, en grupos pequeños y en toda la escuela. Se le notificará si su hijo es invitado a unirse a un grupo pequeño o a una intervención individual.
¿Necesitas más información? Estaremos encantados de proporcionarle una copia de la evaluación. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, puede comunicarse con:
Shaun Richey (especialista en aprendizaje socioemocional) al 303-982-1530 o shaun.richey@jeffco.k12.co.us
¿Prefiere que su hijo no sea examinado? Responda completando la información a continuación antes del viernes 29/09/2023. No es necesario que complete y devuelva este formulario si está de acuerdo con que su hijo sea evaluado. Si opta por no incluir a su hijo, esto no afectará la relación entre la escuela y usted y su hijo de ninguna manera.
Everitt Custom Apparel
Take a look at the Everitt Spirit Store for exciting new items to show your school spirit! Most items will be delivered to your home within 5 business days. Just use this link to start shopping and show your school pride:
Thursday Late Starts
Register Today! Summit Jeffco for Families!
We are excited to invite you to our first-ever Summit Jeffco event! Designed to bring families together with district and school staff and other experts, families will learn new ways to support their student’s educational journey. Join us on Saturday, September 23, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Green Mountain High School in Lakewood.
To get a sneak peek of what Summit Jeffco has in store for you, watch this video in English | Spanish and visit our Summit Jeffco webpage. There, you'll find details about our keynote speaker, Dr. Jessica Hawks, Clinical Director of the Pediatric Mental Health Institute at Children's Hospital Colorado. Dr. Hawks will discuss the current youth mental health crisis and equip families with strategies to support your student’s social and emotional well-being so they can thrive.
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
Thursday, September 21 Community Movie Night hosted by the Everitt PTA
What could be better than an outdoor movie under the stars with family and friends? Especially when there's no school the next day! We’ll have hotdogs and popcorn for all! Bring your own blanket, plus any other snacks/drinks you'd like. Come at 6:00pm to picnic; the movie starts at dusk around 7:00pm. Families are welcome!
Elementary School outreach:
We’d love your help in connecting with our elementary feeder schools so that they can learn more about Everitt. Sign up to attend an elementary school PTA meeting this fall or spring by emailing everittPTA@gmail.com, and we'll enter you in a raffle to win a $25 Starbucks gift card. We have already attended meetings at Stober, Stevens, Prospect Valley, and Peak this month, we’d love to have you assist with these important connection points!
Join (or renew) your PTA membership TODAY!
Fill out the form HERE , and payment instructions are provided once the form is submitted. If you need assistance with dues, please email us at EverittPTA@gmail.com. Dues should never be a barrier to membership in the Everitt PTA Community.
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
We'd love your ideas on more ways to bring the Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com or to me directly at dan.b.weinstein@gmail.com or 720-291-1435.
Thank you,
Dan Weinstein (PTA President)
Everitt Clubs!
Some of these clubs may change due to student interest and students are always welcome to start a club by asking a staff member to be their sponsor. We are always also looking for parents/guardians who are willing to support a club. Please reach out to Amanda Pouliot if you're interested in leading the following clubs.
Clubs looking for sponsors:
Spanish Club
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
Tri-M (Music Honor Society - Letendre - Orchestra Room)
Jazz Band (Reardon - Band Room)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
GSA (Burt)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large Gym)
Theatre Guild (Pouliot/Adducci/Powers - Powers' room)
Fiber Arts (Knitting, Crocheting, etc. - Gallagher - Gallagher's room)
Book Club (Widtfeldt/Gordon - Widtfeldt's room)
Mixed Martial Arts/Taekwondo
Junior Optimists Club
Sammy's Buddy Program - (Choi/SBP - Choi's room)
Builder's Club (Maikranz/Kiwanis - Meet in the lobby)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Cheerleading (Pineda - Meet in the choir room)
Dungeons and Dragons (Decker/Newell - Newell's room) **NOTE DAY CHANGE**
Fiber Arts (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large gym)
Chess Club (Yankoviak - Yankoviak's room)
Theatre Guild (Pouliot/Powers/Adducci - Powers' room)
Book Club (Herr - Conference Room)
Mountain Biking Club (Miller/Mallory/Braun - Meet at the flag pole)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small gym)
Yoga (Piane - Meet in lobby)
Cosmetology Club (Martin - Meet in the lobby)
Students are welcome to join clubs that are already in session.
Gold Crown Girls Flag Football
Gold Crown Foundation is offering a 3-week Clinic Series for 6th-8th grade girls. Below is a flyer that outlines the Clinic Series, and a link to the website. The goal is to offer a full blown league Spring 2024 with actual feeder teams participating. Please keep in mind Gold Crown offers Scholarship Assistance to anyone in need so everyone can participate. Thanks for your support!
Webpage: https://www.goldcrownfoundation.com/events/girls-flag-football/
Jeff Petty
Director of Sports Operations
303-233-6776 Ext. 235
All American Wrestling Academy
I am reaching out as I coach for our local youth wrestling club, All American Wrestling Academy, practicing out of Wheat Ridge High School. We are getting ready to start several different fall sessions and would love to have some your students participate. We have had several students from your school on the team in previous years and they did so well!
Youth wrestling is such a positive outlet for kiddos, and provides a great opportunity for physical fitness, mental strength, confidence, and social development.
Thank you so much,
Coach Zoe
Everitt Students are the BEST!
Jeremiah G. - Jeremiah worked really had to preform well on his first science test! You made me very proud.
Hailey K. - I taught the SEL lesson in Hailey's LAB class today. She was willing to share her thoughts and had great insights into the quotes we were exploring. She demonstrated leadership in the class and it was awesome to hear her ideas in such a brave and vulnerable way!
Autumn L. - Autumn takes pride in the Everitt community as demonstrated by her wiliness to help clean the lunch room.
Brandon W. - Brandon took ownership of a big spill in the cafeteria during lunch and cleaned it up swiftly and thoroughly.
Wisdom D. - Wisdom is always on top of things, asks great questions, and works hard to do well.
Ali M. - Ali is a wonderful writer and expresses herself with interesting vocabulary and ideas.
Cayden R. - Cayden reads well, and is usually one of the first students to offer an answer during discussions and group work.
Cassidy V. - Cassidy is very creative and looks at things with a unique perspective, which I love!
Aidan K. - Aidan works hard and stays focused, leading by example.
Anthony F. - Anthony has been working to get make-up assignments submitted to help his overall grade in class.
Kaliyha H. - Yesterday in class, we were working on a mapping assignment. Kaliyha kept saying that she wasn't good at maps but still kept trying. Even when she got frustrated or stuck, she kept persevering and worked to complete the map!
Phebie T. - Phebie can get overwhelmed in 5th period because of the noise and distractions and took steps to set herself up for success. She spoke with Ms. Aronson and Ms. DiGi to work out a system so that she can be successful! It can be hard to ask for help, and I am very proud of her bravery in advocating for herself. Phebie leads with a positive example this year and tries everything that is asked of her. While in PE, she has been a positive role model for her fellow classmates by following directions as well as participating well in all sports that we are doing.
Cody C. - Cody had an amazing day in Yearbook! He brainstormed with Ms. DiGi about his upcoming interview for the student newsletter and volunteered to be on ETV when the original person was unable to record! Great job Cody!
Elijah F. - Elijah continually exceeds standards in PE by including others and leading by a positive example. He helps others in our class and offers to help me with extra activities throughout the day. He lifts people up with his positive attitude.
Erick A. - Erick always includes others in class and offers to be on teams with different people throughout our time in class. He helps others succeed and is positive whether his team or group wins or loses.
Wisdom D. - Wisdom leads by example in our class and always does the right thing. When others are off task or not listening, Wisdom is always positive and listening to anything that is asked of her and her teammates. She is a great example for our whole class on a daily basis!
Serenity S. - Serenity always leads by example, and follows directions. She is a positive example by listening intently and being a role model for others in our class. She includes others, and always advocates for herself when it is necessary.
Liyahna L. - Liyahna has found a new motivation in our PE class and isn't afraid to try new things. She includes others in all activities that we are doing and does so with a smile on her face. Liyahna is much more positive about PE this year and enjoys playing with and against her friends while in class.
Amare P. - Amare always comes into PE with a positive attitude everyday. He tries everything that is asked of him and includes others while we are playing. Although he may not be the best at everything we are doing, he always has a positive attitude and enjoys everything that we do. He is great to have in class!
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580