Cyclone STORM Watch 2023-2024
Vol XI, February 23, 2024
Centennial Middle STEM Magnet School Mission and Vision Statement
Mission: At Centennial Middle STEM Magnet School our staff, parents and community are committed to providing a quality STEM education for all students to become lifelong-innovative learners and responsible community stake holders.
Vision: Expect Excellence through STEM Education for all students.
School Hours
8:30 - 2:50
To ensure the safety of all students:
Students should not be on campus until 8:10 A.M.
Upon arrival at school, students who are not in homeroom at the tardy bell (8:30 AM) MUST go to the office and get a tardy slip to be admitted to class.
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The next parent night will be April 8th from 4pm - 7pm
The sign up will be available here starting March 8th
Principal's Message
Please remind your child to keep focused on their school work to finish the quarter strong. We also need all students to be reading nightly and logging their minutes in Beanstack.
If your child has a Math Dreambox Account please have them log in a minimum of 3 nights a week to work on these math skills, it will greatly help them with their math achievement.
If you have questions about any of your child's grades please make sure to reach out to their teacher through myStudent.
Please remind your students about the WCD policy and only using them during lunch, we have seen an increase in them being out and want to ensure that all students are complying with the policy.
I just wanted to remind everyone that ALL visitors to the school have to buzz in through the front office, and you will need to make sure to sign in with office staff.
Parents when you are in the car loop, we ask that you please refrain from using your cell phone while in line for the safety of everyone. Also, please make sure to pull all the way forward in both the morning and afternoon.
Please remind your student(s) that we want to start the day with an academic focus (our STORM Centers) and when students get here in the mornings they need to get breakfast and then head to their STORM Centers for the remainder of that time.
I want to encourage you to make sure that you are all set with being signed up for myStudent, including the myStudent app on both the Apple and Google Play store. This will be your one-stop shop for checking your child's grades, attendance, behavior, testing, and communication with school staff! If you have any questions about signing up please call the office at 813-794-9700.
Below are some important reminders:
1) When you drop your child off in the morning, please do not let them out of your vehicle until 8:10am, this helps ensure that we have a safe and efficient arrival for all students.
2) Arrival and Dismissal via car loop
- Please only use the car loop (do not park and have your child walk across the car line)
- Please make sure to pull all the way forward to help ensure a safe and efficient car loop for our students.
- Please make sure to stay alert while in the car loop and around the school as you are driving.
3) Make sure to check out our website: https://cenms.pasco.k12.fl.us/
There is a great deal of information for you for now and throughout the year.
- Wireless Communication Device Policy
- Dress Code
- Bell Schedules
- Email Contacts for teachers and staff
- Athletic Information
- Calendar
4) Please make sure you are monitoring your child's grades in myStudent.
5) myStudent is now your one stop shop for communication, grades, and attendance. There are directions below to download the app to your smartphone.
6) It is also important that you please keep your cell phone numbers and email addresses current here, if you have a change please make sure to make the change in myStudent.
7) Office Hours: 7:30am to 3:30pm (if you arrive to pick up your child after 3:15pm you will need to come in the office to sign them out)
8) School Times: 8:30am to 2:50pm
9) If you are picking up an athlete after practice please make sure to leave the car loop open and park in the parking lot.
Thank you all for your cooperation in making the remainder of the school year the best it can be.
Dr. Saylor
Make sure to remind your students to log their Reading Minutes in Beanstack!
Please come support your Cyclone's at Soccer or Basketball.
The track schedule will be posted soon.
8th Grade Parents - Less than 10 spots remain for gradventure.
Grab your students spot before they are gone!
Please remind your students of the behavior and academic expectations for gradventure eligibility.
Yearbook Information
County News
The February 2024 Pasco Post is available now! It’s full of timely news, information, and updates for Pasco County Schools.
The latest edition includes a message from the Superintendent, information about our upcoming College and Career Fair, Florida Prepaid College Savings Plan information, and other district news.
The Pasco Post is our response to the clear input we received from parents that they wanted to know more about what's going on in our school district. Please take a few minutes to read through this edition and let us know what you think. To learn more about our Community Engagement efforts, please contact us at engagement@pasco.k12.fl.us.
We value your time, input, and perspective, and look forward to partnering with you to ensure we provide a “World Class Education” to each of our students.
Read the February 2024 Pasco Post.
Thank you.
Discount Cards are Back
They are for sale for $10 each at the school or online. You can send in a check or pay online through Rycor. Rycor is on your students desk top of their my Pasco Connect or you can click the link - https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
Important Contact Information
Transportation Call Center: 813-320-2562 or email Transportation
Enrolling a new or returning student: 813-320-6680 or email Enrollment Services
myStudent Parent Portal Assistance: 813-320-8817
Other technical assistance: 813-794-2859
Or submit your question to Lets Talk at https://pasco.k12.fl.us/contact_us
Click the image below to sign up for the virtual sessions
Delta Academy
Tardy Table
To alleviate the lost instructional time due to excessive tardies to classes, we have enacted a tiered progression of consequences for students who are tardy to class.
If a student is tardy to homeroom or any class after that, as an initial arrival at school for the day, they MUST enter the office and obtain a tardy pass.
After the initial arrival at school, if a student is tardy to any class they must go to the tardy table to get a tardy pass. The progressive discipline schedule for tardies to class after initial arrival are:
- Warning
2nd warning
1 Day Lunch Detention (parent communication)
2 Days of Lunch Detention (parent communication)
1 day of After-School Detention (parent communication)
2 days of After-School Detention (parent communication)
1 day of ISS (parent communication)
2 day of ISS (parent communication)
Parent contacts will be made either through email, text, or phone call.
Please discuss the importance of getting to class on time with your student. Together we can make a difference in students education!!
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Team Building Activities - AVID STUDENT AUTOPSY
Middle School Requirements
To advance to high school, All students in Middle School MUST have:
3 passed credits in Social Studies (US History, Civics, and World History)
3 passed credits in Science
3 passed credits in MATH
3 passed credits in ELA
If you need to log in to an already created Parent Portal account click the link below:
Creating a Parent Account, adding a student, or change your password
1. Navigate to the Pasco County Schools Website (click the link below)
2. Follow the prompts on the screen to create an account, add a student, or change your password.
Please have the following available when registering:
- Parent PIN #
- Student ID
- Students' Birth date
You must have a 2.0 GPA from Semester 1 to be eligible for athletics. All your required athletics paperwork MUST be uploaded on AthleticClearance.com.
CENMS PBIS Store Wishlist
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
To continue directly to our online free and reduced-price meal application, click the link below or continuing reading for more information and frequently asked questions about Free and Reduced Price Meal eligibility.
To learn about quality, affordable health and dental insurance for kids, check out Florida KidCare.
The District School Board of Pasco County participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Through these programs we offer free and reduced-price meals to students from families who meet certain eligibility requirements as determined by the United States Department of Agriculture. Each new school year all students must be requalified for participation in the program. Students are qualified for free or reduced-price meals through three (3) different methods. The first method is through direct certification; the second is through categorical eligibility; and the third is through the free and reduced-price meal application process.
Business Sponsorships
If you have a business and would like advertise your business and help support CENMS, please reach out to our Parent Engagement Coordinator, Mrs. Pearce, at kpearce@pasco.k12.fl.us or the Principal Secretary, Dianna Huffstutler, at dhuffstu@pasco.k12.fl.us to learn about purchasing a banner for your business and other ways that you can help support CENMS.
Parent Bill of Rights Section in myStudent
Pasco Parent Press
Bell Schedules revised 9/11/2023
Wireless Communication Device Policy
Dress Code
Centennial Middle STEM Magnet School
Website: https://cenms.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 38505 Centennial Road, Dade City, FL, USA
Phone: (813) 794-9700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CENMS
Twitter: @CENMS