15th September 2021
Tēnā tātou katoa
This is a reminder of the guidelines at Alert Level 2. It is important we follow the advice given by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.
We want to thank our parent community for the understanding they have shown so far and this is a reminder for us while we are still in Alert Level 2. We are hopefully nearly there and we ask that we continue to do our part to keep our whole community safe.
General Health Advice:
Stay home if you’re sick
If your child is sick, they must stay at home.
If you or your child has symptoms of COVID-19, call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 24 hours a day for advice.
See information about the common COVID-19 symptoms and who to contact to talk about whether you need a test.
Use basic hygiene
Basic hygiene measures include good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, avoid touching your face, and clean surfaces.
Drinking at school: our water fountains are closed. Every child needs to bring a named drink bottle.
Food: Everyone needs to bring their own lunch. No shared lunches.
Wear a mask
If you are required to enter a school building please wear a mask.
When entering our school grounds we appreciate the wearing of a mask and social distancing as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
Face masks are not required to be worn by children but this is a decision for you and your whānau.
Record your movements
Avoid coming on-site unless necessary.
We encourage communication with the school office to be done by phone or email.
Should you need to enter the school office, please sign in using the COVID tracer app or register, sanitize, and stand 2 mtrs back from the front desk.
To record your movements, scan the QR codes wherever you go and turn on Bluetooth tracing in the app.
If you have entered the classroom you must sign the paper register as well as QR scanning.
Physical distancing
To avoid infection, follow physical social distancing guidelines – by keeping your distance when outside your home
At Alert Levels 2, keep 2 meters distance.
Arrival and departure at school:
If you are a parent of a child in the Junior School and need to take your child to the classroom, please wear a mask, scan your COVID tracer app, and do not enter the classroom. Stand at a distance from other adults and children. The teacher will be there to greet your child.
If your child should arrive late please ensure they sign in at the school office as per our normal protocols.
At the end of the school day, ALL students will exit and go to where they need to. Please don't congregate in the school or at the gate as this is a risk for students who are not your children.
Children must go straight home after school, we are unable to let groups of people congregate around the playground.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s kaiako or me if there is something you need assistance with.
St Mary's Staff
Ngā mihi
Contact Us
Email: office@stmarystga.school.nz
Website: https://www.stmarystga.school.nz/
Location: 11 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 578 8066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmarystga/