Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School
August 2023
Mark your calendar!
- August 17 - Back to School Night, 5:30-6:30
- August 20 - Title 1 Pool Party, 2-4 PM at Mound City Municipal Pool
- August 21 - First day of school; early dismissal at 12:30
- August 22 - Early dismissal at 12:30
- August 25 - Picture Day
- August 31 - Fundraising U Kickoff
- September 4 - No school; Labor Day
- September 15 - PAT Play Group on the playground, 3:10 PM
- September 20 - Fundraising U Turn-in Day
- September 25 - No School; in-service day
- September 29 - Homecoming
Event Details
Back to School Night
Bring in your supplies and meet your teacher! Middle school students can set up their lockers, too!
Enrollment is ONLINE this year. Staff members will be available to assist you with online enrollment in the library. Library computers will be available for parents to use to complete online enrollment at the school if they wish.
Thursday, Aug 17, 2023, 05:30 PM
Mound City R2, Nebraska Street, Mound City, MO, USA
- Students may be dropped off between 7:40-7:59. Breakfast will be served at 7:40 AM. Classes begin promptly at 8:00 AM. Please do not drop off your child before 7:40 AM as there will not be staff available to supervise students.
- Do not linger in the halls after dropping off your child. Classes will begin promptly at 8:00 AM. See the Counselor's Corner section below for drop-off tips!
- Park in the school parking lots and walk to the front lawn to pick-up your child. Avoid parking on the street to increase student safety during dismissal.
- Read the student handbooks!
- Connect with your child's Class Dojo account.
- Send a water bottle to school with your child.
- 2023 MAP scores will be distributed to parents/guardians during P/T conferences in October.
Character Trait of the Month
Taking ownership of your thoughts, words, and actions.
A few examples of how to demonstrate responsibility:
- Listen to and follow directions.
- Take care of your own belongings.
- Pick up after yourself.
- Be prepared with all your materials.
- Complete assignments and tasks on time.
- Be ready to give your best effort when class starts.
- Daily hygiene practices.
Responsibility is worth THREE PBS points during the month of August.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome Back!
My name is Mrs. Graves and I am the K-6 guidance counselor at Mound City R2. I hope you and your family had a fun and relaxing summer vacation. It is my hope that this school year will be full of successful experiences for all students. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child. Since my schedule varies, email is the best way to get ahold of me. (beth.graves@mndcty.org)
Back-to-School Tips for Parents
- Start bedtime routines early
- Prepare easy lunchboxes (the night before) that your child can open independently.
- Talk about expectations – morning routines, school day, after school
- Pick out clothes the night before
- Connect with a friend before the first day of school
- Make sure to have a healthy breakfast
- Make it fun to organize new school supplies
- Have your child make or draw something for their new teacher
- Attend Back-to-School Night to meet the teacher before the first day of school
- Plan extra time in the morning. Being late causes everyone stress.
Is drop-off a struggle? Try these strategies:
- Make the goodbye prompt and positive.
- Establish a goodbye routine-give your child a kiss to “hold” in their hand, sing a special “see you later” song, or give an extra big bear hug. Never sneak out on your child.
- Trust your child’s teacher!
- Be calm and reassuring. Use a calm voice and acknowledge your child’s feelings. Let them know that you wouldn’t leave them if the child were not safe and protected. Reassure them that you love them, you will think of them during the day, and that you will be back.
- Ask for help. Teachers are trained to properly care for your child and want to start building relationships with their students on the first day.
- Please, do not linger. This is much harder on your child. Typically, if a child is crying, it only lasts a couple minutes before they calm and join in class activities. Ask your child’s teacher to let you know how things go.
- Stay calm and be enthusiastic. Your child will know your feelings by the sound of your voice, so smile, laugh, encourage them to have a great day, and go over the after-school plan.
Title Talk
K-4 students will start DIBELS testing in August. DIBELS testing helps us monitor phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. Students who meet their benchmark goals are tested three times per year. Students that are working toward benchmark goals are progress monitored every two weeks. Dyslexia screenings will also begin in August. You will receive information from the school if there are areas of concern as well as benchmark goals.
K-4 students will begin mCLASS testing in August. mCLASS helps us monitor counting, number identification, number sequencing, quantity discrimination (bigger/smaller), math facts, and other early math skills. You will receive information from the school if there are areas of concern as well as benchmark goals.
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math