The Olive Branch 9.10.21
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
What a short week, we can't believe it is the weekend again! Please mark your calendars that there is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, September 16th.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lunch Hour Recess Update
If your child eats lunch first, you can sign them out at 12:10 and sign them back in at 12:40 pm.
If your child has recess first, you can sign them out at 12:40 and sign them back in at 1:10 pm.
Please note that our PM kindergarten families are dropping off their children between 12:40 and 12:50, our parking lot will be busy. Please do not double park.
Science Club is Back!
Music For Youth
Are You Interested in Having your Child Learn to Play the Violin or Cello?
Music for Youth is a parent-paid program, partially subsidized by District 25, that provides string instruction at your school. To learn about our program, please attend our parent information session on Thursday, September 23 at 7:00 pm at Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School. You will hear a short musical presentation by some of our students, learn about our program, and meet our teachers. Registration materials will be available.
- A full-time teaching assistant
- Recess supervisor
- Crossing guards
- Food service personnel
Please visit our district website or contact Ms. Davis ( for more information about these employment opportunities!
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive