Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 11 - May 28 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
Celebrating Week 4
Panitahi Visit to Inglewood Fire Station
Our Panitahi team had a great trip to the Inglewood fire station today. Look out - there’s some future firefighters in our team! We had so much fun looking through the fire truck trying on some of the gear, practicing our ‘get down, get low, get out’ and having a go with the fire hose to put out the fire!
A massive thank you to the Inglewood Fire Station for having us visit, and another massive thank you to our parents and whànau for offering their time to come with us and make these experiences possible for our tamariki.
Reviewed Positive Behaviour System
Later toward the end of 2020 and moving into 2021, we reviewed our school processes around Positive Behaviour for Learning which included our school processes around major and repetitive behaviours. The following are our procedures are in place:
Response to Major Behaviours
- try to understand all facts as presented
- teach the behaviour we would like to see more of
- have consideration for these behaviours with age and stage
- Children with Minor or Majors over a week, attend Reflection during Mana Moa time on a Friday - held by Senior Leadership
- Time in another place
- contact parents
- set up social coaching / mentoring
- separate areas of the playground are defined
- check in check out system
- in school adapted programme - conditions as determined by Senior Leadership
- Possible check in check out system. Check in check out system can be used after an in school suspension to monitor behaviour- child reports at the end of each block on achieving appropriate behaviour
- We have conversations with all parties (restorative meeting, repairing the harm where possible)
- ongoing communication with parents if required
- utilise Police Education Officer, youth programmes, Life Education lessons
- action Pastoral Care Worker
- involve outside agencies for further support services
- We can also apply the following:
- stand down MoE information to parents
- Suspension - (see above)
Also in response to listening to the student voice within our school, our REACH reps have identified that the big behavioural issues they would like to see reduced within IPS are 'play fighting' and 'swearing'. In accordance with the voice of our students, we are advising all children; we do NOT have 'play fighting' at IPS. There have to be rules to a game, which are agreed upon by all players.
Children who chose to use inappropriate language, will be directed to attend "Potty Mouth Club" which will be supervised by Staff each day at a break time. Foul Mouths = Fouled out of playground.
We admire the views of the REACH Reps who stand as advocates for the children within IPS and support their request for these actions to be put in place. Please go over these with your children at home also, we really appreciate your support.
Super stars: Malia, MacKenzie, Lara
Over that past few weeks, within Puke Haupapa, children have been designing opportunities to improve our environment here at IPS.
Here is one of the proposals, which has been approved for implementation.
Letter to Mrs Patterson
Dear Mrs Patterson,
Our group had an idea of transforming the plain concrete out the front of Moa ItI Smith and Miss Smith classroom to a fun learning space!. For us to be able to do this transformation we have to get permission from you!
On our Vision slide we have a diagram of what our design is, It includes pictures and the description of the designs.
Why do we want to do this?
So the kids can play on it and will make around the front bright and COLOURFUL to have fun. It has fun letters, colours, numbers and a cool game to play. That they can play with friends and yourself. Most of all have fun!
We have lots of paint at school. We have asked Mr Harland what paint we could use and he said that we could use the paint that we already have. It doesn't matter if it is not concrete paint he said because they both have the same effect. So luckily for us there is no cost.
The Reason we have decided to do a number hopscotch is because when they play hopscotch they can Learn the numbers at the same time!
Rainbow with Colours
This would be a fun and colourful way to learn the Maori and English colours.
Alphabet Jump
This is a fun game to play with friends or your class someone calls out a question like- Find the first letter of your name or the last letter of your favourite food
Waiongana iti Sports at Waitara East
The children were outstanding and the hosts look after everyone exceptionally well - thank you all for supporting.
Netball 22-2 to Waitara,
Football/ Soccer a draw 3-3
and Rugby 69-37 to us
Ngatai, Dylan and Sophia were players of the day.
Whanau Hui
Term 2 important Reporting Dates
On Thursday 1 July we would appreciate those of you who can to have your children picked up at 1200 noon, so teachers can be released for interviews. For those parents who cannot arrange this, we have the capacity to have some children supervised until 3pm. Please let the office.
Please see below for booking your interview times.
Wednesday, 30 June 3:15 PM to 5:30 PM Thursday, 1 July 12:30 PM to 5:15 PM
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Each interview is 15 minutes long. Please ensure you arrive on time to each interview.
Booking your interviews
The booking website will open Monday, 17 May at 10:25 AM, and will close Wednesday, 30 June at 10:00 AM.
- Go to, enter the event code ZUB3ES7Y and click Go.
- Enter your name, email address and the names of the students you wish to make bookings for.
- Select the teachers you'd like to book by ticking the checkbox beside their name, and then click the Book Interviews button at the bottom of the page.
- Using the timetable, click the Book button beside the time slot you'd like to book for the teacher. You'll be asked to confirm your booking.
- Continue until you've booked all teachers.
Once you're finished, you can view your timetable by clicking My Interviews at the top of the page. You can also print a PDF timetable to take to your interviews.
Before your interviews, you'll receive an email reminder containing your timetable. If you need to cancel any interviews, you can do so by following the link in the email you received when you first signed up.
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 390 Students
Students of the Week - Term 2 Week 4
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Jackson Baker
For growing independence in his learning and for showing amazing REACH values inside and outside the classroom.
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
Ivan-Ray O'Carroll-Makiri
For bringing a bubbly, positive attitude to school everyday. Working hard in all areas, showing kindness and being a fabulous REACH role model!
Ka mau te wehi!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
Adam Maul
For always applying himself to make the most of his learning opportunities and actively participating in Genius Hour.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
Brock Murphy-McKee
For consistently demonstrating our REACH values to a high standard. Brock is always giving 100% effort and striving to be the best person he can be, representing IPS with Pride.
FREE Parent Webinar – Offered by the 'Raising Achievement' Team. "Support your children to success."
Our next Free Parent Webinar will be held on Monday 14 June at 7.30pm .
Parents are saying they are getting a great deal of understanding from the course content below. The
parent webinar topic is - “Understanding children’s learning differences, setting up for success and
supporting children with home learning.”
Understanding your child as a learner
Understanding learning difficulties
Specialist referrals
Supporting at risk learners
Literacy and supporting children with home learning
- Tutor reading
- Basic spelling activities.
Next steps for those who want more
To ensure we keep track of numbers people can register by emailing their name and email address
to A link to attend the webinar is sent out once registrations
are received.
Term 2 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 28 May
Year 5 & 6 Interschool - Away at Waitara East
Monday 7 June
Queens Birthday - School Closed
Tuesday 8 June
Kahui Ako - 7's Football Tournament Year 5-8
Thursday 10 June
Kahui Ako Rippa Rugby Tournament - Year 5 -8
Friday 11 June
Year 5 & 6 Interschool - Home with St Pius School
Friday 18 June
Year 5 & 6 Interschool - Home with Mangorei School
Tuesday 22 June
Year 5 & 6 Interschool - Away at St John Bosco
Thursday 24 June
Year 8 Open Day at Inglewood High School
Friday 25 June
Mid Year Reports Home
Wednesday 30 June
Interviews 3:15 - 5:15 pm
Thursday 1 July
Interviews 1230 - 7:45pm
Friday 9 July
Last Day of Term 2
Monday 26 July
First Day of Term 3