SR3 Parent Connection

December 2022
A Note from the Superintendent
The District office and SR3 Board of Education have been a buzz of activity the last few weeks.
Every school in the state of missouri takes part in the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) as part of the accreditation process mandated by state law and by the State Board of Education. Missouri is currently in MSIP6. Developing a Continuous School Improvement Plan is an integral part of this process. This fall parents, staff members, stakeholders, and students came together to take part in discussions about the district and areas of improvement. These discussions molded the official SR3 plan. Our CSIP focuses on three main priorities: Success Ready Students, Recruiting and Retaining High-Quality Staff, and Collaborative Climate and Culture. Over the next few years you will see the district work with the Board of Education to reach the goals outlined in the plan. I appreciate all of the work that went into planning this document and look forward to the fruits of it's labor.
Another exciting project on the horizon is the completion of much needed maintenance projects thanks to the passage of our $0.15 tax levy. The Board, along with our Maintenance Director, has been working with a group called Veregy to identify and prioritise district maintenance needs. While we would love to be able to address every need, that simply isn't a reality at this time. However, we do want to ensure that every campus sees improvements. Thursday evening Veregy presented their final “scope of work” proposal with a contract and a gross MAX price of $4,750,572. You can see the full list of projects here: https://5il.co/1lu8s. I anticipate that we will see some work as soon as the ground begins to thaw.
As we come to the end of our first semester I like to reflect back on the last few months. We've had a wonderful start to our school year and that doesn't happen on accident. It takes dedication from our teachers and support staff, it takes hard work from our students, and it takes the love and support of a family to see true success. Each and every one of you plays a part in raising our next generation and I applaud you for the work you are doing.
Enjoy the upcoming holiday break and may you have a very Merry Christmas.
December Board of Education Meeting Notes
District Maintenance Projects
The Board has been working with Veregy to identify and prioritize the district maintenance needs that can be addressed through the recent $0.15 tax levy. Thursday evening Veregy presented their final “scope of work” proposal with a contract and a gross MAX price of $4,750,572. The board approved the contract and work. See the board agenda or the district website for a full list of projects! https://5il.co/1lu8s
One of our Minnie Cline firsties got a huge birthday surprise today when her Daddy came home early from his 9 month deployment!!!
'Tis the Season for Giving
Thanks to some VERY generous donations from Norris Quarries and Fatboy Hauling, what would have been a $1,500 drainage tube issue at SMS, was fixed by our maintenance crew at no cost to the district!
Snow Routes
Durham Bus Company also recently updated their Alternate Weather Routes (snow routes) this week. Please take the time to review these routes HERE.
If you have any questions about the bus routes please contact Durham Bus Services at 816-324-1400. If you have questions about your child's alternate weather plans please reach out to your building secretary.
Kindness Matters
#ICANHELP delivered a powerful presentation on the importance of digital safety to over 700 students at SHS. The presentation highlighted how students and adults can maintain a positive digital footprint and become “Digital First Responders”: people who are prepared to handle cyberbullying, harassment, and other forms of abuse as soon as they arise.
#ICANHELP is a nonprofit corporation that educates students on the proper use of social media and empowers children, teens, and adults to deal with conflict, negativity, and harassment online.
“We don’t usually think of it, but just like the way negativity can spread, people can be swayed or encouraged when the majority are doing ‘good’ online. Students just need to be shown how to respond to the negativity. We need to empower our future generation to take action against all the issues that are arising with technology,” says Co-Founder Kim Karr. “Through #ICANHELP, students are learning that kindness is saving lives and it doesn’t have to be anything big — a simple smile or a nice Post-it note on a locker might be all it takes.”
Students are the core of the solution to online toxicity, and their help is more crucial than ever in today’s digital world. Co-Founder Kim Karr explains, “#ICANHELP has worked with over four hundred and fifty thousand students to be the digital change they want to see.” The nonprofit’s student-led approach to solving complicated social issues presents students as part of the solution, not the problem. It aims to raise awareness, offer real-world best practices, and celebrate the many examples of students using digital for good.
For more information on #ICANHELP, visit http://www.icanhelp.net. #SavageShoutOut to Kim for her presentation and to our fantastic Student Council for bringing this important assembly to SHS!
Upcoming Events
December 21 - Jan 2 - No School - Winter Break
January 3rd & 4th - No School - Teacher DCI Day
Thursday, Jan. 5th - School Resumes - First day of 2nd Semester
Thursday, Jan. 12th - Regular Board of Education Business meeting. 7pm @ District Office
Check our website for a full academic calendar.
*DCI - District Continuous Improvement formerly professional development
Be sure to watch the School website for more information!
Official communications from the Savannah R3 School District. If you have questions or content ideas please contact communications@savannahr3.com