UUCSJS Midweek Message
February 2, 2022
- COVID Update
- Minister's Midweek Meditation
- Announcements
- Notes From the Board
- Events This Week
- This Sunday
- Call to Action
- Explore Our Monthly Theme
- Connect to Our Faith
The UUCSJS Pandemic Response Team met and has provided the following recommendations:
Small groups will be allowed to meet back in the UU center building starting February 1st, 2022. Team members will be reaching out to groups that normally meet in the first few weeks of the month (Margaret circle, Every Day spirituality, Mens group, buildings and grounds, buddhist Sangha, book club) to make sure everyone follows protocols, including:
-Everyone signs a health pledge on entry (being updated by the team this week)
-Everyone wears a mask and practices social distancing
-No indoor food or drink for now
Sunday AM services will be allowed to meet back in the UU center building starting February 20th.
-health pledge/masks/no indoor food/drink as listed above
-Recommendation to take the podium plexiglass barrier down- pulpit speakers will be allowed to speak from the main podium un-masked (sufficient space between podium and first row of chairs and adequate circulation)
-Prior to that Sunday the pandemic team will be meeting again to make sure that "all systems are a go"
-We will continue to track important data around the pandemic including case load, transmission rates, ICU/hospital bed capacities, state and local guidelines, etc.
-No indoor coffee hour allowed yet; however, Janet Longo is working out a plan to have outdoor coffee hour after services (more details to come from Janet)
- the team continues to support multi-platform worship and meetings
Please email admin@uucsjs.org if you have any questions.
Minister's Midweek Meditation
Rev. DC is on study leave this week but will be back in the office next Wednesday, February 9, 2022.
Rev. DC is available for pastoral care appointment Wednesday through Friday 10am to 3pm. Email minister@uucsjs.org to schedule an appointment.
Need Help?
Team members can provide you with support during/after an illness, a death in the family, or other loss or hardship. They can find you resources, run errands, or provide meals in time of need.
Reach out to:
- Tracey Catino at (609) 674-8721 email: Traceysnaps@msn.com
- Denise O'Meara at (610) 316-7495 email: denome53@gmail.com
- Helen Utts at (609) 338-3391 email: HelenUtts@aol.com
- MaryLou DeMaria-Berhang at (201) 247-5635 email: MLberhang@gmail.com
- Tony Zitelli at (201) 463-2800 email: happy85a@aol.com
Planning a special event? The Communications Team can help. Visit https://uucsjs.breezechms.com/form/42685e for more information.
Listening Session
Meeting on Friday, February 18th at 7:00 pm on ZOOM (www.tinyurl.com/uucsjszoom).
Anyone is welcome to join the ZOOM meeting. Questions: email Barbara Morell
ANXIOUS PEOPLE by Fredrik Backman
The author of this poignant, charming novel has an innate ability to capture the human spirit, get under his characters’ skins and relay his characters thoughts and feelings in a way that makes us feel as if we know them, as if we are friends with them, and at times as if we are them.
Barb Morell will be leading the meeting
AMERICAN DIRT by Jeanine Cummins is March selection.
Welcome back to coffee hour!
Super Bowl Sunday Tamale Benefit
The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened an already dire situation for South Jersey's low-income working families. Even before the pandemic, 17% of residents skipped meals so their children could eat. Subsequently, parts of our area experienced the highest year-on-year unemployment increase in the country - 379%! Meanwhile, our state and national capitals consistently prioritize boosting corporate profits to the detriment of the living wage jobs and basic services that working people throughout our communities need to survive and live decent lives. Join Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) Winter Survival Campaign to help us fight for policies that put the lowest-income workers first!
ESWA is an all-volunteer membership association uniting low-income workers with concerned residents throughout South Jersey. Together, we fight to end our poverty conditions. For more than 44 years, our self-help membership benefit program has provided members emergency food, clothing, preventative medical care, legal advice, non-emergency dental care and more - all without a dime of government funding. These benefits make it possible for the lowest-income workers to participate in organizing for long-term solutions.
Join our annual Super Bowl Sunday Tamale Benefit to support our Winter Survival Campaign as we organize distributions of supplemental food, blankets, heaters, and winter clothing; conduct a Winter Watch to stay in contact with elderly and disabled shut-in members; and fight profiteering policies like state-approved utility rate hikes that take money and lives from our communities.
Donations from UUCSJS are being collected by Colby Tippins. Please place your orders or make a donation HERE.
You can pick up your tamale order at UUCSJS on Feb 13th, 12-2pm (note time change). Call Colby at 609 442 0967 if you wish for other delivery arrangements.
From the Maintenance Department
If anyone has any empty Ice melt shaker containers I could use a few for ice melt storage. They don't have to be clean. When we open up again just bring them with you and put them in the kitchen.
Richard S
Need Help Getting a COVID Test?
From Debbie Costa, FEMA Region 2, Community Preparedness Officer
Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms, or those who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, should get tested to reduce the spread of the virus. New Jerseyans can get tested by:
- Ordering a free at-home saliva test, shipped directly to your home at no cost
- Ordering four free at-home COVID-19 tests from COVIDtests.gov
- Visiting a free public testing location in your county
- Using the COVID-19 Test Site Finder to find a test nearby
A free federal testing site is now open at 421 Chris Gaupp Drive in Galloway. Please click on the image below for more information about this site.
Notes From the Board
Several important things have occurred at UUCSJS since my last message. They include:
My neighbor, Peg Gillies is recovering at home from scheduled heart surgery (a valve replacement). She reports that she is comfortable. We don’t know how much this surgery will improve her energy level, but it should.
Highway Communication
Every member has received an invitation to a congregational meeting on Sunday February 27th in the sanctuary after the service. Members will consider a proposal to change the highway signage as the post-service caucuses discussed in April.
Changes in Ministry and the Path Forward
As you know, the Rev. DC Fortune will leave our congregation on June 30th. The Board held a special meeting to consider ways to manage worship next year. Although settled, interim, and contract ministry are all possible, the board favors operation as a lay-led congregation. The UUA Transitions Office, by the way, endorses that choice.
If you favor another model of leadership, let me know.
Operating with lay leadership requires a worship coordinator. We expect to hire one. Let me know if you are interested in the position.
Tax Deductions for your Pledge
Tax law makes it harder to itemize deductions than it used to be. If you are over 71 and have an IRA or 401k plan, you can deduct the full amount of your pledge by paying it directly from that plan to UUCSJS as a “Qualified Charitable Distribution.” The standard tax deduction would then benefit you more. I, for example, am able to contribute about 15% more to the church with no cost to me because I use this approach.
Kit Marlowe
UUCSJS Board President
Events This Week
CLICK HERE to reserve the Zoom Room or to add your event to the calendar.
Margaret Circle
Margaret Circle will meet on Thursday, Feb. 3, at 1:00, ON ZOOM.
The topic will be the “The Prophet”, by Khalil Gibran, led by Betsy Searight.
Many of us acquired this small book in our younger years, and often heard it recited at weddings. It sits on our bookshelves, and there is little buzz about it. We will explore our favorite bits of its beauty and wisdom, learn more about Khalil Gibran, and the quiet phenomenon of his opus.
All are invited to join our Zoom Meeting. We encourage you to find and reread the book and be ready to share some of what you have found especially meaningful.
This Sunday
From Fear to Faith
Guest speaker Charles Loflin
Fear, like all human emotions, serves an important purpose. Healthy fear alerts us to danger and prepares us to deal with it. Unhealthy fear, on the other hand, can paralyze and prevent us from fully living into our values. What are the strategies that can help shift us from fear to faith?
(Meeting ID: 224 677 6604, passcode 306591)
To Join ZOOM Meeting BY PHONE (you do NOT need to have a Zoom account or app):
1-929-436-2866 and wait for the prompt. Then dial 224-677-6604#
When prompted, enter passcode 306591
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday service will be livestreamed on Zoom only. There is no in person gathering.
Last Sunday
Call To Action
We Need You!
Explore Our Monthly Theme
The lovingkindness meditation is one of the core practices of Buddhism. By engaging your compassion for ever-widening circles of people, it transforms not only your relationship to others but also your sense of self.
Why not give it a try? It works best if you do it at least a few days in a row. You also may want to consider journaling after you do the meditation, capturing the thoughts, challenges, and insights that it stirred in you.
Here’s a video that guides you through the process
If you prefer, here’s written guidance instead
And here are a few articles on the benefits it offers:
● Why Your Brain Loves Kindness
● Why Loving Kindness Takes Time
● 6 Amazing Benefits of Loving Kindness Meditation Backed by Science
(From Soul Matters February Small Group Packet)
Books to Read on this Month's Theme
There's a Revolution Outside, My Love: Letters from a Crisis
40 writers widening our understanding of the moment we’re living through.
And check out this Interview with editor
The Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison
Read the review
The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone And How We Can Prosper Together by Heather Mcghee
Connect to Our Larger Faith
Click on the images for more information.
- What's new on Faithify.org
- COVID-19 updates from the UUA
- A peek into this year's General Assembly
- Registering for A Second Slice of Pi: An Online Conference for Smaller Congregations
- Plans for the UU Institute expansion
- CERSI is back!
- How the Article II Study Commission needs your help
- The Better Together Blog
- See the full calendar of CER events
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Email: admin@uucsjs.org
Website: www.uucsjs.org
Location: 75 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor City, NJ, USA
Phone: (609) 965-9400
Facebook: facebook.com/uucsjs
Twitter: @UUCSJS