Principal's Welcome
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do". Pele
Personal Vision Statement
Personal Mission Statement
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Educational Leadership Program
Masters of Science in Education & Bachelors of Science Degree
Associates in Arts and Sciences
Background and Philosophy of Education
As a native of Red Oak, Virginia I am honored to serve my community as the Principal of Randolph-Henry High School. I obtained a Master's of Science Degree from Old Dominion University with a concentration in Pre K-6 Education. I knew at an early age that I would spend my career in education, serving students. In Mecklenburg County I taught Life Science, Physical Science, Reading, and Enrichment for three years. Additionally, I taught Earth Science, Principles of Science, and Enrichment for Lynchburg City Schools for five years. My last three years of teaching were at Randolph-Henry High School where I taught Earth Science, Ecology, and Astronomy in grades nine through twelve. After eleven years of teaching, I decided to enter the realm of school administration. I completed my Educational Leadership Program through Longwood University and served as the Assistant Principal and Secondary Special Education Coordinator for two years prior to accepting the position as Principal of Randolph-Henry. I am proud to be a product of this community and I feel passionate about serving the students and families of Charlotte County Public Schools. As a mother, I understand that when parents place their children on the bus each day they are sharing with us their most precious gifts. Parents are entrusting us to care for their children, by keeping them safe, healthy, and helping them grow. I accept this challenge, and take a child centered approach to every decision that I make.
My philosophy of education is that school is more than a place where learning happens. Schools of today serve the whole child meeting instructional needs yet reaching beyond to do so much more. An effective school provides a high quality learning environment that prepares students to be productive citizens. In doing so, staff members instill character traits, good manners, knowledge of health and self-care practices, and those essential "life skills" that we all employ as adults. We hold our students to high expectations because the world will do the same. Our students are expected to come to school on time each day because an employer will expect that of them. We model good citizenship and a care for others because those are the types of citizens that we want to send out into the world. Albert Einstein once wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Our jobs are not to challenge children to do things that they cannot do, but to help them create attainable goals for their lives. Success looks different for everyone, but everyone can be successful with the proper supports. A school that recognizes the unique talents of students and helps move them to the next level is in fact successful.
Erin L. Davis
Email: davisel@ccps.k12.va.us
Website: https://rhhs.ccpsk12.org/
Location: 755 David Bruce Avenue, Charlotte Court House, VA, USA
Phone: (434) 542-4111
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccpsk12