M 'n M
September 3, 2021
From the Desk of Mrs. Boytim, SMS Principal
SMS Families,
We hope all enjoy the extended weekend. Please be safe and we will see staff and students on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.
Mrs. Boytim
School Events and Support
Thank you for taking the time to review expected behavior with your student prior to last night's game. We felt that the students attempted to comply with our expectations and rules well and we appreciate the effort to respect the game, community, and school grounds. Please continue to reiterate these expectations so that students and families can enjoy these events.
It was a Great Day for A XC Meet in Strongsville!
7th Grade Volleyball, Football and Cheerleading
Congratulations Mrs. Conner!
Mustangs of the Month
Student Shout Outs of the Week
Announcements & Reminders
SMS Sports News
SMS Athletic Newsletter with general information
Winter sports start dates:
Girls Basketball: Oct 25
Boys Basketball: Nov 1
Wrestling: Nov 15
SMS Sports Picture Day
Behavior Reminders
The Behavior Reminders are a universal system that is in place to try and promote the positive behaviors that we want to see out of our students. These positive behaviors were reviewed in class, our expectation assemblies and in detail during students IE time. In support of this system and in creating a positive school culture, it is also our goal to identify positive behaviors that your student is doing as well. This is a proactive system implemented to help your student. This is not formal discipline, rather a reminder to students to change behavior prior to creating habits that may progress into major discipline.
Minor behaviors may include: disrupting class, dress code violations, inappropriate use of technology, inappropriate language, noncompliance/refusal to work, being tardy, or being unprepared for class. Parents will be notified via email to include you in our attempt to remind our students of expected behavior and give you the option to reiterate and support this at home. Students can receive 4 Reminders before they are referred to the office, and on the 5th situation administration may then issue a consequence. Thank you for your support.
Let's kick off the Browns season wearing our orange and brown!
(If the Browns aren't your favorite team, show your spirit with any other football team colors)
Please join the SMS PTA. This year we will be accepting memberships through our online store only. The link is https://strongsvillems.memberhub.com/store.
Our meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month at 9:30am at the middle school.
The 2021-2022 SMS Board Members:
Haley LaBahn - President
Krista Searles - Vice President
Jessica Boytim - 2nd Vice President
Lillian Longley - Treasurer
Marina Maenza - Recording Secretary
Amanda Warvel - Corresponding Secretary
Cinnamon Cifani - Council Delegate I
Jackie Saggio - Council Delegate II
Lesley Placeway - Council Delegate Alternate
SIMB Annual Mattress Sale
Strongsville Instrumental Music Boosters Annual Mattress Sale at the high school this weekend. This fundraiser benefits both the band & orchestra programs 5th gr thru 12th grade. Faculty & Staff also get 10% off.
Stay Safe, Speak Up student hotline
Strongsville's Stay Safe, Speak Up student hotline is located on the district website. It is located on the main page on the top green bar. Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, victimized by fellow students, or have other concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees, or school facilities, are asked to Speak Up! and promptly report the issue using our District’s student/parent hotline – accessible both online and by telephone.
SMS School Hours
School Day Starts: 7:55 a.m.
School Day Ends: 3:00p.m.
Office Closes: 3:30p.m.
Follow Mrs. Boytim and School News @MrsBoytim and @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim