Hazelbrook Community Newsletter
Boletín de la comunidad de Hazelbrook
March 10, 2023
March 3- Spring ASA Sign Up's
March 12- Day Light Savings
March 14 - 17; Outdoor School
March 20- 6pm PSO Fundraiser Meeting, HMS Library
March 20- 6:30pm 8th Grade Celebration Meeting, HMS Library
March 20-24; FTTS Coin Drive
March 21- HMS Choir Concert, 7pm
March 23- HMS Orchestra (6:00 - 7:00PM) & Band (7:30 - 8:30PM) Concerts @ TUHS
March 27 - 31; Spring Break
April 4- 6pm; Virtual PSO Meeting (Google Meet)
April 17-21; Read & Win Fundraiser
April 20- Spring Unity Night
April 20- 6 pm Fundraiser Meeting
April 20- 6:30pm 8th Grade Celebration Meeting
Miss a Past Newsletter?
You can find all of this year's newsletters here.
Principal's Message
Saludos familias de Hazelbrook,
La próxima semana enfatizaremos la importancia de que los estudiantes lleguen a clase a tiempo. Los primeros 10 minutos de clase los prepara para cumplir con los objetivos de aprendizaje de la clase a través de actividades de calentamiento que activan el conocimiento previo, involucran a los estudiantes en debates académicos y recopilan materiales que se utilizarán durante el período. Nuestro objetivo es que cada estudiante esté en clase, preparándose para aprender, durante los primeros 10 minutos de cada clase.
¡También tendrá lugar la próxima semana la escuela al aire libre para nuestros alumnos de sexto grado! Este será un momento emocionante para que nuestros estudiantes participen en el aprendizaje práctico y les brinde la oportunidad de obtener cierta independencia en un entorno estructurado y supervisado. ¡Estoy tan emocionada de saber cómo les va!
Por último, Hazelbrook está organizando una serie de cenas de Conexiones Saludables y Pertenecia que comienza el próximo mes. En asociación con usted, el personal de HMS, nuestros proveedores de salud mental y Washington County Juvenile, hablaremos sobre los asuntos que más afectan a nuestros jóvenes, como amistades saludables, redes sociales, intimidación/acoso y abuso de sustancias.
¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!
Lisa Dailey, Directora
Greetings Hazelbrook Families,
Next week we will be emphasizing the importance of students being to class on time. The first 10 minutes of class prepares them to meet the learning objectives for the class through warm-up activities that activate prior knowledge, engage students in academic discussions, and to gather materials that will be used throughout the period. Our goal is for every student to be in class, preparing to learn, during the first 10 minutes of each class.
Also happening next week is Outdoor School for our 6th-graders! This will be an exciting time for our students to engage in hands-on learning and give them an opportunity to gain some independence in a structured and supervised environment. I am so excited to hear how it goes!
Lastly, Hazelbrook is hosting a Healthy Connections & Belongings dinner series that begins next month. In partnership with you, HMS staff, our mental health providers, and Washington County Juvenile, we will talk about matters that impact our youth the most such as, healthy friendships, social media, bullying/harassment, and substance abuse.
Thank you for your continued support!
Take care,
Lisa Dailey, Principal
To report an absence, please call the attendance line directly and leave a message at 503-431-5121
News & Updates
Outdoor School March 14th - 17th
Please refer to this link: HMS Outdoor School Planning 22-23 for important, updated Outdoor School information such as luggage drop off, medication, arrival/departure times, student expectations, and more.
Please Note: Luggage Drop Off and Medication check in- Monday 3/13 4 PM-6 PM
Por favor refiérase a este enlace: Planificación de la escuela al aire libre HMS 22-23 para obtener información importante y actualizada de la escuela al aire libre, como entrega de equipaje, medicamentos, horarios de llegada/salida, expectativas de los estudiantes y más.
Tenga en cuenta: Entrega de equipaje y registro de medicamentos: lunes 3/13 4 PM-6 PM
Cyber Security Training
If you're interested in learning about cyber security feel free to join a virtual workshop on Smart Cyber Choices, in English and Spanish.
SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices (in English)
3/16/23 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us for this FREE online workshop with Rachel Visser from KIDS Center, as she presents information on:
*Hacks & Scams
*Social Media
*Online Gaming
*Inappropriate Posts
*Online Predators
Seguridad de la Red: Decisiones Cibernéticas Inteligentes (en Español)
3/22/23 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Únase a nosotros para este taller en línea GRATUITO con Patricia Santos de KIDS Center. Seguridad de la Red: Decisiones Cibernéticas Inteligentes enseña cómo se puede usar la tecnología de manera segura, positiva y ética, al mismo tiempo que proporciona las herramientas necesarias para administrar de forma segura la vida en línea, tanto para adultos como para niños.Spring ASA's April 3rd - May 18th
Sign ups started Friday (3/3) morning. Signups will only be in person this season. To make this process more equitable, we will only be taking money in person for the upcoming spring season.
To get a spot; the activity form, the general liability form, and the Covid liability form must all be filled out, signed, and turned in with payment. If your student didn't get a form, they are available on our HMS website Hazelbrook After-School Activities (ASA)
Many of our activities have limits, such as Volleyball and Soccer which are now closed, but many others are still available. We hope your child gets involved.
If you need financial assistance with this fee, please see Nelly Mandujano in the counseling office, so you can still get signed up.
If you'd like to donate to sponsor a student, or to help the ASA program in the future, you can donate online.
Any questions related to ASAs should go to gharrison@ttsd.k12.or.us.
Homework Help
Where: Library, for those wishing to have a quiet location to work; commons (staff lounge until the play is over) for collaborative groups working together.
We are grateful for the grant from the Foundation for Tigard Tualatin Schools and for our staff members who are leading this.
Hawk Report
the Hawk Report for bias, hate speech, and other concerns here:
Oregon Annual Statewide Assessments
State Testing (OSAS) is right around the corner. Our 8th grade students will begin taking their Science test next week on March 13th. Each 8th grade Science teacher will host testing sessions. We hope it only takes 2 to 3 sessions for students to complete this assessment.
Beginning April 10th, all students will begin their English Language Arts testing sessions during their Community Meeting.
It is important that students arrive at school on time and well rested.
Testing Windows:
Alt-ELPA: Feb 1 - March 24
Science (8th grade): March 13 -24
ELA/Math: April 10 - 28
SEED Survey: April 10 - 28
PSO Updates And Sign Up Opportunities!
PSO website:
PSO Meeting Minutes:
PSO email:
PSO Student Store
We are in need of the following:
Student Store Helpers – volunteer at your student’s lunch or at any/all three lunches: https://tinyurl.com/ye258y8t
Student Store Items – Visit the full list at https://tinyurl.com/4bwstk36 to sign up for item donations, but here is a short list of our immediate needs:
Cup of Noodles 2x 24 pack
Goldfish Crackers, individually wrapped
Cheezit Crackers, individually wrapped
Fruit by the Foot/Fruit Roll Ups
Pop Tarts, any flavor (qty 72 total)
Candy, individually wrapped, any kind needed except lollipops
Drinking water, 1 case
PSO Donation Opportunities
Bottle Drop – pick up a blue bag at the Front Office
PSO PayPal – http://paypal.me/hazelbrookpso
Read & Win Prizes– email us at hmspsopresident@gmail.com to donate
8th Grade Celebration – Visit our Amazon wish list at https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom and search for “Hazelbrook.” You can also donate cash for the event via the PSO’s PayPal link above.
PSO Volunteer Opportunities
Please visit our Volunteer page at https://sites.google.com/view/hmspso/volunteer
PSO - Other Volunteer Opportunities
The PSO is helping Ms. Co with volunteer needs for the HMS Library. Please consider helping out in the library and also at this year’s OBOB events. Visit the Library signup page at https://tinyurl.com/3czv89k4.
Tualatin Library
Tualatin Library Resource Fair
Join the Tualatin Public Library resource fair! On March 22, 2023 5pm-7pm. This event will be held in the library community room.
Participating organizations TBA...
Feria de Recursos de la Biblioteca de Tualatin
Organizaciones participantes TBA...
Teen Laser Tag
Friday, March 31st, from 6-8pm, for teens in grades 6-12. Blast away the competition! Grab your friends and join us for a game of laser tag in the library!
Registration is required.
Tualatin Library Teen Room
Tualatin Public Library welcomes YOU to the Teen Room! Located in the back of the library, the Teen Room is a space reserved for students in grades 6-12. (The only adults allowed to stay in the room are library staff.) Why hang out in the Teen Room? Because it has a lot of stuff for you! Art supplies. Board games. Maker stuff. Computers. Space. And on weekends and school’s out days—video gaming! The Teen Room has an Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and Wii U for your use. Lots of games are available for you to play. In addition to all of this awesomeness, every Friday night is Teen Movie Night. After the library closes on Fridays, the Teen Room stays open for you to hang out and watch a movie (6-8:30pm). Questions? Email Aimee at ameuchel@tualatin.gov.
Lion King Jr.
- Hazelbrook's production of The Lion King, Jr. will be taking place April 13th and 14th from 6:00pm until 7:00pm. Tickets will be $5. Snacks and beverages will be available at the concessions stand.
- For information on rehearsals, volunteering, and setting up a carpool after rehearsals please visit our website, sites.google.com/ttsd.k12.or.us/hazelbrookdrama/home
- For information you can contact Play Director: Jeffrey Kennedy at jkennedy@ttsd.k12.or.us
TTSD Nutrition Services Job Openings
We have 3.5 hour positions available at several school sites.
Where else can you find a job where you can take vacations with your kids when they are on break? This job allows you to spend time with your kids! You will have winter, spring, and summer breaks off!
Please apply online through our website.
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to Volunteer at HMS?
Once you have completed your background check and training, sign up to volunteer on the PSO volunteer sign up link.
Community Flyers
11300 SW Hazelbrook Rd
Tualatin, OR 97062
Main Office Phone/Teléfono de la oficina principal: 503-431-5100
Attendance Phone/Línea de Asistencia: 503-431-5121
Fax: 503-431-5110
Counseling Office Fax: 503-431-5090
Website/Sitio web: https://www.ttsdschools.org/hazelbrook
Instagram: @officialhazelbrookms
Twitter: @ttsdhazelbrook
Facebook: @hazelbrookmiddleschool
Si necesita servicios de intérprete, favor de llamar al Departamento de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés (ELL) al: (503)431-4123 (Spanish)
Haddii aad u baahantahay adeegga turjumaan, fadlan u wac Qaybta Barashada Luqada Ingrisiga ee Tel: (503)431-4123 (Somalí) (503)431-4123 (Arabic)
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(Vietnamese) 若您需要語言翻譯服務,請聯絡我們的英語學習部門(ELL),電話:(503)431-4123。 (Chinese)
Ika pwe ke mochen an emon epwe anisuk non pekin chiaku kose mochen kopwe kokori ei nampa: (503)431-4123 (Chuukese)
Если Вы нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика, тогда, пожалуйста, звоните в наш Отдел для изучающих английский язык (English Language Learner- ELL), по номеру телефона: (503)431-4123 (Russian)