School Counseling News You Can Use
Counseling News from the Indiana Department of Education
June 2020
I hope you are finding time to relax and de-stress during these summer months. Between COVID-19 and the racial issues facing our country, our students, educators and ourselves are feeling unsettled. As school counselors, we know there is much to navigate and that we will have a lot of work to do when the 2020-2021 school year begins. I hope this newsletter provides you some great resources to help you support our students moving forward. There are a lot of things to be considered.
I am also sharing the link to the ASCA Town Hall below on Racism in Schools. It was so powerful! I hope you will feel the same after listening. As school counselors, we have an ethical responsibility to do this important work. Please take the time to listen and look in to the Anti-racism resources included in this month's newsletter.
Stay healthy and safe!
Self-Care Tip
What does your evening routine look like?
Resource Links:
Indiana Continuous Learning Document
Continuous Learning Weekly ChallengesSocial-Emotional Remote Learning Resources
COVID-19 FAQs (Updated)
Guidance for Grading during Remote Learning
Weekly Webinar for School District Leadership every Tuesday at 10 a.m. ET.
Student Services Remote Learning Presentation Slides
CASEL COVID resources for teachers (New)
All Level Updates
Anti-Racism Resources
Resource Links
- Speaking Up Against Racism Around the New Coronavirus – (Teaching Tolerance) teaching learning plan about how to have these conversations through an equity lens
- Talking to Students about Race and Ethnicity (Teaching Tolerance) Packaged tools, webinar, and publications to support conversations with students about race, the Black Lives Matter movement, and injustice
- Reflecting on George Floyd’s Death and Police Violence Towards Black Americans (Facing History and Ourselves) This teaching guide will help teachers begin conversations with their students about George Floyd’s death and the events that surround it, including reflection activities to prepare for teaching, creating space for emotional processing, and diving deeper with multimedia tools.
- Circle Scripts for Black Lives Matter at School (ROC Restorative Team, Rochester City School District) Five sample scripts for facilitating Circle discussions about race and identity, challenging racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement.
- ASCA Race and Equity Resources
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS)
As schools prepare to head back to school, please see new resources (MTSS Pilot Program and Phase 4) for MTSS implementation here.
School/Mental Health MOU
Lilly Endowment Comprehensive Counseling Initiative Videos
Stephanie Reynolds is a counselor at two elementary schools and a middle school in northern Indiana. Please listen as she describes the exciting initiatives her schools have implemented through the CCI grant, and how her counseling program is addressing COVID-19
Supporting Indiana Schools through SEL
Mawi Learning is conducting a multi-site pilot of their SEL educator professional development curriculum (Powerful Educator). This pilot will support educators in building SEL competencies for themselves and their students, while contributing to the body of evidence around the efficacy of this innovative program. Learn more through the download linked below.
Elementary (K-5)
Secondary (6-12)
Virtual College Application Boot Camp Resource
From the Committee:
The resources are housed in a Google Drive folder that can be viewed here: To maintain the integrity of the files, you are only able to view the files from this link. If you wish to download or manipulate any of the files, you’ll need to make a copy and save them in your own Google Drive.
If you wish to see how Carmel High School utilized the resources within a self-directed Canvas Course, you can view the course at (NOTE: this course will only be posted publicly through the month of June.)
The schools involved with creating this resource include: Carmel High School, Cathedral High School, Fishers High School, Hamilton Southeastern High School, International School of Indiana, Noblesville High School, Westfield High School, and Zionsville High School. Other integral collaborators included INvestEd, Kate Brazzale from Smart College Selection, Aimee Scheuermann from Hanover College, several admission reps from Indiana and out-of-State colleges and universities, and Class of 2020 students from several of the participating high schools. This was truly a team effort that we hope will benefit all of our counseling colleagues and their students in the State of Indiana!
CTE Update
CTE COVID-19 Update Volume XI:
Thank you for your assistance over the last couple of months as we have worked to serve CTE students during this challenging time. We have heard from many of you that these weekly updates have been helpful and appreciate your feedback. As we transition into the summer months, we are going to move to providing updates every two weeks. After today, the next update will be sent out on June 17, 2020. Additionally, future updates will transition to a more general CTE update while still containing important information related to COVID-19. This update contains all information that is still relevant from previous updates (indicated in black) and new information (indicated in red). Future weekly updates will continue to have new information in red and contain all relevant previously shared information.
New information and questions this week (indicated in red throughout the document):
· CTE “Back on Track” Update
· Summer Bridge Grant Program
· WBL and Clinical Placement Update and Options
· Next Level Programs of Study Pilot Programs announced
We know you most likely have additional questions beyond what is shared in this document and we encourage you to reach out with any questions we may not be addressing. As we continue to work with our partners to develop solutions, we will share additional guidance in future updates.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we work together to serve students during this time. Please feel free to contact the Office of CTE at if you have additional questions
Scholarship Opportunity for Rising Seniors
Graduation Pathways
If you have further questions you can email me or direct questions to
Professional Development
SEL Re-entry Road Map PD
Friday, July 10 at 12:00 p.m. EDT
Meeting number (access code): 160 267 5583
Meeting password: IDOE
Recorded IDOE Webinars
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students
June is Pride month. Take the time to learn how to best support and advocate for your LGBTQ+ students!
What Are You Reading & Listening to?
Interrupting Racism
By, Rebecca Atkins & Alicia Oglesby
Indiana School Counselor Directory
IDOE provides an array of supports to help counselors connect and promote networking and collaboration. As part of this initiative, an effort is underway to create a statewide school counselor directory. Please take time to complete this quick survey. The directory will be located on IDOE’s website under the School Counseling page.
Add your name to the Directory HERE.
SEBW Newsletter
Michelle Clarke
Location: 115 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 3172325164
Twitter: @CounselorClarke