Weekly School Newsletter
October 6th, 2023
Hello Grandview families,
Yesterday The Natural Wonderers Club, Section 2, had their turn to learn about monarch butterflies yesterday. They got to see real chrysalises up close and learn about the butterflies' journey to Mexico. (Did you know it would take us 37 days to walk as far as those amazing creatures migrate each year?!) Students also had fun with a color scavenger hunt and got to start their nature journals.
Our GV Wellness Committee is looking forward to our 3rd annual Fun Run this Thursday, October 12! If you haven’t had a chance to register, you still can. Registration will be available at the door. It was great last year to see the families running, walking, eating, and enjoying time together. We are looking forward to another great event!
Great news, our Reflections contest is underway! The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. The theme this year is, “I am Hopeful Because…”. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to share their talents in a variety of categories. All entries are due Monday, October 30th. Please look for more information from our PTA below.
The SOAR Store officially opened this week! This is the first opportunity our students have had to visit the SOAR Store to cash in their well deserved honey sticks they earned for their SOAR behaviors. Students were able to choose items from pencils to t-shirts! If you would like to help support this experience, our SOAR Committee welcomes donations of gum, Dum Dums, noise makers, stickers, chips, popcorn, small toys, slime etc. These can be sent to the office. Thank you to the parents who donate their time to help support this experience.
We are officially 29 days into the school year and great things are happening! Thank you, parents, for your continued support in your child’s education. It’s definitely better when we work together!
~Mrs. Pulice
Title I Buzz 10/5/23
This Friday is Homecoming! Join in the fun by coming to the parade and joining the Grandview float! We are representing the 1940s. Something fun to do with your child afterwards is discuss the different eras, and the lessons learned in each. Maybe share some family history or read together about the different time frames and what they were like. It is helpful to remind them of these important events that help give more meaning to who they are and where they came from. Keep your child’s curiosity high for this is how they learn and make connections. Above all, have fun learning each and every day!
Greetings from the PTA!!
A few reminders:
* The Grandview No Fuss Fundraiser is happening now through October 31st!! We are over 35% to reaching our goal! As of today , 1st grade is in the lead with the most donors!! If you have not done so yet, please donate. $25 is all it takes to help us reach our goal.
Why do we need to fundraise, you ask?? The answer is simple, our PTA Fall fundraiser supports a vast amount of student enrichment activities, including Field trips, Homecoming Float, Field day, Relay for Life, 5th grade Umbrella project, 4th grade Pillow project, Safety patrol picnic, Natural Wonderers Club, 5th grade party, just to name a few.. Plus teacher stipends and other expenses. We have a projected budget of $29,000. The goal is to raise $17,000!!! With a school of our size, that averages out to be $25 per student.
The grade with the most donors will earn extra recess time!! We are also offering school wide incentives including movies during lunch, pj day, and school wide bingo!! Make sure to indicate which grade your student is in at checkout!!
Any donation helps us toward our big goal! If you'd like to contribute, check out our fundraising page at grandviewpta.com. Don't forget to share on social media!!!
*The McDowell Homecoming Parade is today!!! Please arrive at McDowell Intermediate between 4:15-5:00pm!! Parade will begin at 5:30pm, we are number six in the parade. The theme is "Through the decades." By luck of the draw, Grandview was assigned the 1940's. Our float will be military inspired, and we are encouraging Grandview familes and anyone in the military to walk with us!! Please bring an American flag if you have one!!
Questions? Contact Amanda Lis, Mandylis@me.com
*Class Parties- Class party volunteer forms will be coming home soon. Remember, you must have MTSD Clearances on file in order to volunteer!! Class party questions?
Contact Kristen Burillo, kristenmtb@gmail.com
*PTA Reflections- Reflections packets have been sent home. The theme for this year is, "I am Hopeful Because.." Students may enter an entry in any of these six categories: Film Production, Music Composition, Visual Arts, Dance Choreography, Literature, and Photography. Entries are submitted digitally and the deadline to enter is October 30th!
The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life.
Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. This 50+ year-old program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.
Questions? Contact Kristen Burillo
Kristenmtb@gmail.com or Melinda Muller melmuller07@gmail.com
*5th Celebration Committee
Do you have a 5th grader? Are you interested in helping plan the 5th grade trip and party? Plan on attending the next PTA meeting October 10th, @6:30pm in the Grandview library. We will be forming the 5th grade celebration committee. Bring your trip ideas and fundraiser ideas!! Remember, the 5th grade trip is a parent fundraised trip!
*The next PTA General Membership meeting will take place October 10th @6:30pm in the Grandview library. Please join us!!
On behalf of the Grandview PTA, have a great Homecoming weekend! WE ARE GRANDVIEW!!
Lisa Kephart
Grandview PTA President
5th Grade Book Tasting
The students had a chance to browse the books and write down observations and to make note of whether they would be interested in reading the book they were tasting. They munched on cookies and apple cider as they were tasting.
Did you know?
*Title I teachers and educational assistants are funded by the number of students that qualify for free and reduced lunches.
Did you know?
*Parent Involvement funds are also given based on the percentage of need in the building for free and reduced lunches.
Did you know?
*Additional reading funds are available depending on the amount of free and reduced lunches which can add valuable resources for our school.
Did you know?
*YOU can help us by completing the form on-line for free and reduced lunches. Even if you think you do not qualify, or do not want to utilize the program, it might help to retain our Title I teachers, educational assistants, funding, and programs.
*Follow instructions to apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/