Warriors Newsletter 2022
Our Lady of the Rosary School: Dec 18 - 22, 2022
School's Mission Statement
We at Our Lady of the Rosary along with our parents, exist to serve God through educating and nurturing the whole child. We will be held accountable for our faith and loyalty through consistency, leadership, and service to Christ. Our goal as a community is to academically challenge our students and to instill a sense of leadership, service, humility, and compassion.
Warrior's 2022-23 News
Our Christmas musical is this Wednesday!
Christmas Program will be on Wednesday, Dec 21
- Students in Preschool, TK-8th, participate in both shows
- First Show begins at 2:00 pm
- The second Show begins at 6:00 pm SOLD OUT
- Same Shows both times
- No School Due to the program
- The tickets will be given at the door.
Students will need to be here for both performances. Students will be receiving a participation grade for art and music.
El show de Navidad es el 21 de diciembre. Los estudiantes deben participar en los dos actos. Es requisito que participen porque es parte de la clase de arte y musica. Los estudiantes recibirán una calificación por participar.
Program for Show
Whoville hairstyles ideas
Donations Needed
Christmas Musical Volunteers Needed
This year we are having our annual Christmas Performance on Wednesday, December 21 at 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. This is another opportunity for families to complete their service hour obligation. Please fill out the SignUp Genius Form below before Friday, December 16th. Please be advised that students may not leave before the show is over.
Your support and cooperation are extremely important.
Day of the Musical
Etiquette for Musical
Our staff and parent volunteers are requesting that parents come and enjoy all the performances. Parents & Teachers will be helping with crowd control. Please treat everyone with the utmost respect.
At OLR School, students are taught about appropriate audience etiquette. It is also important that those at our Christmas Musical reflect these same values. Here is the list of those expectations:
Prelude: If you arrive early, you are on time. If you arrive on time, YOU ARE LATE!!!
1. Listen to and watch all the parts of the play. You may not be part of the show, but your reactions affect the performers - the better you are, the better they are.
2. Show appreciation by applauding at the end of each skit.
3. Stomping and cheering belong at sporting events. Leave them there.
4. Turn off cell phones.
5. Keep quiet during the play - remember there are others who are trying to watch and listen to their child perform.
6. Stay for the whole musical. The last song includes all the students from PK-8th grade.
En la Escuela OLR, a los estudiantes se les enseña acerca de la etiqueta de audiencia apropiada. También es importante que los que están en nuestro Programa de Navidad reflejen estos mismos valores. Aquí está la lista de esas expectativas:
Preludio: Si llegas temprano, llegas a tiempo. ¡¡¡Si llegas a tiempo, esta tarde!!!
1. Escuchar y ver todas las partes de la obra. Puede que no seas parte del programa, pero tus reacciones afectan a los artistas - cuanto mejor seas, mejor son.
2. Muestra apreciación aplaudiendo al final de cada sketch.
3. Pisando fuerte pertenecen a eventos deportivos. Déjalos ahí.
4. Apague los teléfonos celulares.
5. Manténgase en silencio durante la obra - recuerde que hay otros que están tratando de ver y escuchar a su hijo actuar.
6. Quédate para todo el musical. La última canción incluye a todos los estudiantes de PK-8o grado.
Middle School Help Needed
Order Christmas Costumes Now!
The Christmas Musical is scheduled for Wednesday, December 21st at 2 pm and 6 pm in the parish hall. During the month of December, teachers will practice with our students, and students will receive a participation grade for music and art. The expectation is that all students are present for both shows.
Mr. Tiznado, Ms. Salcido, and Ms. Gordillo have been working on the script, songs, decorations, and costumes for the show. Your child's teacher will let you know through ClassDojo more in detail about the color and where to purchase the decoration. Costumes and decorations are due November 28. If you have any questions reach out to your child's teacher.
I've shared with you the form that has all the links for your convenience.
The Grinch Cast Practice
For any questions please email Ms. Gordillo at sgordillo@olrwarriors.org or message her on ClassDojo.
World’s Finest Chocolate Order Form Due December 16
Submit your order form by Friday. Dec. 16, 2022
The Boxes will be sent home with your child on Thurs. January 12, 2023
The money for the boxes of chocolate is due Thurs. January 26, 2023. If not paid by this date, the charge will be added to your TADS account.
The funds raised are to continue our enrichment program and maintain Our Lady of the Rosary School so that the school can continue to give an excellent education.
Link to form https://forms.gle/1FGFw1t7GMMgb23S7
Envíe su formulario de pedido antes del viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022
Las cajas se enviarán a casa con su hijo el jueves, 12 de enero de 2023
El dinero para las cajas de chocolate vence el jueves. 26 de enero de 2023. Si no se paga antes de esta fecha, se facturará a través de TADS.
Los fondos recaudados son para continuar nuestro programa de enriquecimiento y mantener la escuela Our Lady of the Rosary para que la escuela pueda continuar brindando una excelente educación. Enlace para forma https://forms.gle/1FGFw1t7GMMgb23S7
Catalog/ WFChocolate 1 Child Raise $400 Or Pay $200
Catalog/ WFChocolate 2 Children Raise $500 Or Pay $250
Catalog/ WFChocolate 3 Children Raise $600Or Pay $300
Catalog/ WFChocolate 4 Children Raise $700 Or Pay $350
Total Depends on # of Children
Week of December 19-22
Monday, December 19, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2021
Covid-19 Testing. Schedule:
Students 8:30-11 am
Student Registration: https://my.primary.health/r/ourladyoftherosaryschool_2022?registration_type=student.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Day of the Musical
Drop off and Pick Up
Parents must drop students in classrooms no later than 30 minutes before showtime. Students will not be allowed to leave before the show is over. Please make proper arrangements with your family about staying to the end. Please feed your child before the program. No food will be taken to students in the classroom. We appreciate your understanding.Middle School Help Needed
We appreciate it when our 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students stay after the show to help clean up the hall. Parents, please be advised that we will be asking them to help.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
12:30 Dismissal for all students including preschool.
No After School Care
Progress Reports Q2
School Calendars
December Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Lunch Pre-Order Form is due December 20
Breakfast Pre-Order Form is due December 20
Prices for Breakfast and Lunch
STUDENT: Paid Lunch - $ 3.00, Reduced-Price Lunch - $ 0.40, or Free if qualified
STUDENT: Paid Breakfast - $1.75, Reduced-Price Breakfast - $0.30, or Free if qualified
Extra Milk - $0.20 per ½ pint
ADULT: Lunch - $ 4.00, Breakfast - $2.75
OLR does not allow students to bring or have lunch delivered from fast-food restaurants.
School Information
Christmas Vacation December 23 - January 9, 2023
Vision To Learn
Vision To Learn is excited to announce that we will come to your child’s school to provide student vision services. This includes a routine vision exam and, if needed, eyeglasses. All this is available at no cost to you.
*If your child wears glasses, he/she can receive a free pair.
If a parent/guardian does not want their child screened for glasses, you must sign the opt out form and turn it in by January 13. Otherwise, all students will receive a vision screening.
#1 Vision Screening: Tuesday, January 24, 2023
#2 Eye Exams: February 17, & March 2, 3, & 9, 2023
#3 Dispensing of Glasses TBA
TACSC Leadership Day
Once again, we would like to invite all students to participate in Leadership Day at St. Piux St. Matthias Academy. This is an excellent opportunity for your child to grow in their leadership skills and to work collaboratively with other students from different Catholic elementary schools. I highly recommend it to students who want to join our school's student council.
The field trip form and payment is due January 13, 2023, so we can register your child. Please turn it in as soon as possible before the event sells out.
The event is scheduled for February 10 from 8:50 am to 2:00 pm. Parents must drop off and pick up their child from PMA in Downey. Lunch is included.
Altar Servers
Hello Parent of Altar Servers,
Thank you for having your son/ daughter serve God. The December Schedule is attached. If you have any questions, please email Briana Zuniga b.j1993@icloud.com
Free COVID-19 Test Kits
Dear LA County Sector Partners,
Great news! Each household can place one order for four free at-home COVID-19 test kits through the U.S. Postal Service. The orders will begin to ship out next week.
To place your household order, visit special.usps.com/testkits.
Other pertinent information and resources can be found on the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health website at http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/
Thank you for your ongoing efforts to protect health and well-being in Los Angeles County.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Student Club Weekly Schedule
Altar Serving Schedule Nov 2022
Please let her know that your child is from the school.
School Hours 8:20-3:00 pm
School hours will be from 8:20 am to 3:00 pm and on Wednesdays, 8:20 am- 1:00 pm
8:00-8:20 Arrival (Parent Drive Thru Drop off on Zone 1: TK-4th Zone 2: 5th -6th)
8:20-8:25 Students walk to their classrooms and the teacher will do health screening.
8:25 Gates are Closed
8:30 Tardy, Assembly Begins in the Hall, Student enter through the school's office
Warrior Care for TK-8th
We will be offering after-school care to all families from Tk-8th grade. An additional monthly fee for this service will be charged through TADS. The hours of operation will be from 3:00 to 5:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 1:00-5:30 pm on Wednesday.
We will also be offering before-school care from 7:00 -8:25 AM. An additional monthly fee for this service will be charged through TADS.
Regular school hours are from 8:20 am to 3:00 pm and on Wednesdays, 8:30 am- 1:00 pm
Applications are available in the school's office or at the bottom below.
E&J Uniform Sale
You may place an online order through their website at https://eandjuniforms.com/
Counseling Partners of Los Angeles (CPLA)
Once again the school will be offering a comprehensive school-based counseling program and support services at no additional cost for this service. Parents, teachers, staff, or students themselves can request to see a counselor. An informed consent form needs to be signed by the parent/guardian to begin the process. A signed informed consent form is NOT a request/referral for counseling. However, getting the parental signature ahead of time speeds up the process for our counselors to begin providing counseling to our students. Counselor Jacquline Salvador will be working with us.
This service will begin on Monday, September 12.
Counselor Intern, Jacqueline Salvador
CPLA Work Days: Monday & Friday
CPLA Work Hours: 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Email: jacqueline.therosary@counselingpartnersofla.org
2022-23 English Counseling Referral Request Form-CPLA FSP Sandrinha Cruz
2022-23 Spanish Counseling Referral Request Form-CPLA FSP Sandrinha Cruz
2022-23 (Under 18) English Informed Consent for a Student-CPLA FSP Sandrinha Cruz
2022-23 (Under 18) Spanish Informed Consent for a Student-CPLA FSP Sandrinha Cruz
School's Online Communications
Student Information System
Social Media
Website: olrcatholicschool.com
Facebook Page: Our Lady of the Rosary, ParamountFacebook: OLRosary
Instagram: rosarywarriors
Twitter: RosaryWarrior
The school uses SchoolSpeak as the main communication portal with parents. Make sure your email and cell phone number are up to date.
- Emails blast are sent
- Texts blast are sent
- Newsletters & Calendars are posted
- Fundraising Forms are posted
- Student's Academic Grades can be checked
- Progress Reports & Reports Cards are distributed
ClassDojo is the school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what's happening at school and in the classroom.
- School-wide Communication on School Story
- Newsletters, calendars, announcements, events, and reminders are posted to our School Story
- Fundraising Forms are posted
- Teachers share photos and videos of classroom activities.
- Private Messaging
- Instant translation
Let's Get connected!
- Download the app ClassDojo App Link
- Sign up as a parent
- Use the following School's Link! OLR's School Story Link Type in your child's name and your child's homeroom teacher will approve your connection.
The school will use TADS Enrollment for online enrollment contracts, paying enrollment fees, and other important school forms. We also are using TADS Billing & Tuition so that families can make tuition deposits, admission application fees, or any other incidental fees- while at home.
Google Classroom Gr. 3rd-8th
Parents can get access to Google Classroom
The teacher must first invite the parent by adding their email address under their child's name on Google Classroom. The parent will then receive an email and must accept the invitation to begin receiving the guardian email summaries
Our Lady of the Rosary School Social Media Communication
School’s Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. M-T-TH-F
Office Closed for Lunch 1:00-1:30
8:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Wednesdays
Website: olrcatholicschool.com
Facebook Page: Our Lady of the Rosary, ParamountFacebook: OLRosary
Instagram: rosarywarriors
Twitter: RosaryWarrior
Email: office@olrwarriors.org
Website: www.olrcatholicschool.com
Location: Our Lady of the Rosary School, Paramount, Paramount Boulevard, Paramount, CA, USA
Phone: 562 383-5660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olrwarriors.org/
Twitter: @RosaryWarriors