News from the Nest
Strength. Determination. Knowledge.
Happy Friday!
April 2, 2021
Dear Families,
The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Flint have more openings for our students! As you know, we partnered with them this year to provide learning support and an academic environment for our blended learners on days they are fully virtual. We provide free transportation for these students in the same way we do for school: MTA picks them up from their house, stops at our school to drop off our in-person students, and then takes the virtual students to the Peak Boys and Girls Club location. If you'd like to have your student start attending the Boys and Girls Club on the two days they're not in-person with us, please call the main office, and Mrs. Bilkos will get you all setup!
As a reminder, next week is our Spring Break. Students and staff will be completely off April 5th-9th.
We wish you all a wonderful Easter weekend and a relaxing break!
The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Flint Presents...
Student of the Month
Our March character trait for Student of the Month is "collaboration"!
Ms. Merlo: "My Student of the Month is Desmond Bedenfield. He's always there to help others, give others a helping hand when they need it, or give someone help doing something they need help on. Collaboratively, he is a great team player!"
Ms. Prawdzik: "My Student of the Month is Keyon Castillo-Taylor. When Keyon comes into class, he always works well with others. He cooperates with his classmates and continuously shows kindness and respect. Great job, Keyon!"
Mrs. Cook: "Nevaeha Daniels is my Student of the Month. She is great at collaborating virtually. Not only does Nevaeha quickly respond virtually through the chat box, but she takes it a step further by collaborating in small groups with her peers verbally. It is great to have a student who is confident and willing to collaborate to share ideas and her thinking."
Mr. Teer: "My Student of the Month for March is Laurynn James. This month's trait was collaboration. I could easily give Laurynn the Student of the Month award every month, but collaboration is something Laurynn has really improved at and deserves to be recognized for. At the beginning of the year, Laurynn was very quiet, and it was not easy for her to participate in classroom activities. Laurynn has developed so much confidence over the past four months! She now participates in classroom discussions on a daily basis, reads books to the class, raises her hand consistently, and is an all-around amazing classroom leader. It is an honor to be able to teach Laurynn every single day. Mr. Musolf and I could not be more proud of and excited for Laurynn James. She has a very bright future."
Ms. Paynter: "I am choosing DeReon Wiggins as my Student of the Month. DeReon is always willing to lend a helping hand to his teachers and classmates. This can be in the classroom or online. He works well with others whenever asked. Collaboration looks a little bit different this year, but DeReon has been doing an awesome job at it."
Mr. Champman: "Derion Rawls has played an integral part in our classroom family with her ability to collaborate with others in all aspects of our school day. Collaboration is key to success in a school year where all is new, and there isn't any doubt Derion has proved to be on her way to a successful 5th grade school year. In addition to her collaborative skills, she has displayed a positive attitude that is contagious to those around her. I am so proud to have the chance to work with her every day!"
Ms. Thomas: "My Student of the Month is Vardell Davis. Vardell is always willing to participate in class. He is very encouraging while other students are participating. Vardell stays engaged and responds to the things others have contributed in a respectful manner. He works very cooperatively during class and accomplishes this in such an impressive manner through virtual participation."
Ms. Crane: "Shaniece Payton is my Student of the Month for March. She has always participated in class. Shaniece will ask for help when she is stuck on a problem. She helps other students navigate the computer when they need information. It has been my pleasure having her in my class this year."
Kyi'Lynn Nunley, Kindergarten
Desmond Bedenfield, 1st Grade
Keyon Castillo-Taylor, 2nd Grade
Nevaeha Daniels, 2nd Grade
Laurynn James, 3rd Grade
DeReon Wiggins, 4th Grade
Derion Rawls, 5th Grade
Vardell Davis, 5th Grade
Shaniece Payton, 6th Grade
Laptop Care and Tips
All of our scholars have received devices for virtual learning. Below are a few tips to ensure the technology devices are not accidentally damaged or lost.
- Ensure the case remains on the iPad or Chromebook.
- Ensure food and drinks are not around the technology devices.
- Ensure scholars are stationary when using the iPad or Chromebook.
- Monitor data usage. (Make sure hotspots are turned off and disconnected when not being used for school work.)
- When lessons have concluded for the day, ensure the scholar places the device in the same location each day.
- Ensure the technology devices are plugged into the charger at the end of the day in order for the scholars to have a fully charged device for the next school day.
If you have any questions, please call the office at 810-768-3860.
Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
Location: 3196 Pasadena Ave, Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 810.768.3860