SVDP Newsletter
August 19, 2021
We have successfully launched the 2021-2022 school year. It has been wonderful to have your students back on campus and ready to learn. This newsletter reviews the building blocks of our community...our Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and our School-wide Learning Expectations.
Read on for more information that is important to making this year a success for everyone!
Saint Vincent de Paul School, acknowledging its century-old legacy while envisioning its future, will excel in providing an educational environment where students take risks and challenge assumptions by embracing experiential opportunities, learning to think innovatively, and growing courageously in their relationships with God.
In solidarity with St. Vincent de Paul, we strive to be experiential, innovative, and courageous learners who are committed to promoting Gospel Values.
Saint Vincent de Paul School recognizes that the efforts of the entire school community are necessary to instill core Catholic values and achieve educational goals. Our students engage in active learning, witness the relevance of knowledge as it applies to the world around them, and approach life with an enthusiasm to continually explore opportunities to learn.
Saint Vincent de Paul School is deeply committed to the education of the whole child. In partnership with parents as the primary educators, we strive to instill in students a sense of self-worth and pride in their accomplishments. We encourage them to appreciate the diversity in the world. We aim to prepare them to become educated and active global citizens.
Honor Catholic Tradition
Live to Serve
Engage in Joy-filled Learning
Strive for Excellence
Appreciate Individual Differences
Be Globally Aware
Practice Gratitude
Next Week - Back to School Nights
Monday, August 23
- Kindergarten @ 5:00PM
- 1st Grade @ 6:00 PM
- 5th Grade @ 7:00 PM
Tuesday, August 24
- 2nd Grade @ 6:00PM
- 6th Grade @ 7:00PM
Wednesday, August 25
- 3rd Grade @ 6:00PM
- 7th Grade @ 7:00PM
Thursday, August 26
- 4th Grade @ 6:00PM
- 8th Grade @ 7:00PM
Lead with Kindness, Curiosity, and Perseverance
Listen to the reading created by our very own SVDP Faculty and Staff.
Saint Vincent de Paul School
Location: 2350 Green Street, San Francisco, CA, USA
Phone: (415)346-5505