Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE
June 3, 2020
Ms. Newton's Notes
Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to our end of year parade! It was so good to see your faces and wish you a restful summer. This is our last newsletter for the 2019-2020 school year and we will end it by honoring our 5th graders. Our hearts hurt just a little to know that we didn't get the opportunity to give them our traditional send off, so we compiled a video of all of our classes with a message from their homeroom teachers. Please see below.
To our entire school community- It's been an unprecedented school year! Closing out this particular school year, prematurely and virtually, leaves us with many unresolved feelings. We've paused agendas and diverted conversations to just listen to what we are feeling and what needs to be different in our communities, schools, justice system, etc. We've expressed our hurt. We have expressed our anger, feelings of loss, and disappointment. We've been outraged about how black and brown people continue to be negatively targeted both locally and nationally. We've shared our personal stories and struggles as people of color. We've listened to those who don't experience those struggles grapple with their emotions and thoughts. We have cried together. We've held each other up!
The amazing F.AVE community has fought through and shown up in a virtual space we could not have anticipated we'd be in. Though it hasn't been perfect and we are reflective of what can be different, I am in awe of the strength and the dedication of you all. I have witnessed teachers work with families to pull together and figure out what we had no answers for. I have seen both teachers and families stretch and extend themselves in ways we couldn't imagine. I know the juggle it has been for us all to function in our jobs and be attentive to our families' needs in the home. However, we worked together and we persevered! We made it through!
Thank you all for the encouragement along the way and as we close out this school year. I end this school year exhausted, both emotionally and mentally. Yet, I remain committed to our children, the teachers, our school community, and the hard work that is ahead of us. I hope to see you all soon.
Be safe and enjoy your summer break.
Principal Newton
Pick Up Information - Yearbooks & Classroom Belongings
Yearbooks will be in mid-to late June. We will notify families about pick up when they arrive.
Items not retrieved from your child's locker will be discarded Monday, June 8th. Please reach out to Lynn Hanson at lhanson@csdecatur.net to make arrangements for pick up before then.
Every day F.AVE Falcons Rise UP to be:
Risk Takers who
Inquire about global issues.
Striving to be open minded.
Excellent and
Unique in every way. F.AVE students are
Powerful young minds who lead the way!
Orchestra Program at Talley and Fifth Avenue Elementary Schools
The extra-curricular orchestra program is open to all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who wish to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, or bass. The program offers Beginning classes that meet two mornings before school each week. Intermediate classes are offered after school for students who have had one year or more group instructions or private lessons. All orchestra classes will start in September. For more information, please email the Program Coordinator, Nia Schooler at nia.schooler@decaturstrings.com.
If you'd like to see and hear from current students in the program, click here: Decatur Strings Orchestra Video.
PTO News
School’s Out for Summer
Before officially signing off for summertime, why not get ahead of the game for next year and place your order for school supplies?
Click here for turn-key and germ-free shopping for 1st Day School Supplies. It’s easy, you’ll be ready for school (whenever we return) AND support the PTO.
Order deadline is June 15. We wish you all a safe, happy and healthy summer!
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Please complete this form or email ptovolunteer@favepto.org to let us know you're interested in helping out.
Important UPDATE for Passive Fundraising
It’s super easy to earn money for our school when you shop at some of your favorite spots, like Publix, Amazon and Kroger (see below for full details). But, our school name has been updated to "The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO". To ensure funds are being directed to F.Ave, please log into your respective shopping accounts and look for our updated school name.
How you can support the F.AVE PTO with very little effort:
AmazonSmile - Go to smile.amazon.com and, using your existing Amazon account, select The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO as your charitable organization.
Publix - No more keychain! Follow these easy instructions.
Box Tops - Box Tops have gone digital!! Download the App, Box Tops for Education. Enter your information, select our school, scan receipts and done! If you still have hard copy box tops, we are still collecting them in the box in front of the Media Center. There is a box labeled Box Tops for Education.
- Kroger - Register your Kroger Plus Card online and click on "enroll."
About Us
Karen Newton
Assistant Principal
Lynn Hanson
Administrative Assistant
Malik James
Administrative Assistant
Jessica Wentworth
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680
Happy Monday F.AVE Families!