Burbank Bulletin
January 31, 2022
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
It’s the LAST day of January! We are now into the second half of the year and the days are speeding by. We are closing in on the end of our basketball season, a season in which all of our student athletes should be very proud. Outside of their respective winning seasons, our athletes have demonstrated a commendable dedication of effort and a true commitment to one another. A special shout-out and note of thanks to Coach Hourihan and Coach Ramos for leading our teams this season. Thank you! Soon, our baseball and softball teams will be fielding tryouts, our track team will be running, jumping, and throwing, and we will all be hooting and hollering in the audience as we enjoy this year's spring musical, Seussical, Jr.
In addition to acknowledging the great work of our basketball teams, I would also like to acknowledge the service work of our 8th graders last week. On Friday, 8th grade advisory groups worked to make LBMS a little more organized and “shiny” by providing some TLC to different areas within our school. From organizing indoor game recess carts to tidying up the copy room, each group contributed a little bit of effort to make a whole lot of difference. Thank you, 8th grade team and students, for taking the time to give back to our school. These types of efforts really matter. Thank you!
This week's Bulletin, below, provides important reminders about our new at-home Covid antigen testing program as well as other information about all things LBMS.
Here's to a great February ahead,
Laura Friend
Dates to Remember
January 31: Basketball @ Bromfield
January 1: Lancaster PTO Additional Meeting - Natures Classroom, 6:30 PM (Virtual Event)
February 2: Parent Teacher Book Group, 6:00 PM (Virtual Event)
February 3: Basketball v. Tahanto, Home
February 3: SEPAC Event, Nashoba Student Perspective, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
February 4: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
February 7: Basketball @ West Boylston
February 9: Pick-A-Time Opens for Spring Conferences, 7:00 PM
February 10: SEPAC Event, Understanding Assessments, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
February 15: SEPAC Event, Children Dealing with Trauma, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
February 16: Lancaster PTO Monthly Meeting, 6:30 PM (Virtual Event)
February 17: LBMS School Council, 3:00 PM
February 21-25: February Vacation, No School
February 28: 8th Grade Families - Save the Date, NRHS Parent/Student Night @NRHS, 6:30
March 3: Early Release Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
March 11: Early Release Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
March 11: Trimester 2 Grades Close
March 16: Lancaster PTO Monthly Meeting, 6:30 PM (Virtual Event)
March 18: No School, Full Day Professional Development for Teachers
March 25: Trimester 2 Report Cards Issued
March 25: Spring Musical, Seussical, Jr., 6:30 PM
March 26: Spring Musical, Seussical, Jr., 6:30 PM
March 28: SEPAC Event, Executive Functioning with Sarah Ward, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
Spectator Update, Interscholastic Sports & Visitors Update
The Mid-Wach League has voted to lift all spectator restrictions as of January 28th. This means that, resuming today, spectators will be allowed to cheer on our athletes during their final games of the season. Come on out and cheer on our teams!
We are also welcoming visitors back onto campus for parent meetings and other related events. Welcome back, families!
New At Home Covid Testing Program to Begin the Week of February 7th
As you are aware from Superintendent Downing's recent communication, the Nashoba Regional School District is updating its COVID-19 Testing Program, effective the week of February 7th. In accordance with guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH), we are opting into an at-home testing program that will increase testing of our participating students and staff, regardless of vaccination status. This new at-home testing opportunity is voluntary and those who opt-in will receive at home tests kits every two weeks.
In addition to this new at-home antigen test option, we will continue with routine COVID safety checks here at LBMS on Wednesdays. As part of this shift in our program, we will discontinue the Test and Stay program and contact tracing for in-school close contacts. We will continue symptomatic testing in school when an individual presents with symptoms, and we will continue to email you when a positive case has been identified in your child's grade level.
Schedule for us at LBMS:
- Wednesdays: Weekly PCR Covid "Pool Testing" Safety Checks - in school
- Every other Thursday: Students take home Rapid Antigen Testing Kit (kit includes 2 tests/1 test to be administered at home each Saturday); First kit to be sent home on 2/10. Sign up now so test kits can be ordered in time (see link below).
- Saturdays: At Home Rapid Antigen Testing (at home). Saturday at home testing to begin on 2/12.
- Saturday Testing Schedule Until April Vacation as Follows: 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9
Study Buddy and Student Mentoring Program Underway
Our 7th grade student mentoring partnership with MRE is underway. We have a total of 53 7th grade volunteer mentors who are working in K-5 classrooms each week assisting the teachers and working directly with students in a variety of ways. The 7th graders are very motivated and the elementary students and their teachers are excited to have them in the classrooms.
The LBMS study buddy program launches this week in all grades, 6-8. Study buddy pairings/trios are in the final stages, and students will receive information on their pairings shortly. The students will work from a list of tips and suggestions on how they can study and work at home with their study buddy. A majority of the students at LBMS are interested and being paired which is an increase from the smaller number during the pilot program that took place last school year. The pairings will allow for another level of support at home for our students as they complete homework, projects, and study for assessments.
Museum of Science Virtual Field Trip, "Earth's Systems"
Author Rob Buyea to Visit 6th Grade
We are excited to announce an awesome upcoming opportunity for our sixth graders! On Friday, February 11th, the children's author Rob Buyea will visit LBMS to present to and engage in writing workshops with our sixth graders. Rob is the author of numerous books for young readers, including the popular Mr. Terrupt series. Rob visited LBMS a few years ago, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming him back!
A special thank you to the Lancaster PTO for sponsoring this event.
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences
Our spring parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for the afternoon and evening of March 3rd and the afternoon of March 11th. Conferences are an ideal time to meet with your child's teachers, check in on progress, and ask any questions you may have about your child's performance and growth.
Pick-A-Time, our conference scheduling site, will open February 9th at 7:00 PM. A link to Pick-A-Time will be provided on our LBMS website. Spring conferences will once again be held virtually, using the Zoom platform. Meeting links will be shared with families electronically on March 1st via email. Families wishing to schedule an in person conference are asked to contact Judy Ursuliak in the school office to make arrangements.
Check Out What our Students are Reading...
Substitute Teacher Pay Increase
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a substitute teacher and/or are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher, please email Laura Friend at lfriend@nrsd.net or call our main office at 978-365-4558. Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school.
Looking for Real-World Visual Arts Connections, We Need You!
Are the visual arts a part of your profession?
The study of Visual Art helps students develop creativity and innovation skills. Visual Art helps us understand history and culture, too. Art also helps us decode imagery presented in communication in our daily lives (for example, in advertising). We benefit from understanding the role of visual art in all aspects of society. Students can learn from marketing professionals, web designers, architects, engineers, retail workers, product designers, landscapers and other professionals who use knowledge of art in their daily work. Even if these careers are not labeled as "artists," visual art and the creative process is woven into the work that they do.
Are you willing to talk about your profession and how creativity, visual images, and/or design principles are used in your work?
Luther Burbank's Art teacher, Mrs. Slattery, will be recording video interviews with adults in a wide range of professions. The series of videos will be shared with students to develop an understanding of the widespread use of art in a myriad of careers. If you are interested in helping with this project, or would like more information, please fill out this Google Form: Art in Professions Questionnaire
Winter Attire, Recess, and Mask Breaks
This year we have continued with our longer recess blocks so that students can benefit from the fresh air and activity. During the winter months, students may elect to play in the snow. In this case, students MUST wear snow boots and snow pants. Thank you for your support with ensuring your child is adequately prepared. We know that sometimes it is tricky to wrangle a middle schooler when it comes to attire, and we appreciate your support from the homefront.
Minuteman Application Deadline Information for 8th Grade Families
Eighth Grade Families: This is a reminder that the deadline to apply to Minuteman High School in Lexington is Tuesday, February 15!
Minuteman is open to students living in Lancaster who seek a rigorous academic program combined with high-quality career technical education. That means you can study in programs like electrical wiring, automotive, design and visual communication, animal science, multimedia, engineering, biotechnology, and much more!
The enrollment demand at Minuteman has increased significantly in recent years. For your best chance of getting in, please apply and have your interview completed by February 15. For more information, visit minuteman.org/admissions or call 781-861-6500, Option 2.
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: lfriend@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal