Wayland Union Board of Education
Work Session Summary
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
The Wayland Union School Board met on Monday, March 28, 2022, at Wayland Union High School for their work session.
Four people provided public comment (two parents and two students) regarding the Career Connections Academy (CCA) programming. The comments advocated for continuing the program as it has helped many current and former Wayland Union High School students succeed and graduate when they may not have in a traditional high school format.
Work Session Topics
CCA Programming Options for 2022-2023
Three proposals were discussed: 1) Restoring the program by increasing content area staffing; 2) Transitioning to online/virtual programming providing flexibility to students; and 3) Terminating the CCA program. Discussions revolved around options one and/or two. The board does not wish to terminate the CCA program and appreciates the success it has provided our students.
Board of Education Social Contract
Board members created a BOE Social Contract facilitated by President Dan Cassini. A social contract is a collective commitment between a group of people identifying how group members want to be treated and will be treated by others; in essence it is an agreement on behavior. Collectively the board members discussed four questions:
1) How do you want to be treated by me (leader)?
2) How do you want to be treated by each other?
3) How do you think I want to be treated by you?
4) How do you want to treat each other when there is conflict?
Ultimately creating a social contract which will be posted at upcoming meetings.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Program Review
Per the Wayland Union Schools Strategic Plan Learning and Personnel Objective, the District was to investigate three Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) programs for leadership, staff, and students (Capturing Kids Hearts; Leadership Blueprint; Be Nice; Love & Logic; and/or Michigan Model) by March 2022. The board discussed these programs. For additional information, please see SEL Program Review Summary as well as other supporting documents in BoardDocs. Considered 11T funding Capturing Kids Hearts for 2022-2023 fiscal year. This topic will be added to new business at the April 11 meeting.
Board Operating Procedures
In January 2022, the board reviewed its revised Board Operating Procedures. Additional review of public participation is necessary through the policy committee on April 11, 2022. The Board of Education Social Contract will be added to Board Operating Procedures.
Administrative Pay Scale Review and Proposal
The administrative pay structure was reviewed and suggested changes were discussed. This topic will be added to new business at the April 11, 2022 regular board meeting.
Therapy Dogs in School
This governance team discussed therapy dogs in schools. At this time, no action will be taken on furthering this topic. There are no plans for district-therapy dogs or to utilize staff animals during their work day. Therapy animals may be utilized as a service (similar to the cats during high school exams) with building administrator consent following board policy.
Old Business
The BoE approved the annual Debt borrowing to meet the May 1 Debt payments; the acceptance of the gift of a memorial bench in memory of Russ Porteous from his wife, Tami; awarded the Asbestos Abatement RFP to Martin and Associates Environmental LLC in the amount of $59,233; and awarded the old “CCA building” demolition RFP to Oetman Excavating LLC in the amount of $83,900. Asbestos abatement is scheduled to begin next week with the building demolition will take place in early June.
Board Topics
Follow-up on Board Self-Assessment and Activity
Trustees Mellema and Hohnke presented their findings on leadership in response to the results of the board self-assessment. Additional board members will report out at future meetings.
The meeting concluded with board comments. The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7:00pm and will be held in the Wayland Union Middle School Cafeteria.
The Board of Education wishes our Wayland Union Schools students, staff, and families a wonderful spring break!
*Please note: This is a brief, non-comprehensive, summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181