Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, January 2023
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, shared several updates from the Quarterly Village Presidents Meeting. She thanked the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation for their support of the District and noted the recent Carlson Event. She also recognized the District's Buildings and Grounds team for their work with snow and ice removal to keep our buildings safe this winter.
Ms. Rose noted the return of Beverages with the Board, an opportunity for community members to connect with Board Members on a regular basis. Drop in to chat with Emily Rose and Dawn Livingston:
Tuesday, February 14 from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Peets Coffee
817 Elm Street in Winnetka
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, shared updates on several District initiatives, including a meeting that occurred earlier in the month welcoming 2023-2024 Kindergarten families. She congratulated Assistant Superintendent Jeff Knapp’s recent “Best New Member” award from the Illinois Association of School Personnel.
Dr. Tess also highlighted Winnetka Voices a recently-launched podcast by The Winnetka Public Schools. The latest episode, Supporting Literacy Needs & Fostering a Love of Reading, is available here:
Highlighting Progressive Education in Action: Hubbard Woods School
Hubbard Woods students and teachers shared how the democratic process comes to life through the school’s Town Hall Meetings. This all-school leadership opportunity helps students grow in confidence and advocacy skills.
Fiscal Year 2022 Auditors’ Report
Betsy Allen, a representative from Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd, the District’s auditor provided an overview of the Fiscal Year 2022 audit. The audit was conducted in fall 2022, and resulted in no findings. The Board approved the audit as presented.
Informational Items
Advancing the Educational Master Facility Plan
An update was provided regarding the rebidding process related to the referendum project work and the next phase of the village stormwater project on the Crow Island property.
This recurring memo will be shared with the Board as means to provide timely and succinct updates on the initiatives underway in the District. This month’s memo includes updates on the work with the Literacy Curriculum Review; Portrait of an Educator, Student Services and EL Programming, and Educational Master Facility Plan.
The Board was updated on the last 5 years of student enrollment in September 2022 as well as the instructional FTE (Full Time Equivalent). In February, the Board will receive a Preliminary Staffing Plan which will include input from all building and District leaders to project necessary staffing based on projected enrollment as well as necessary changes based on programmatic needs. Administration also recommended an updated enrollment study to ensure projections remain on track post-pandemic.
The calendar committee has concluded meeting for the school year and made a recommendation for the 2023-2024 public school calendar. The calendar includes a start date for staff on August 30, 2023, a start date after Labor Day for students on September 5, 2023, and a full week off for students/staff the week of Thanksgiving, and a final day of attendance on June 13, 2024.
2023-2024 Student Fee Recommendations
The Board reviewed recommendations for student fees for the 2023-2024 school year including registration, transportation, extra-curricular programs, as well as Adventures in Learning for this coming summer. The Board approved these fees as recommended.
The Board approved a one year extension for our modular classrooms at Crow Island. This will be the last renewal prior to the addition of classrooms at Crow Island in 2024.
The Board approved the Budget Calendar for the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget.
The Board approved a mid-year increase in the cost of some of the items at Carleton Washburne for the remainder of the school year. This is necessary due to inflationary pressures in the cost of food.
Project Authorization Perkins & Will
The Board approved Perkins & Will to begin design of the work authorized through the referendum. This includes the work remaining on the elementary schools, as well of the beginning of this process for The Skokie School and Carleton Washburne.
The Policy Subcommittee met January 17, 2023, to review updates to policy as provided through the IASB subscription service, PRESS. A summary of the types of updates being recommended for adoption is included in the packet for a 1st read and discussion.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
KUDS for the Fine Arts Curriculum Units
FY 22 Auditors Report
Modular Lease Renewal
Food Service Price Increase
Student Fees 2023-2024
Resolution Directing the Chief Financial Officer To Prepare The FY2024 Budget.
Project Authorization Perkins & Will
Intra-District Transfer Request
To view the entire Board Packet from the January 31, 2023 Meeting, click here.