Barry Bulletin
Barry Elementary February 2, 2024 Family Newsletter
Be a Leader. Be You. Be Barry.
This week at Barry...
🏈Chiefs Spirit Week!
📆 Dates to Remember:
February 6: 100th day of school
February 15: Spring Showcase (student led conferences)
February 21: PTA Friendship Parties
February 29: PTA Skate night @ River Roll 6-8pm (moved from the 22nd)
Thank you for your Feedback! Please Complete the Next PCR-3 Parent Survey by February 7
We're conducting our next parent survey cycle to gather feedback on strengths of the District, as well as areas to consider for growth. Your input is important and will be considered when making future decisions. Results from our first cycle can be viewed here. Please complete the second cycle survey by Wednesday, February 7. Thank you in advance for your feedback!
Character Warms the Heart Week: February 12-16
February 12-16 is our Pirates ROCK "Character Warms the Heart" week, when we warm up with our good character and great leadership with fun spirit week activities and collect items for our Treasure Chest resource center to help PCR-3 families in need. We're collecting shampoo & conditioner, body wash, deodorant, and toilet paper this year. Participate in our spirit days and send in any donations to our schools! The class, PLT, or Advisory in each school with the most donated items will receive a donut party!
Reminder: Friday, February 16 there is no school for our Professional Learning Day. See flier for details on our spirit days and come cheer on our Pirates at the Home Basketball games on February 16!
Barry Elementary Million Minute Challenge
We are very excited to announce a new reading challenge that will run from February 12 - March 13. It is called the Barry Elementary Million Minute Challenge. The goal is for the school to read a combined total of one million minutes in one month (31 days). This is a challenge for students as well as any staff that would like to participate.
We have printed personal trackers for all students and will send out a spreadsheet to log all those minutes per student or staff member. Minutes can be earned by reading to someone (teacher reading to class) or listening to someone read (audiobooks, online read alouds, etc) or reading to yourself. Students can use listening to read alouds in class, reading during literacy stations, practicing reading stamina, etc. They can also count any reading at home such as reading to a sibling or listening to a book read by someone.
Every time a student reads 100 minutes, you can have the student take their tracker with them to their library time and Miss Begg will get their name on a special 100-minute reader poster for the cafeteria. We'd love to wallpaper the whole cafeteria with 100-minute reader posters!
All honors will be announced at the LEAD day assembly in March.
We will be sending out more information, printouts, and posters starting the first week of February. We are very excited to get this rolling!
No Tax Rate Increase Prop C Waiver and Levy Transfer Informational Meetings
This question will be placed on the April 2, 2024 ballot. Pending voter approval, this proposal will allow the District to allocate resources to better attract and retain quality staff, and enhance safety and security. For more information, click here, or attend an Informational Meeting:
- Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 6pm, Platte Purchase Middle School
- Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 6pm, Platte County High School
Friendship party update:
We will be celebrating our PTA Friendship Parties in the gym on Wednesday, February 21st at Barry Elementary. This is a change. PTA's link to volunteer to help is here. Separately, on February 14th or 15th (we will send separate communication when it becomes available on the official date) classrooms will have their own Friendship celebrations. These will be students only. We are allowing students to bring in valentines and/or nut-free, individually-wrapped treats to distribute to their classmates. See classroom information regarding part boxes or bags.
🏴☠️ Pirates ROCK Character Trait: INDIVIDUALITY
Pirates ROCK Character Trait: SELF CONTROL (For February)
Pirates R.O.C.K. (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
February's #PiratesROCK trait is SELF CONTROL: displaying your emotions & behaviors in a positive way.
Leader in Me Connections to SELF CONTROL:
- Habit 1: Be Proactive - You are in charge of you.
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind - Know what you want before you do it.
- Habit 3: Put First Things First - Do the important things first.
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood - Listen first, then talk.
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw - Take care of yourself.
CharacterStrong Connections to SELF CONTROL:
- Self-Management, Responsible Decision-Making, Patience, Respect, Forgiveness
The Heart Hero Board outside the gym needs some love!
- You and your student can share one individual or family photo of you all getting active!
- Send a copy of the photo to school with your student or email it to Coach Mosh at
- We are excited to see your health adventures!
Do you have any bandanas you'd like to get rid of?
Barry Physical Education will take them off your hands to use as blindfolds in our Teamwork units!
Just send the items with your student(s) to school and have them drop them off at the gym.
See any other items P.E. or recess might use? Feel free to email Coach Mosh at
🤝New Barry PTA!
Join us for an officer workshop featuring MO PTA representative, Lori Prussman, to learn more about the roles for leadership in PTA!
✔ Join the PTA!
Community Events
Pathfinder & Barry Elementary
NEW Models Every Session!
Mondays 7:30 – 8:30 AM
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 26 March 4, 11
ENROLL ONLINE AT: or call 816-858-5505
$84.00 for six-week session
Bricks 4 Kidz®enrichment classes are designed to be
educational and FUN! We teach children principles of
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) utilizing
motorized LEGO® models. Every lesson is unique and
designed to engage a child's mind. Each 6-week session
features a new theme and models. This club is for grades
K-5. Class size is limited. Students will receive a mini- fig with
Girls on the Run 3rd-5th grade
World Down Syndrome Day
🔗Important Links
Barry News Network
Barry'd Treasures
Please visit our Barry School Store website!
If you have any questions, want to volunteer or make a donation, please contact Blaire Zessin or Teddi Weber.
🛑Safe Schools
🛑 Bullying and Safety Concerns: Online Reporting System
Safety is one of our district’s top priorities, and to help safeguard our school community, our District uses Safe Schools Alert, a tip reporting service by Vector Solutions, that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration.
You and your child can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, or any safety issue you're concerned about through this online reporting system. On the homepage of the District website ( and on each school building's homepage there is a Safe Schools quicklink which links to the reporting tool. Every tip Vector Solutions receives about our District is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. Tips may also be submitted anonymously if you prefer. Together, we can make our District a safer place to learn.
🍕Lunch Visitor Sign Up & Menus
Lunch Sign Ups and Menus
Here is the link to Nutrislice for the menus. You can also access it on the district website under Food Service. If you click the link, then choose Barry and then bookmark it, it should take you to Barry menus each time. If there are changes to the menu for the week, they will be updated here first.
Lost and Found
In the event of a school cancellation or delay, we will implement one of the following plans:
- Plan A (No School and No Remote Learning) - PCR-3 will implement traditional inclement weather days (Plan A or Plan B), until we reach a threshold that would push the school year past Memorial Day.
- Plan B (No School, No Y-Club, No Remote Learning) - PCR-3 will implement traditional inclement weather days (Plan A or Plan B), until we reach a threshold that would push the school year past Memorial Day.
- Plan C (Two-Hour Delayed Start) - Here is Barry's 2 hour late start schedule. (District Information)
- Plan D (Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day/AMI Day) - Here is the District Information for this plan. If we were to utilize Plan D and have a Remote Learning/Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI Day), students will take home computers and/or materials needed for this day. You will be receiving specific information from the classroom teacher with details if we utilize Plan D.
Please complete the following OPT out form if your student does NOT need a Chromebook or charger for potential Alternative Methods of Instruction Days (AMI). If you do not complete this, we will be sending home a Chromebook and charger if an AMI day is a possibility. These will need to be returned the following school day.
Inclement Weather Planning
Please visit the Winter Weather Information page on the Parents Tab of the District website for information on recess and clothing considerations (there will be no outdoor recess when the wind chill is at 20 degrees or below), cancellations, two-hour delayed starts, how the District will notify families, and Y-Club info.
In the event of school cancellation or delayed start, PCR-3 will get that information out as early as possible through automated phone calls and text messages, the District website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the District Hotline (816-858-2752), and local media.
PCR-3 will implement traditional inclement weather days (no school and no virtual learning), until we reach a threshold that would push the school year past Memorial Day. We will make those days up per our academic calendar, and if we go past the planned make up days for inclement weather, we will implement our Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days.
Parents: To opt in to receive texts, please text the word "YES" to 67587.
Did you know...
We love showing off our Barry Pirates! If your child is on the NO PHOTO list we won't be able to include them in our newsletters or social media posts. If you are, or think you may be on the list and no longer want to be please call the office and we will gladly fix that for you!
Calendar and Contact
🕐 School Hours of Operation
Regular school day office hours run from 8:15am - 4:30pm.
- Students can enter the building- 8:30 a.m.
- Official start of school- 8:50 a.m.
- Dismissal- Car Riders and Y-Club-3:35 p.m.
- Dismissal-Bus Riders- 3:50 p.m.
Barry Elementary School
Assistant Principal: Dr. Mindy Wheeler
Location: 2001 Northwest 87th Terrace, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-436-9623
Twitter: @barry_elem_pcr3