Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - February 17, 2023
Presenting our First Read-a-Thon!
Funds raised will directly help pay for our One School, One Book event that we will hold a little bit later this year. Classes will have the opportunity to earn a popcorn party for classes with the highest participation, highest earnings, and most minutes read. We can't wait to see the amazing amounts of reading that our students will do. If you have any questions, let us know!
* Important Pick-up Patrol Update *
This Week's Schedule
- Monday, February 20th, No School, Presidents' Day
- Tuesday, February 21st, Regular School Day
- Wednesday, February 22nd: Regular School Day
- Thursday, February 23rd: Regular School Day
- Friday, February 24th: Regular School Day!
A look ahead:
- March 3rd - REID Day
- March 6th - Read-a-Thon Begins!
- March 10th - REID Day
- March 16th - Bingo Night & Silent Auction, 6:00pm
- March 17th - REID Day
- March 24th - No School, Grade Day
- March 27th - 31st - No School, Spring Break
We are Hiring!
Illness & Returning to School
This Month's Standard of Excellence
My School Bucks - Meal Service Payment System
My School Bucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, and receive email notifications for low account balances.
Please note: currently, a convenience fee of $2.75 will be applied for each transaction.
All transactions are processed and applied to students' accounts nightly.
To enroll, please click the link below and have your student's ID number handy.
My School Bucks can be accessed via the link below: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers