RES Weekly Buzz
Children Are...
Amazing, cherish them. Believable, trust them. Childlike, let them.
Divine, respect them. Energetic, nourish them. Fallible, embrace them.
Gifts, unwrap them. Here Now, be with them. Innocent, delight in them.
Joyful, appreciate them. Kindhearted, join them. Magical, fly with them.
Noble, esteem them. Open-minded, hear them. Precious, treasure them.
Questioners, encourage them. Resourceful, support them. Spontaneous, enjoy them.
Talented, believe in them. Unique, affirm them. Vulnerable, protect them.
Whole, recognize them. Xtra Special, celebrate them. Yearning, notice them.
Zany, laugh with them.
by Meiji Stewart
Enjoy your family this weekend.
Upcoming Important Dates
- March 27th: Elementary Spring Concert
- 6pm RMHS Auditorium
- April 7th: No School for Staff and Students
- April 11th & 12th: ELA MCAS grades 3-5
- More information on MCAS in the upcoming newsletters.
- April 14th: 1/2 day for Staff and Students
- April 17th-21st: Spring vacation (RES office closed Monday 4/17)
- May 2nd-3rd: Math MCAS grades 3-5 (more info to follow)
- May 16th-17th: Science MCAS grade 5 (more info to follow)
- May 19th: 1/2 Day for Students
- May 29th: No School - Memorial Day
RES staff getting in on St Patrick's day fun.
Mrs. Marsh, SRO Officer Anderson, MS. Goodhue, Mrs. Waterman and Mrs. Reynolds
Grade 5
Rockport Public School District Report Card
Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card.
The District’s report card is designed to show families how
our school is doing in different areas.
Here is a link to our
On Going Schoolwide Events at RES
Read Across America for March
Let's wHOOP it up with a book!
RES is celebrating our love of reading during the month of March!
RES March Reading Madness Information
26 Day Kindness Challenge 2023
In support the Martin Richard Foundation, RES is participating in a "26 Day Kindness Challenge", highlighting Martin Richard's message of inclusion, kindness, justice, and peace.
Notes from the Nurse
1) Please see the charts below in order to review symptoms and guidelines for student illnesses. (You can also refer to the COVID guidelines here: RPS COVID Protocols 2022-2023).
Any absences related to illness can be excused if a doctor's note is provided to the school.
2) Please send in an ***updated copy of your child's most recent annual physical*** if you have not done so already.
3) If your child has borrowed any clothes from the RES Health Office, PLEASE wash and return them promptly.
Please reach out to the nurse's office with any questions at 978-546-1223.
Before/After School Activities
Run Club: Sign up here
Before/After School Activities:
- Winter session 2, check the Weekly Schedule here.
- Any questions email Mrs. Gale
Homework Club for Gr 3-5 in room G132 with Ms. Gale. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday and Thursdays 3-4pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-8:45am
Motif #1 Day 5K and Fun Run
Welcome to the annual 5k and 1 mile fun run for the Rockport Public Schools Health and Wellness Programs. The race was born from the desire to get our students and community more involved in health and wellness activities. This is our second year partnering with the Educational Foundation for Rockport (EFR). The money raised from this year's race will go directly to the EFR to be used to support our health and wellness programs at the Rockport Public Schools. Our goal is to inspire a lifetime fitness and wellness way of being by providing programming that supports wellness. This past year we sponsored a family online health cooking class with Becca Gutstadt and purchased wellness kits for all students at the elementary school to support fitness at home.We have also funded a choose your passion unit. Students were able to choose a wellness modality and work in small groups with a teacher or coach who shared that same passion. We had students hiking, mountain biking, playing tennis, orienteering, cooking healthy food and much more. This program was a huge success and we look forward to growing it. In the past we have purchased 35 pairs of snowshoes for our physical education classes as well as funded guest speakers, yoga instructors for the district, acro yoga classes, juggling club equipment, support for our elementary school run club program, water fountains and water filtration systems, composting system and program run by 5th grade leaders, jump rope for health program and much more. Click here to join in on the fun.
- HS/MS Choral Director: School Spring ID 4161821
- RPS Cafeteria Staff and Cafeteria Substitutes
- Call or email Deborah Nokes at 978-546-1234 or
- Substitute Teachers, All Levels; School Spring ID 3807059 or click here
Parent Resources and Local Events
- Motif #1 5K and 1 mile Fun Run May 13 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Power of Play March 26, 2023 11-2pm at Gloucester High School
- RES Kindergarten/Grade 1 Registration-Rockport Residents, New students only, registration is ongoing
- Rockport Integrated Preschool-applications being accepted till March 31, 2023 Pre-K Flyer
- Cape Ann Museum offerings for Feb-May 2023
- Summer Programs at Pathways
- Gloucester Little League Registration
- Savings Makes Cents program offered by Cape Ann Savings Bank for Grades 3-5.
- RPS Community Flyers