Kindergarten News
November 18, 2022
Word Wall Words
There are no new words this week. Please take this time to enjoy your family. Of course, you can always practice with previous words.
A special thanks goes out to Bessie-Grace for coloring this week’s page! Above, she is locating matching words that were written on pumpkins and a separate page. She found the capitalized versions of words like stop, me, his, and by. This could easily be recreated at home.
Literacy Workstations
In the above activity, Laila and London worked on an -at book. They had to sound out words, switching only the first letter to create a new word (cat changes to hat).
Word Work
The students were given dry erase boards and practiced writing -et words.
Writers Workshop
During Writers Workshop we are writing nonfiction books about animals. Bessie-Grace had the chance to share her book with the class. The students complimented her on her neat writing and spacing!
Shared Reading
During Shared Reading we were able to learn more about animals.
In math we are continuing to work on patterning. We have made patterns using lots of different items and can make patterns with motions (pat head, touch toes, pat head, touch toes).
Math Workstations
In math workstations we practice a variety of skills. Above, Grace and Zechariah are counting the dots on Dominoes and placing them on the sheet with the correct number.
Reading Workshop
We have focused on informational text. We have learned about turkeys and listened to books about being thankful!
Social Studies
In Social Studies we have learned about thankfulness and traditions. Thank you so much for sending in the your Family Traditions papers!
Veterans Day Parade
On Monday morning we honored our veterans as they paraded through the school!
Technology Fun
We enjoyed working with Mrs. Rollison, disguising a turkey.
Birthday Celebrations
November Challenge
Please work with your child to help them learn their birthdate. They should be able to tell us the month and day. We will be checking on their progress at the end of the month.
Contact Information
Mrs. Poston (
Mrs. Meade (
Dutch Fork Elementary: Academy of Environmental Sciences
Proud to be a Title One School