Rāmere Friday 13th May Haratua 2022 (T2: Wk2/10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Scientists: This week we have enjoyed having Sue Galloway with us to take our students for practical science-based experiments. The children have loved becoming scientists.
Kapa Haka: This week our Kapa Haka group started up again for 2022. It is great to have Sharne Parkinson working with us each Wednesday afternoon.
COVID: We continue to have cases of COVID pop up in our school community and we expect this will be the case for a while yet. What we know is that just under half (46.46%) of our children have tested positive since it has reached our community. This does leave quite a number still to get it over the coming weeks and months.
We do still have staff that have not contracted it yet as well which could put pressure on running the school if it all happened at the same time.
Please let us know as soon as possible should your child/ren test positive. We have testing kits here for families of children at our school so give us a call and pick them up.
Thank You - Team Edendale
- Caci Mineur: Caci is into her second year with us as a teacher and (third year overall as she was with us as a trainee teacher in 2020). She has stepped forward into our Year 3 - 4 class bringing to it the skills she developed in her first year of full time teaching in 2021 in Team Kiwi. I can see her growing in confidence and contributions to our school which is wonderful to watch. She is an asset to our school and has a warmth and connection when working with children that they respect.
Matariki 2022
Schools are coming together to perform in what is a full and exciting programme of performances including kapa haka groups and school bands.
Food vendors are booked and will be positioned to create a 'food hall' experience for people to purchase a wide variety of refreshments.
At the conclusion of the event, there will be one of the biggest professional fireworks display that this area has seen.
Come along and be part of the celebration.
Principal's Term Two Challenge: Authors and Illustrators
Section One: Become an Author - Write an original poem, to a maximum of 200 words, focused upon the theme 'On the farm'.
Section Two: Become an Illustrator - In a style of your choosing, create an original picture themed around 'On the farm' that can be put alongside our poems.
Age Groups: There will be pages dedicated to...
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section (mum, dad, grandma, grandad, teacher, etc)
The End Result
Successful entrants (authors and illustrators) will be put into a book that we will print for the school, with copies that will go into our school library and each class.
We will then sell copies to the entrants and general public.
The Requirements and Rules
- The theme is 'On the farm' so the writing and/or picture must reflect this.
- The word limit for the poem is 200 words.
- The illustration style can be of your own choosing, A4 in size (landscape or portrait) but it must be able to be scanned into a jpeg.
- The entries are due by Friday 10th June.
- On all entries make sure you put your name, age, year level and room on the back. (Unless you are in the Open section where your name will suffice).
- You can enter as both an author and illustrator.
- You can only enter one piece of work for each section.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Two 2022
Week Three (of 10)
- Tuesday 17th May: Sports Activator
- Tuesday 17th May: Elgregoe Show
- Tuesday 17th May: School Board Meeting Three, 6.00pm, staffroom
Week Four (of 10)
- Monday 23rd May: Home and School Meeting, 7.30pm
- Wednesday 25th May: Kamahi Reserve, Whole School
- Thursday 26th May: Year 6 Big Day Out
Week Five (of 10)
- Tuesday 31st May: LMV Cross Country
- Thursday 2nd June: LMV Cross Country Postponement Day
Week Six (of 10)
- Monday 7th June: Queens Birthday Public Holiday - School Closed
- Tuesday 8th June: Sports Activator
Week Seven (of 10)
- Friday 17th June: Southland Cross Country
Week Eight (of 10)
- Monday 20th June - Thursday 23rd June: School Interviews
- Friday 24th June: Matariki Public Holiday - School Closed
Our Kura News and Information
The School Sports Event Polo shirts are available from the school office for $40 each. This is required for Lower Mataura Valley combined activities for example Cross Country and Athletics Day, along with some school trips.
There are two 2nd hand size 4s at the office for $10 each.
Monday Night Hockey
This season our Edendale team is called The Dolphins. We are playing Monday nights in Gore. The introduction of having a goalie all padded up for each game is a new thing for most of the team. We play half a field and it is FAST!
(Back row) James Webber, Ida Jukes, Fleur Blackmore, Pippa Clarke, Rilan Anderson
(Front) Kieran Waite, Jada McKinnel
Coached by Mrs Jenny McKinnel.
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Two Responsibility Haepapa
Responsibility means we own our actions towards our roles, activities and items for our own and other’s benefit and is shown through loyalty, duty, commitment, initiative, onus, ownership, contributions, trustworthiness and doing.
At Edendale Primary School respect is demonstrated when we...
Are ready for our learning.
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Respect Manaakintanga
Term Three - Excellence Tohungatanga
Term Four - Integrity Ponotanga
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Caden Dobbie for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Jake Wigchers Van Boheemen is a polite young man who shows many of our school values. This week he is Team Kea’s MVP for Haepapa - Responsibility.
Jake comes to school with a big smile on his face. He walks in and greets his friends by saying “hello” and sharing a story. He knows our routines and gets himself ready for the day.
Jake is very keen to learn and gives everything a good go. He works hard with his learning and has made huge improvements already. I have loved watching Jake’s excitement about learning and when he makes achievements.
Jake is thoughtful and often makes little crafts or pictures for his friends or teachers. He is a great helper and is respectful of our class equipment. It has been a privilege watching Jake settle into school and grow into a responsible leader in Team Kea.
You have had a positive impact on Team Kea Jake. We will miss your bubbly personality and your sense of humour when you leave. Keep being a superstar and all the best for your future!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Ben Bayliss is our MVP in Team Tui for Haepapa - Responsibility.
Ben is an excellent team member who has so many awesome qualities.
He takes part in any class activity well and asks questions, which shows that he is a responsible and active learner.
Ben makes sure that he is ready for the day by unpacking his bag and getting the right equipment he needs to start off the day correctly. Ben always completes his home partnership and you can see this by the great progress that he is making.
Ben demonstrates a growth mindset by always being willing to try new things when it comes to his learning and knows mistakes help us learn too. He works hard to complete his work in the set time and is always trying his best.
Ben shows responsibility by making sure he puts away any equipment he is using when he is finished with it and always helps to keep the classroom tidy.
We are so lucky to have a kind, loyal classmate and friend like you, Ben, in Team Tui.
Keep it up, you rock!
Our Kaitiaki School Board
The next general meeting for the School Board in Term Two is this coming Tuesday 17th of May at 6.00 pm. Meeting material has been issued.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Two 2022
The Term Two 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 23rd May starting at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Boys Outreach - Friday
- When: This Friday 13th May
- What Time: 7-9pm.
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street.
- Who: Anyone aged 9 years old and up welcome. Just turn up on the night.
- Activity: Boys Spotlight. Please wear old, warm clothes.
Contact: Johno Ferguson 206 6878
Girls Rally - Friday
- When: This Friday 13th May
- What Time: 7-9pm.
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street.
- Who: Anyone aged 9 years old and up welcome. Just turn up on the night.
- Activity: Girls bake off
Contact: Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
- When: Youth Group is Saturday 14th May
- What time: 7.30-10.15pm
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street
- Who: Anyone year 9 and up welcome. Just turn up on the night
- Activity: Fun Challengers
Contact: Becs Ferguson 0274 124 941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool