Elmdale School
November Newsletter
Principal's Message
November is here and with that our trees are starting to look a little bare and we're anticipating snow will cover the ground soon. But there is still lots going on at Elmdale! November is Report Card month for grade 1-4 students, so watch for those in your Parent Portal starting on November 25. November is also when we do our fall Parent-Teacher conferences. These will be happening on November 14 from 12:30-5:30. Sign up will also be in the Parent Portal, so watch for more information coming soon.
As you can see, the Parent Portal is a very important place for you to get information from the school, digitally sign permission forms, change contact information, and pay fees. If you don't have a Parent Portal account yet, please contact the school at elmdale@hsd.ca and one of our secretaries will send you the information to get set up. If you are having trouble accessing it, check out the website at https://hsd.ca/schools/parents/parent-portal/ for assistance. This is a great tool to keep up to date with what is going on at school!
Mr. Vince Hiebert
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: vhiebert@hsd.ca
Instagram: elmdalehsd
Hearing Screening
November is Hearing Screening Month at Elmdale. All students in kindergarten, grade 1 and those new to our school will participate in our annual hearing screening. In addition, teachers may identify students who seem as though they don't hear or pick up on certain sounds or instruction in the classroom. A dedicated screener (employee of Hanover School Division working with the Speech and Language Pathologist) comes to school to assess these students with a screening device. Students who show signs of hearing loss are referred to Southern Health to an Audiologist. Parents are notified about the referral. Please contact our Learning Support Teacher, Ms. Rose Friesen (rfriesen@hsd.ca), should you have concerns about your child's hearing or have other questions about the program.
A Message From our PAC
If you are interested in joining, or simply checking out a meeting, feel free to join us at our next meeting on November 10 at 6:30 in the School Library or by contacting elmdaleparentcouncil@gmail.com for more info.
School Assemblies are an important part of buidling school spirit and school community at Elmdale. Parents and grandparents are invited to join us for assemblies. Our assemblies take place most Friday's at 9:15 in the school gym. If you're interested in attending, please arrive between 9:00 and 9:10, sign in at the office, and then head to the gym.
Upcoming Assembly Dates are:
- November 4 - Bus Safety
- November 10 - Remembrance Day
- November 18 - Christmas Hamper Kick-off
Apparel order
You should have already received a Elmdale School Apparel order form. If you're interested in purchasing Elmdale clothing, please order! This is not a fundraiser - items are priced to cover our costs. It's great to see students (and parents!) wearing their Elmdale School clothing and celebrating the fact that they are "Elmdalers"! Orders are due November 10 in order to make sure we have them before Christmas break.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Our annual fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are taking place on Monday, November 14 from 12:30-5:30. These in-person meetings are a great chance to connect with your child's teacher and see how things have been going this fall. Please stay tuned for more information and how to sign up.
Parent/Teacher Conversations
Outside of Parent Teacher Conferences, if you would like to discuss something with your child's teacher, please send them an email or SeeSaw message to arrange a time. Generally during drop off and pick up time is not a great time for a parent-teacher meeting as these are very busy times of day.
Picture Retakes
Picture Retakes are taking place on November 18. Please let your child's teacher know if you'd like you would like retakes done for your child. All students who were absent on the original picture days will have a chance to have their picture taken on the retakes day.
Trading items/Leave at home items
Items like sports cards, Pokemon cards, BeyBlades etc should not come to school. If we see these items at school your child will be asked to bring them home. If this happens repeatedly, the items will be confiscated and parents will be asked to pick them up from the school office. Trading of personal items is not allowed at school.
Drop off reminder
Just a reminder that morning drop off should not happen in the bus loop. Parents/caregivers should park in the Family Parking lot and walk their kids across the bus loop. Goodbyes should happen at the fence.
Concert Dates
Please note that our Grade 1-4 Christmas Concert has been moved. Due to a booking issue, the concert will now take place on Monday, December 19, at the Steinbach Mennonite Church. There will be an afternoon concert and an evening concert. Please plan for your child to attend both, and we encourage parents, grandparents, and friends to come and watch! More details to come!
Kindergarten Concert
The Kindergarten Christmas Concert will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 20 in the Elmdale School gym. All kindergarten students will attend on Tuesday (December 20) and there will be no kindergarten classes on December 21.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is overflowing! If parents would like to come and check out the lost and found, please sign in at the office when you arrive. Lost and found items will be available to view until the end of this week.
October Princi-Pals
At Elmdale we believe in celebrating the good we see in our students. School staff is always watching for students demonstrating outstanding behaviour in one of the "6 C's" - Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Citizenship and Character. Every classroom teacher nominates a student who has gone above and beyond in one of these areas each week. These names are announced in our Friday assembly and students get a special treat with the principal. Grade 1 and 2 students have a juice box and popcorn with Mr. Hiebert and grade 3 and 4 students get to go for a Root Beer at A&W (generously donated by A&W!). It's great to celebrate the good - and Mr. Hiebert loves the small-group time to hang out with Elmdale students. Here are this month's winners:
Nutrition Bits and Bites - Eating on a Budget
Costume Day 2022
"Soup's On" School Lunches
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Elmdale Early Years School
Publisher: Mr. Hiebert
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd