Lowell Sped Pac
Lowell PS Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Lowell Sped Pac Monthly Meetings for the 2023-2024 School Year
The Lowell Sped Pac invites you to participate in the monthly Sped Pac Meetings to discuss topics in Special Education and supports available to our families in Lowell. Please join us on the dates listed below. A reminder will go out through your schools each month about the upcoming meeting. Hope to See You There!
2023-2024 School Year Monthly Sped Pac Meetings Dates
All Meetings are Virtual on Thursday Evenings, 7PM
Our Next Meeting is Thursday, June 6
Meeting Link:
Sped PAC meeting dates 2023 - 2024
September 21
- October 5
- November 2
- December 7
- January 4
- February 1
- March 7
- April 4
- May 2
- June 6
Frank Vicente
Frank is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters