Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition: 2-14-2021 to 2-20-2021
Friendly Reminders
iReady is a great tool to help students remediate concepts that they have yet to master. Students have been using this tool all year! As a final push before the end of the year, we wanted to reward all of our students' hard work! Complete the challenge and get a sweet treat!
This Week
2-15-2021: Teacher Workday
Looking Ahead
2-22-2021: Afterschool Tutoring/EOG Remediation will start
3-1-2021: Softball and Boy's Soccer Tryouts Begin
3-2-2021: Cohort A Homeroom Spelling Bee
3-5-2021: Cohort B Homeroom Spelling Bee
3-9-2021: High School Orientation for 8th Grade for Cohort A - Virtual
3-9-2021: Cohort A School Spelling B
3-11-2021: Cohort B School Spelling B
3-11-2021: High School Orientation for 8th Grade Cohort B - Virtual
3-11-2021: Early Dismissal & Virtual Parent Conferences
3-11-2021: End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday
3-17-2021: Cohort A Winner & Cohort B Winner Spelling Bee
3-22-2021 to 3-26-2021: EOY NC Check In
3-22-2021: Cohort A Honor Roll Celebration
3-25-3021: Cohort B Honor Roll Celebration
3-30-2-21: Cohort A iReady Challenge Celebration
4-1-2021: Cohort B iReady Challenge Celebration
4-2-2021: Holiday
4-5-2021 to 4-9-2021: Spring Break (Annual Leave)