Lebanon Public Schools
Superintendent Gonzalez's Back to School Update 2022
Superintendent's Back to School Message
Dear Lebanon Students, Staff, Families and Community Members,
“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings”- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
2021-2022 was another great year in Lebanon Public Schools! Thank you to our staff for their tireless efforts to pursue excellence with our learners each and every day. Thank you to our families for their unwavering while we navigated through uniquely challenging circumstances. The perseverance and pride displayed by our students was nothing short of amazing.
During my first year as Superintendent I was able to see how connected and intertwined all facets of our schools are. I was impressed with the collaboration and cooperation of our close knit community. I had an “aha” moment last Spring while sitting in the Lyman Memorial Auditorium with my daughters watching our students perform High School Musical. They were singing “We Are All in This Together” and I realized much of our success last year was because of our teamwork, dedication and love for Lebanon.
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer filled with time with great company and refreshing days of relaxation.
The new school year brings with it excitement and opportunity. I am confident that together we can tackle any challenge and reach new heights. We will continue to promote a culture that supports the emotional, intellectual and physical well-being of all our staff, students and families. We will remain committed to developing the skills of our learners as they explore their interests and encourage them to be lifelong learners. Collaboration, reflection and a growth mindset will be key drivers to realizing our goals for the 2022-2023 school year.
The following goals will be at the forefront of all our actions this year as we work to grow learners, develop leaders and create legacies in Lebanon Public Schools:
Goal 1- The school community takes collective responsibility for the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well-being of every student and can demonstrate how each child is known, valued and connected. (LPS Strategic Plan- Climate & Culture- Mentoring Programs, NEASC Standards for Accreditation 1.3)
Action Steps-
Maintains and supports high expectations for all students
Has a plan and services in place to identify and support the social and emotional needs of students
Ensures each student is known by an adult mentor in the school, or through other formal process, to assist them in developing the Portrait of the Graduate dispositions
Goal 2- Instructional practices are designed to meet the learning needs of each student. (LPS Strategic Plan- Academics- Personalized Learning & Effective Intervention Strategies, NEASC Standards for Accreditation 2.4)
Action Steps-
Using formative assessment to adjust instruction
Organizational, grouping, and tiered intervention strategies to meet the needs of each learner within the classroom
Goal 3- Educators engage in ongoing reflection, formal and informal collaboration, and professional development to improve student learning and well-being. (LPS Strategic Plan- Teaching & Learning- Aligned Professional Development & Use of Data, NEASC Standards for Accreditation 3.2)
Action Steps-
Engage in formal collaboration
Engage in formal and informal professional development & apply the skills and knowledge gained through professional development to their practice
Goal 4- Educators develop proactive student, family and community partnerships that support learning. (LPS Strategic Plan- Communication & Community Engagement- Partnerships & Communication Plan, NEASC Standards for Accreditation 3.6)
Action Steps-
Engage students, faculty, and families in the school improvement process
Engage students and families as partners in each learner’s education and specifically reach out to enhance connection with the school
We are all in this together! I look forward to another year working alongside you to prepare our students to be contributing members of a diverse global society in a safe, nurturing, rigorous, and student-centered learning environment.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”- Hellen Keller
Important Dates
Back to School Mailings will be sent to families on August 5th
August 23- New Staff Orientation
August 23- Freshman Orientation at Lyman 10:00-1:00
August 24-26 Professional Learning- NO SCHOOL
August 25- Volleyball, Boys & Girls Soccer and Boys & Girls Cross Country practices start at Lyman
August 29- First Day of School for all students
September 2- Schools Closed
September 5- Schools Closed- Labor Day
New Resources- Connecticut State Department of Education
There is still time to take advantage of this opportunity...
Exciting News!
Thanks go to Brenda Wildes, Jay Apicelli and Samantha McCarthy for their work to advocate for the needs of our staff and students while promoting a vision to grow our program. The turnaround time on this project is very quick. We hope to have this structure up before the end of 2022. The barn will be able to house more animals and It will also provide another great location for instruction for our learners.
This project was recently unanimously approved by our Board of Education, proposed to the Planning and Zoning Commission and will begin soon!
The Lebanon Public Schools submitted an attestation form on August 11th and will be receiving funding to help support continued free meals for our students for a portion of this school year. We were only recently made aware of this possibility and quickly moved to take advantage of this opportunity.
A requirement in receiving these funds is that we need to communicate to families 30 days prior to these funds running out. As you saw in the July Superintendent Update our district was prepared to make the shift back to meals at a cost. Once we know the exact amount of funding we will receive and have a better understanding of when the funds will run out, we will make sure to provide timely communication so you all can be prepared for the costs that will be associated with meals.
School Meals Assistance Revenue for Transition (SMART) Funds
The intent of this appropriation is for these funds to assist households, through school food authorities’ (SFAs) continued provision of school meals at no cost to students for as long as possible in school year (SY) 2022-23, as SFAs transition back to operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).
The funds will be referred to as School Meals Assistance Revenue for Transition (SMART) funds.
SMART funds will: require participating SFAs to provide free breakfast and/or lunch meals to all students in schools that are approved to participate in the NSLP and SBP in SY 2022-23 subject to the availability of funds. reimburse SFAs the difference between the federal reimbursement rate for free meals and the federal reimbursement rate for reduced-price and paid meals.
Curriculum Corner
By: Rita Quiles-Glover Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
It is hard to believe, but we are a few short weeks away from classrooms opening with a renewed focus on student engagement, collaboration, and voice. As always, the first days of instruction focus on creating a classroom culture that will cultivate creativity, routines, and curiosity.
Prior to student arrival, teachers will participate in professional development August 24-26. During this time, teachers will collaborate on various topics. Some topics we will be working with include:
Teachers in grades K-8 will receive training in the new math program, I-Ready Mathematics, learning the key elements of student engagement: Try It, Discuss It, and Connect It.
All grade levels will review data using Spring assessments to identify areas of strength, needs and plan instruction.
In all 3 buildings, teachers will review social emotional learning to help build classroom connections. Specifically in grades 5-12, staff will learn the foundation of Choose Love, a program to fully incorporate state of the art Character Social Emotional Development (CSED) model standards, while also incorporating neuroscience and positive psychology to teach mindfulness, character, and emotional intelligence.
Preschool teachers and middle school science teachers will work with the CT Science Center on inquiry-based learning, where students have opportunities to explore possible solutions.
Grades K-2 will receive training from Heggerty in explicit phonemic awareness instruction.
Special education teachers will engage in CT - SEDS training, an adaptive electronic Individual Education Program (IEP) document designed to improve format and flow of information.
PE teachers across the district will review health/PE standards and begin planning using these as a guide for instruction.
While we prepare for the start of the school year, I’d like to celebrate all the students participating in the summer or math challenges! It’s been a highlight of my summer seeing students come and complete the math challenges in the central office. Thank you for your support in instilling the importance of learning.
Highlights from Pupil Services
On August 9, all parents of students with IEPs should have received a Thrillshare message. The letter begins:
I hope that you are all enjoying a relaxing, fun-filled summer! In the Department of Pupil Services, we have been busy getting ready for the new school year. Our biggest task was the transition to CT-SEDS (Connecticut Special Education Data System). As we revise IEPs, they will be in a new format. Parents will also have access to a Parent Portal. We will have an information session on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 in the Lebanon Middle School Library at 6pm. We will also post information on the website. While this is very exciting, everything is new so please bear with us as we learn this new platform.
If you did not receive this letter, please contact Fran at 860-642-5636. To read the rest of the letter, please visit our website at:
I hope to see many of you on September 21!
Child Find
Lebanon Public Schools actively seeks to assist children and families by locating, identifying, and referring children from birth to age 21 who require special education and related services. If you are concerned about a child's development, you are encouraged to contact Lebanon Elementary School to receive information about Early Childhood Screenings If the child is younger than 3 years of age, you may choose instead to contact the Connecticut Birth to Three System at 1-800-505-7000.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact 860-642-5636.
Don't Forget
Lebanon Pride
Lyman's 100th Year Celebration!
LYMAN 100th ANNIVERSARY- September 9-11, 2022
The Lyman 100th Anniversary Committee has been planning our celebration and All-Class Reunion to be held the weekend of September 9-11, 2022 at Lyman Memorial High School.
The tentative schedule can be found on-line and in print at various locations around town. The schedule includes Lyman sporting events, a student/alumni concert & variety show, opening ceremony, a dance, tours of the Middle and High Schools and a Lebanon Historical Society exhibit. There will be much more during the weekend, as well as time to reunite with classmates, old friends, and teachers. We are looking for participants for the Music Show and if any class would like to plan a mini reunion, please refer to the schedule for more details.
Exciting news: We are now accepting donations through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/lyman100years (answer: “Donation”). Donations will be used for anniversary celebration supplies, advertising and publicity, signage, merchandise, activities for the Lyman school population, 2023 graduation recognitions, etc. If you would like to donate there are several levels, and you can still pay by check. More information is included in the schedule and a separate donation form, available in various locations and on-line. The schedule and a donation form can be found here as pdfs.
Please follow us on Facebook at Lyman-Memorial-High-School-100-Year-Anniversary or find us at www.lebanonct.org/o/lmhs/page/lyman-100. For more information, or to have your email and name added to the list please email LymanMHS100years@gmail.com. Please check these pages for updated schedules and more information as we proceed towards September.
Please spread the word to your alumni family, friends, and classmates. We look forward to having our Lyman alumni family back in Lebanon for this celebration weekend.
Event registration will be available by May 1.
How many people can say they attended their high school’s centennial celebration? You don’t want to miss it!
With thousands of Lyman alumni and their families eligible to attend our celebration, the committee would like to know in advance how many will join us.
Registering prior to the date will help with planning, food, merchandise ordering, venue capacity, etc.
There is a $10.00 non-refundable per person fee; current K-12 students are free. This fee covers celebration expenses.
Please click on the google forms link and complete the registration form:
Printed copies are also available in various locations around Lebanon or by request from lymnamhs100years@gmail.com.
Payment can be made by check through the mail to the address on the form or through PayPal, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/lyman100years (answer: “Registration”)
You will not be considered registered until payment is received. Registration deadline is August 21, 2022.
Please continue to follow us on Facebook: Lyman-Memorial-High-School-100-Year-Anniversary or through the Lyman Memorial High School page: www.lebanonct.org/o/lmhs/page/lyman-100 for updates.
Lebanon Covid-19 Dashboard
COVID-19 Medications
COVID-19 medications are now available through your doctor, local pharmacies, and health clinics.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, do not wait to get treated.
You must take oral COVID-19 medication within 5 days of your first COVID-19 symptoms.
Use the tool below to find a location that is right for you.
If you have individuals looking for their vaccination record, they can now access the information by themselves.
The link is below for patients and legal guardians to access official immunization records for themselves and their children using the CT WiZ Public Portal.
Mission Statement
The Lebanon Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community, will prepare students to be contributing members of a diverse global society. We will provide a safe, nurturing, rigorous, and student-centered learning environment.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement of the Lebanon Public Schools:
The school community of Lebanon is committed to the mission of honoring and celebrating the diversity of our students, our community, and our nation. We strive to guide our students to conscious, deliberate, individual and collective actions that cultivate the respect of all races, religions, and social backgrounds. Our school community endeavors to produce graduates who are equipped with a greater understanding of the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Nondiscrimination Statement of the Lebanon Public Schools:
The Lebanon Board of Education, in compliance with federal and state law, affirms its policy of equal educational opportunity for all students and equal employment opportunity for all persons. It is the policy of the District to promote nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment and the District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, alienage, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other category protected under state or federal law in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its program or activities. The District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups and is specifically required by Title IX not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its programs and activities. The District shall make reasonable accommodations for individuals with identified physical and mental impairments that constitute disabilities, consistent with federal and state statutes and regulations.
The following person has been designated to handle inquires regarding Title IX sex discrimination policies: Dawn DeLia, Title IX Coordinator, 891 Exeter Road, Lebanon, CT; 860-642-5764
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding other non-discrimination policies: Dawn DeLia, 504/ADA Coordinator, 891 Exeter Road, Lebanon, CT; 860-642-5764
Lebanon Public Schools
Email: andrew.gonzalez@lebanonct.org
Website: https://www.lebanonct.org/
Location: 891 Exeter Road, Lebanon, CT, USA
Phone: 860-642-5637