Thundercat Weekly
Thundercat Events At-A-Glance
8/29 Football vs Bowie MS B-Team 5:30-6:30PM Mercer Stadium
8/30 Football vs Bowie MS A-Team 5:30-6:30PM Mercer Stadium
9/1 Open House 6PM- 8PM
Safety: Student Supervision
Thank you for being timely in your drop off and pick up of our thundercat students.
Arrival & Dismissal Reminder
The safety of our Thundercats is top priority and we appreciate everyone adhering to our dismissal process.
Parents please be kind to our RTMS neighbors and do not drop off or pick up students in those areas. Please use our car rider line. Thank you for your understanding in keeping our Thundercats safe and our neighbors safe too.
· If you plan to drop off/pick up your student by vehicle, please remain in the RTMS designated car rider line.
- When dropping off students for tutorials or clubs 7:50 - 8:15 am, please use the second lane crosswalk area, in the front drive, to drop off in the morning.
- Please have students exit and enter vehicles near the front curb of the campus.
Thank you in advance for following the car rider map.
Thank you for helping to keep our thundercats safe !
A Message from Ms. Petru, RTMS Principal
August 26, 2022
Good Morning Thundercat Families,
Our school year is progressing well, and our students are developing their daily rhythm with class schedules, lunches, routines, and expectations. We had our RTMS National Junior Honor Society Induction ceremony this week. Congratulations to our inductees, and thank you to our NJHS sponsor, Melanie Jones. We also celebrated our broadcasting students beginning our morning announcements.
This week we are focusing on People and Relationships matter. We have observed many students enjoying their classes and are excited to see them making new friends. Please challenge your child to continue making positive connections with their peers
Safety- Drills are part of our safety procedures at RTMS. We have held several drills over the last week. Please help us to remind all our students of the importance of following directions and listening actively during drills. The Thundercat students did a wonderful job this month with all our safety drills.
Lunch update: The FBISD free and reduced lunch application link Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Transportation- The car rider line is running smooth. Thank you to all the parents who follow our traffic pattern. If everyone participates in the structure and traffic pattern, the drop off and pick up line works for everyone.
Buses- We have seen improvement this year however, many of our buses run late after the dismissal bell. It is our goal to let parents know of late buses through Blackboard. This year the bus system has many later drop off points. Please check the Bus Route Locator for your specific route information. We are in regular contact with FBISD transportation regarding bus concerns, as well.
RTMS School Volunteer Opportunity
· Parent Advisory Council- If you are interested in being part of the RTMS Parent Advisory Council (PAC) please e-mail, with your interest. I would like to have 15-20 parents on my committee. We currently have 8. The committee is a Thunderccat parent committee committed to meeting, discussing and contributing feedback to structures at RTMS. This committee meets 4-5 times a year. It is held face to face on Monday’s at 6pm in our RTMS library. Our first meeting will be September 19th.
· RTMS will have Walk Watch Repeat back on campus this year. These are parent volunteers who walk the building and are able to be an extra set of eyes for us for safety and security. You may contact Walk Watch Repeat, if you are interested in volunteering. The e-mail for WWR is Parents who wish to volunteer must have also completed the annual criminal background check using this link to the district website.
We welcome any feedback and adjust according to our needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the appropriate administrator or staff member.
Grade Principal Telephone & Email
· Principal Jennifer Petru 281-327-3873
· Associate Dr. Shannon Williams 281-327-3958
· 6th Grade Patrick Watson 281-327-3908
· 7th Grade Marcos Cardenas 281-327-3875
· 8th Grade Lita Skinner 281-327-3876
If you need to contact your Counselor: Grade Counselor Telephone & Email
· 6th Grade Regina Torres 281-327-3880
· 7th Grade Brittney Green 281-327-3881
· 8th Grade Ayana Jefferson 281-327-3879
We will continue to keep you updated on our progress and thank you for partnering with our school to make it the best it can possibly be for your children.
Jennifer Petru, Principal
Ronald Thornton MS
Tardys start Monday, August 29th
• Tardy: Student Conference
• 2-3 Tardies: Parent Contact
• 4-5 Tardies: Referral, After School Detention
• 6+Tardies: Referral; Saturday Detention and Parent Conference
FBISD Child Nutrition & SHAC Nutrition Committee Collaboration
Child Nutrition and the SHAC Sub-Nutrition Committee would like your support encouraging students to participate in our Farm Fresh Texas @FBISDFoodie Art Contest! The Farm Fresh Art Contest is for students interested in revealing their artistic talents utilizing the "Taste the Rainbow" theme through various art mediums! View contest details in the links found below for more information.
Links: Art Contest Criteria and Submission Link
Document: Art Contest Flyer
Clinic News
- All incoming 7th grade students for the 2022-2023 school year are required to obtain T-dap and Meningococcal vaccines per Texas law, please provide a copy to the clinic.
- As a reminder, students are not allowed to bring any over the counter or prescribed medications to school. All medications must be turned in by the parent/guardian in the original prescription bottle and appropriate documentation filled out.
- All students that carry inhalers or epi-pens should let the clinic know and also should have a permission form and action plan signed by their doctor.
Cross Country is Coming ...
Cross Country will begin in October. To participate in Cross Country all runners must be in the 7th or 8th grade, have a physical on file and all Rank One forms completed. If your child would like to participate please take care of physical and Rank One forms now so they are ready to go. For updates on the season please join our Sports You group – ELZQ-GSBQ. Any other questions contact Coach Barger.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet on Friday, September 2 at 8:05 am in portable building T6. All students are welcome. Please join us for fun, fellowship and DONUTS!!!! Special thanks to Sienna’s First for providing donuts again this year.
Please join our FCA SportsYou- download the SportsYou app and enter code E8S7-4MXK
Hi All Thundercats- Book Fair is coming soon. You browse the book flier, set up eWallet and sign-up to volunteer on our book fair home page-
or if you want to go straight to the volunteer sign-up it is here:
Hope to see you soon!
Attendance News
Thank you for reaching out to the Ronald Thornton Middle School Attendance Office! Here are some frequent Q’s & A’s and resource information that may help address your concerns even faster:
1. What should I do if my child is absent?
If your child is absent from instruction, please attach your documentation to an email within 5 days of the absence to
2. I believe my child was incorrectly marked absent.
Please contact the teacher who marked the absence. If it is incorrect, the teacher will either edit the attendance or contact the attendance office to make a correction.
3. What do I do if I need to pick my child up early for an appointment?
Sign in at the Front Office with your sate issued I.D., you will get a Visitor’s Badge to the Attendance Office. Sign your student out from the Attendance Office. Please remember to bring a doctor’s note back to school the next day to allow the absence to be excused. Please make sure if you (parent or guardian) are sending another person to pick-up your student/s, they are listed on the emergency contacts.Students will not be released if they are not on the emergency contact.
4. What if I need to add someone on my student/s emergency contact for early pick-up?
Email the name, number and relationship to student/s with a copy of your ID.
5. What is the latest I can pick-up my student?
Student pickup is suspended from 3:40 p.m-4:10 p.m.
6. Do I need to call when my student is absent?
No, calls are considered a courtesy but not an excuse please follow up with a written note or medical note in order for absence to be excused.
7. Why is the absence still showing unexcused?
Once documentation is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours to show in Skyward.
8. What information should be included in the absence note?
Please include first name and last name, grade level, reason for absence.
9. How many days can my student be absent before they need a Medical Note?
According to the FBISD Parent/ Student Handbook, a student can be absent 4 consecutive days with a parent written excuse after the 5th day a medical note will need to be provided.
10. My student is sick and leaving from the clinic, do I need to sign out from the Attendance Office?
You will sign your student out from the Clinic only if the nurse or nurse’s assistant has spoken with you. The nurse will let the Attendance Clerk know and your student will be excused for the missed classes.
If the Nurse or Nurse Assistant does not inform you to pick your student up from the clinic then you will need to sign your student out from the Attendance Office and the student will be called from class.
11. Can my student wait for me in the entrance, if they know I am coming to pick them up?
Due to safety reasons and constant flow of entering and exiting the building, please DO NOT have your student wait for you in the entrance of the school.
12. My child forgot an item (lunch, band instrument, technology, etc.) at home, how can I get it to them?
We do not deliver items to students. Student will not be called out of class to retrieve items. A table is set up in the vestibule, where you are able to drop the item off, text your student the item is at the front of the school on the table. If allowed by the teacher they may come or during passing period to pick item up.
We are off to a good start. THANK YOU again to those that have already donated to our school’s ThunderCash Campaign. We would love to meet our goal of $25,000 and we NEED everyone’shelp to get there. There’s still time to donate to ThunderCash. Please see flyer below and visit We are asking for donations to be made online, however if you would prefer to send cash or check please email Danielle Hooks at or Jennifer McCullough at to make arrangements.
As a part of the Whole Child Health Initiative, Fort Bend ISD is excited to present our first parent webinar of the 2022-23 school year: " Mental Health is for Everyone". The parent webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. During this session, FBISD's mental health counselors will educate families on the District’s campus-based services targeted to normalize and identify emotional challenges across cultures. Whole Child Health, focuses on Whole Child Health, is aligned with FBISD's Profile of a Graduate, and is committed to supporting and developing the mental, behavioral, social, emotional, and physical health of all students in FBISD.
REN Testing
Thundercat Families,
As you may already know, FBISD uses Renaissance Star 360 Assessments (Ren360) to help teachers understand what students know and what they are ready to learn next. These assessments are administered during the fall, winter, and spring to monitor student growth and progress. The fall Ren360 assessment calendar is listed below. Students will be tested at school by their ELA and Math teachers.
- 8/29/22 6th GR READING REN 360
- 8/30/22 7th GR READING REN 360
- 8/31/22 8th GR READING REN 360
- 9/1/22 6th GR MATH REN 360
- 9/2/22 7TH GR MATH REN 360
- 9/6/22 8TH GR MATH REN 360
In order to support your child on this assessment, please
- Encourage your child to do his/her best;
- Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast;
- Get plenty of sleep at night;
- Arrive to school on time and prepared.
Thank you for your partnership with us through this assessment process. Results of the Ren360 assessments will be available in Skyward at approximately the beginning of October. For more information about Star Assessments, visit the Renaissance parent webpage.
FBISD Breakfast & Lunch Services
- Free and reduced lunch forms open on August 1. It can be completed at Families must complete an application for each school year.
- Meal prices for 2022-23 School Year:
- Student Breakfast: $2.00
- Secondary Lunch: $3.00
- Parents may put money in student’s accounts PRIOR to the 1st day of school to avoid longer lunch lines at the start of school.
A Message from Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office
Please understand that we cannot honor requests for students to ride bus routes other than their own designated route. Students who do not have bus-riding privileges will not be able to ride the bus with their bus-riding friends. Therefore, please plan accordingly so that everyone experiences a smooth dismissal each school day.
PE Uniform Order
Need a PE Uniform? Click link below to order. Uniforms will be distributed the first week of school in PE classes.
RTMS PE Uniforms | Fort Bend ISD
RTMS P.E. Shirts. RTMS P.E. Shorts. Home > FBISD Schools > Middle Schools > Thornton MS > RTMS PE Uniforms > FBISD Schools > Middle Schools > Thornton MS > RTMS PE Uniforms
Technology Usage: Electronic Devices
1. Electronics/ cell phone policy?
a. Cell phones should be out of sight in the student’s backpack throughout the school day.
b. Teachers will communicate when students can use their electronic devices to aid in the learning process.
2. Are smart phones/tablets required?
a. Smart phones/tablets are not required at school
b. All classrooms are outfitted with a class set of laptops or iPads.
District-Wide Parent Organization Collaborative Meeting
The Departments of Collaborative Communities, Business and Finance and Enterprise funds will be hosting the District-Wide Parent Organization Collaborative (DPOC) meeting on August 27th from 9 am to 12 pm. The annual DPOC kick-off meeting will provide an opportunity for new, existing and reactivated parent organizations and booster clubs to learn important information about getting started for the 2022-2023 school year. *Reminder! All required documentation for parent organizations is due to by 9/1.
7th and 8th grade Locker Request Form 2022-2023
Please complete this form in its entirety so that it can be properly processed. RTMS cannot guarantee that all requests will be granted due to the limited amount of lockers available. Students will be notified through Schoology of the outcome of this request. Please submit this form only once.
Requests will not be accepted after Friday September 9th at 4pm.
Need To Update Skyward Settings ? Use the below Job Aide.
Connect to RTMS via your favorite social media outlet.
Please visit and join us HERE.