Gator Tales Family Newsletter
Dec 19-23
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Mission Glen Elementary Mission and Vision
Mission Glen Elementary will empower students to become life-long learners.
Campus Vision:
Mission Glen Elementary will provide opportunities for all learners to dream, believe and achieve.
Kids Healthy Heart Challenge Update
Mission Glen Elementary School students are Being the Torch and illuminating ways for our community to become healthier with Kids Heart Challenge! So far, we have raised $1077.76 towards our $2,000.00 school goal. 12 Students have started Finn’s Mission and can take a health challenge and learn hands-only CPR!
Heart Heroes are teaching the kids the importance of making healthy choices, being a leader, and kindness. Click the Heart Hero below to hear their message to students.
Register to Participate in Kids Heart Challenge!
1. If you haven’t already registered for Kids Heart Challenge, click on our school’s Kids Heart Challenge link: or download the Kids Heart Challenge app for iPhone or Andriod.
2. After registering, you can email or post to social media from the KHC website or app. How to Register for KHC Video.
3. Students who are registered and have an online donation by Monday will be entered into a drawing with other students across the country for a Large Squishmallow or a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate and earn some of this year’s Heart Heroes!
Wear Your Best 80's Attire on February 2
Celebrate Your Gator's Birthday on the MGE Marquee!
QR Code for Birthday Marquee
Yearbooks are Now on Sale at MGE!
MGE is happy to announce that we will have a yearbook for the 2022-2023 school year. The cost of the yearbook will be $20.00. There are some ways to personalize your yearbook if you prefer. If you would like to add your student's name and portrait on the cover, you would add $8.00 to the cost of the yearbook. If you would like your student's name only on the cover, you would add $5.00 to the cost of the yearbook.
Payment Options:
- Your student will bring home a yearbook order form this week so you can pay for a book.
- Send cash using the envelopes. Please include the student's first and last name as well as the teacher. We will not be able to send change home, so please send the exact amount of cash.
- You may click on the link below to order securely online.
- No checks will be accepted for payment of a yearbook.
Order using the Link below:
Please reach out to Ms. Bonilla or Ms. Briggs with any questions you may have.
Volunteers are Needed at MGE!
Volunteer Background Check
Thank you for your interest in becoming an active participant in your child's school as we "Prepare them for Greatness" this year!
Scan the QR code below to complete the Criminal Background check that all volunteers are required to complete.
MGE School Hours
- Monday - Friday
- 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
MGE Campus Schedule
7:30 - 8:10 a.m.- Student Arrival8:10 a.m. - Tardy Bell Rings
*Breakfast is served until 8:05 a.m.*
2:30 p.m.- Parents, we ask that if you need to pick a student up early you arrive by 2:30 p.m.; students should not be picked up early on a daily basis
3:25 p.m. - Dismissal
New This Week
- Moss's Corner
- Science Fair
- Pics from the Week
- Attendance Winners
December-January Calendar
2/3 Boy's Club Meeting (4th and 5th grade) @ 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. (students only)
2/8 Walking Club @ 7:30 a.m.
2/8 PTO Interest Meeting @ 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
2/10 Lunch with a Loved One
2/15 Black History Program
2/16 Parent Conferences Early Release @ 12:10 p.m.
2/17 PD Day No school for students
2/20 School Holiday no school
2/24 Sweetheart Dance (see flyer above)
Principal's Corner
Interim Principal, Mrs. Moss
Please join us for :
- 2/2 8O'S DAY IN FBISD- wear your best 80's attire to celebrate 80,000 students enrolled in FBISD!
We are Building a Culture of Kindness at MGE with Student Friendly Random Acts of Kindness. Join us!
Rockets Read Nation
Gator Families join us for Rockets Read Nation! We want all of our Gators reading and logging their time for a chance to win prizes from the Houston Rockets. Students have been given reading logs to record their minutes, so let's start reading!
Tutorials to Ensure Greatness at MGE
1. Monday and Friday- open computer lab for grades K-5 students to utilize instructional digital programs.
2. Tuesday - Thursday Morning tutorials are offered for students who may benefit from extra practice. (teachers have sent permission slips to students who may benefit)
3. Afterschool tutorials will be offered for 3rd - 5th grade students at the end of January. (teachers will send permission slips to students who may benefit)
We look forward to a great New Year!
Mrs. Moss
Attendance Winners
MGE Families Enjoy Title 1 S.T.E.A.M. Night
100th Day Celebrations!
Curriculum Corner
MGE Curriculum Corner Parent Resources
Links to district curriculum can be found on the FBISD website, Departments, Teaching and Learning. For Reading you click on Literacy. For Math and Science you click on STEM.
Social Studies:
Free and Reduced Lunch Message
Dear Families,
With the end of the pandemic, there are no longer waivers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture this year that provide free meals to all students in the district. Although our school is designated as a free meals campus, we are asking all parents to please fill out the free/reduced-price application so that accurate information is associated with your child’s account and with our school. Having this application on file not only provides an important update to your child’s records, but it also qualifies you to receive other benefits. You can find the application at The application is quick, easy and confidential. The web address again is If you have questions or need assistance, please call Fort Bend ISD’s Child Nutrition Department at 281-634-1855. That’s 281-634-1855. They have staff members on duty who can assist you. To those who have already filled out the application - thank you for doing so. We appreciate it.
Lunch Visitors
We are excited to welcome lunch visitors to MGE. In order to ensure a smooth transition and respect health and safety protocols, we ask that all parents follow the schedule below. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Note that Wednesdays are Family Day, This is the day that parents with students in multiple grade levels may come to eat with their students.
Example: Parent can eat with 1st grade student and 3rd grade student on Family Day,
Our Gators' Safety is Our Priority
Parents, thank you for a GREAT start to our school year. In order to continue to have a wonderful year, we'd like to share a few safety reminders.
- Please make sure to use the sidewalks and crosswalks during arrival and dismissal.
- Refrain from parking in the teacher parking lot before and after school. We have daycare buses who pick up in the back of the school, and it can cause a safety issue for our students.
- Please have your car tag when picking students up from Parent Walker Pick Up. You must present your ID on the first day that you pick your student up from PWP so that we know our Gators are going home with the correct parent or guardian.
- Please refrain from watching students during breakfast at the cafeteria doors. This causes a serious concern with safety and confidentiality of the other students.
- Please email your child's teacher with dismissal changes by 2:00 p.m. This gives us time to ensure the change has been communicated so that your Gator goes home safely. You may also call the front office, but you will be asked to follow up with an email to the teacher.
MGE Student Initiatives
Positive Behavior Interventions
MGE/FBISD Dress Code Expectations
A new year is upon us and all of our Gators are ready to wear their favorite Back to School fashions. Please remind them of the following so that our Gators are able to remain focused on school.
- Crop tops should not be worn.
- No hats, caps, doo-rags, wave caps, bandanas or hoods worn indoors, except on campus designated days
- days, or during designated times permitted by the campus;
- Shorts should be an appropriate length; at least 3 inches above the knee.
- Jeans with holes can be worn, but the student’s skin should not be visible on the upper thigh (adhering to the same expectation as shorts); tights/biker shorts should be worn under jeans with holes on the upper thighs.
- Jeans with holes on the knee or lower are fine without tights.
- Leggings, tights or other clothing that is form fitting must be worn with a garment that covers to mid-thigh.
- Students in kindergarten through second grade may wear shorts slightly above mid-thigh.
The MGE Dress Code adheres to the FBISD Dress Code. Click on the link below to view the FBISD dress code, pg. 73. Our goal is to ensure that we create an environment in which our Gators are focused and ready to learn.
Medication Form Request
For those students who need to be taking scheduled medication at school or have health conditions that may need medications during the school day, please have their doctor complete the medication request form after you fill-in your part. Then have the completed forms and medications brought to the clinic. The forms can be found on the FBISD web page under the parents and students tab- select medical forms.
Addie Jackson-Sublet
Site Coordinator
Mission Glen Elementary
Extended Learning Program
Office: 281-634-4295
Fax: 281-634-4534
Recipient of the First Class Customer Service Award
District Information
MGE CPAC 2022-2023
MGE Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Glen Elementary Arrival and Dismissal 2022-2023
Arrival and Dismissal
General Information
- All students may enter the building beginning at 7:30 a.m. each day using the cafeteria doors closest to the front of the building.
- Breakfast is served in the cafeteria until 8:05 a.m.
- Please use the front circle drive to drop your student off in the morning.
- If you wish to park and walk your student up to the building, you may park along Williwaw Drive. Please escort your student across the street.
- Due to limited capacity, we ask that parents refrain from parking in the staff parking lot.
- All PK and Kinder students will be escorted by an adult at all times in the building.
- Grades PK - 1 will walk to their classrooms using Success Parkway, the hallway closest to the Lobby.
- KG will be greeted by their teacher or the teacher on duty for the grade level and sit socially distanced on Collaboration Road, the hallway behind the front offices, parallel to the conference room until 8:00 a.m. At 8:00 a.m. the class will walk to their classroom.
PK will be greeted by their teacher or the teacher on duty for the grade level and sit socially distanced in the cafeteria until 8:00 a.m. At 8:00 a.m. the class will walk to their classroom.
Grades 2 - 5 will walk to their classrooms using University Blvd, the hallway closest to the Custodian’s Office.
Dismissal Information
Car tags can be picked up during our MGE Meet the Teacher Night. Car tags that are not picked up during the event will be sent home with students on the first day of school.
- Mission Glen walkers will go out of the cafeteria doors near the cash registers.
- Tamayo walkers will go out of the side doors near the cafeteria (next to the custodians' office).
- Williwaw walkers will go out of the back door of the 4th/5th grade hallway.
Car and Bus
- · All students will dismiss from the cafeteria and walk to the Circle Drive.
- · All parents must have a car tag; If parents do not have a car tag (after the first day of school), they will be asked to park, go inside and get a new car tag before their student is released.
- Bus riders will sit on the right side of the cafeteria facing Mission Glen Drive.
- Car riders will sit on the left side of the cafeteria facing Mission Glen Drive.
- Each grade level will sit in a single-file row according to grade level.
- Students will stand on the colors outside as their number is called to wait for their parent to arrive.
- Please practice car #'s with your student the first week of school.
- There will be a sibling line for car riders and a sibling line for bus riders.
- All siblings will meet in the line, sit single file and dismiss together.
- Siblings should sit together in the walker line, and older siblings should ensure that their younger siblings are present before walking home.
- Teachers will double check daily that all siblings are present and ready to leave together before dismissing students from their duty station.
Parent Walker Pick Up (PWP)
- Parents will walk to the gym and stand in line along the sidewalk.
- Parents will show the teacher on duty their student's car tag to pick up their student.
- If a parent does not have a car tag, a valid form of ID must be show to pick up the student.
- PWP forms will be available at Meet the Teacher so that you may sign your student up before school starts.
Do You Have Questions?
- Please call the school at 281-634-4280.
- Contact one of the school leaders listed at the end of this newsletter.
Mission Glen Elementary
Danielle Moss, Interim Principal
ph: 281-634-4283
Tynisha Smith, Counselor
ph: 281-634-4284
Nurse Agnes Mawa
Yolanda Serna, School Nurse Aide
ph: 281-634-4284
Christina Leal, Executive Assistant
Minerva Duran, ADA (Registrar)
Aimee Racca, CCC (Special Education)
Andrea Beckert, Parent Center Coordinator
Location: 16053 Mission Glen Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-4280