Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School March 17th, 2022
God of Love,
through this Lenten journey,
purify my desires to serve you.
Free me from any temptations to judge others,
to place myself above others.
Please let me surrender even my impatience with others,
that with your love and your grace,
I might be less and less absorbed with myself,
and more and more full of the desire to follow you,
in laying down my life according to your example.
I hear your invitation, "Come back to Me"
and am filled with such a longing to return to you.
Show me the way to return.
Lead me this day in good works I do in your name
and send your Spirit to guide me and strengthen my faith.
I ask to feel your love in my life today.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!
Wow! March is kind of a whirlwind month with all of the things that are taking place at Holy Trinity Catholic School. From one event to the next, we move through this time of Iowa testing, Stations of the Cross, Reconciliation, Lent, registration time, marketing planning, and planning for upcoming events, like Grandparent's Day, Volunteer Day, and Social Fest.
There are definitely many balls that each of us juggles. The activity level does not take away from the one reason that we are a school. It is important to remember that we exist because of a mission to bring God into the lives of children and their families. We do this through prayer in Mass, throughout the day, and in other opportunities of our faith. We do this with traditional celebrations and practice. We do this by teaching and learning. We do this by passing on the fact that God loves us and loves our neighbor just as much. God is the one and only reason why we have a Catholic school and God definitely wants HTS to be here – just look at how He has infused your heart to be so generous to help our school succeed.
I want to thank all of the parents who have volunteered and supported Holy Trinity so far this year, and encourage all parents to involve yourselves in the life of our school community. There will be many opportunities to help with Social Fest! Let us know if you are interested in helping.
Mrs. Longden
Our Spirit Wear store is open!
Access either at wpp-promo.com – under company stores
or at:
The store will close on March 25th. As with many other things right now, there may be some items that are not available when it is time to order. You will be contacted if this happens. Some items are hard to get right now.
Spring Flower and Hanging Basket Sale
Holy Trinity School is have a spring flower and hanging basket sale!!!
Order forms were sent in the family folders Monday.
We are selling flats of flowers containing 48 plants for $22 or 10" hanging baskets for $30. The flats and baskets are available in a variety of flowers and everything is listed on the order forms.
There are 2 order forms for the flats and 1 for the baskets.
Orders and payment are due April 1.
Plants will be delivered the week of May 9.
Plants will be from Bemis, the same place where the wreaths and poinsettias were from.
Please call the school office if you have any questions!
Attached is the flyer and forms if you need them!
Tuition/Registration Materials
Did you know that among the top reasons new families come to visit us and enroll in Catholic Schools is that current or past parents share the good news about Catholic Education with them? Tell all your friends and relatives about the high quality of care and education your children receive at Holy Trinity School. Thank you for all that you do to encourage more families to enroll. You can make a difference for these families! You are great!
Don't forget about our Tuition Incentive - Family Referral: Refer a family that registers and enrolls at HTS for the 2022-2023 school year and receive $500 off your tuition bill! Discount is for one year, one per family.
If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, we are looking for someone to run an after-school program for 3 and 4 year olds. Contact the school office if you are interested.
Holy Trinity Catholic School received a grant from The Catholic Community Foundation to help with tuition assistance. This money is being offered to all students for the 2022-2023 school year. An application is available to be filled out by the children and was sent home last week. If you did not see it in the home folder and would like another copy, please contact the school office. Each child should fill out the questions on their own. Thank you to The Catholic Community Foundation! Visit legaciesoffaith.org to learn more about The Catholic Community Foundation. See the attached letter that will be in the home folder as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Longden.
ITBS Testing
The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is finished! Thank you for your help in keeping students in school, focused, and able to take these tests. We look forward to seeing the results.
Updated Virtual Tour
Share with others!
Rain Barrel Workshop
Women's Group
Love Begins Here Mission
Please see the following link for all of the details and the on-line registration form: https://www.smore.com/jpmz7-6th-8th-grade-mission-week-at-ht
MEN of CHRIST Conference
Attention men: You’re invited to join the 2022 Men of Christ conference—Reawakening The Catholic Man—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, including St. Frances Cabrini Parish in West Bend —with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Conference is Free this year! Get all the details at MenOfChrist.net
When: Saturday, 26 March 2022
Where: St. Frances Cabrini Church, 1025 South 7th Avenue, West Bend, WI 53095
Time: 7:30AM Rosary, 8:00AM Mass with program to follow, conference ends at 12:30PM.
Stay for fellowship and snacks.
Register at MenOfChrist.net or for help / more information contact Brian Wildt - thewildtfamily@gmail.com or Call/text 262-330-4330
Interesting Article from Two Rivers Police Officer and Middle School Resource Officer
This weeks social media safety tip from Officer Klumpyan, our middle school SRO, is geared toward all those parents out there struggling with the idea of a smartphone for their child. Thank you Officer Klumpyan for sharing!
"Yes, yes they will be left out."
If you delay smartphones and refuse social media until a time when their brains are more equipped to handle it, they will 100% get left out.
Left out of dangerous Tik Tok trends.
Left out of Instagram drama.
Left out of Snapchat nude pics.
Left out of comparison and body image traps.
Left out of knowing what every friend is doing without them.
Left out of mindless scrolling.
Left out of living online.
Left out of pornsites.
Left out of addictive gaming.
Left out of burning bridges.
Left out of inappropriate conversations.
Left out of incessant bullying.
Left out of possible predators.
Left out of sleepless nights.
Left out of MA shows.
Left out of explicit lyrics.
Left out of endless distractions.
Yes, they are going to be left out.
And probably left out of some friend groups and cool crowds and middle school romances and meet ups and funny memes and weekend parties.
It's a bummer but I'll take it.
And I'm not naive enough to think that holding off on a phone, internet or social media takes away all the junk. Of course it won't.
But it also doesn't open the door and usher it in with silent blessing.
Being left out is a small price to pay for a fighting chance at becoming the person they were meant to be in this crazy mixed up world.
And if more parents would choose this path, it would be a little less lonely.
Heck, maybe even be cool.
But even if it never is, I am 100% positive that I will stand my ground.
Because there are far worse things than being left out.
-Delay the smartphone until at least 8th grade
-Get a basic phone if you need to get in touch before then.
-Dont give a fully loaded smartphone when you do permit. Start slowly, take off the internet browser, games and access to the App Store. Put time and place restrictions in place via parental controls.
"You've got this parents! "
This post is credited to the Facebook page "Wait until 8th".
Follow them on Facebook for excellent resources and advice!
Officer Klumpyan
Mark your Calendars!!!!
Social Fest is:
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 2022Watch for more information on ways you can help with this great fundraiser!
Substitute Teachers and Aides
Holy Trinity Catholic School is looking for adults interested in substitute teaching. If you are interested, please contact the office. We have a Substitute Teacher Handbook with information regarding substitute teaching available along with an application that can be filled out. We would love to have you come and help out!
If you would be interested in aiding in the school, please contact the school office as well. We are looking for people to help out in various ways.
Advisory Committee
Calendar of Cash
March 10th - Dan Bohn
March 11th - Randy Schickert
March 14th - Dennis Westerman
March 15th - Jackie Petermann
March 16th - Jerry Holl
March 18th-21st - No School
March 29th - March Madness
April 7th-13th - Scholastic Book Fair
April 8th - Grandparent's Day
April 14th - Catholic Community Foundation Grant Application Due
April 15th - Good Friday (No School)
April 17th - Easter
April 18th-19th - No School
April 27th - 5th/6th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
April 28th-29th - 7th/8th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
May 19th - Spring Concert 5:30 P.M.
May 30th - Memorial Day (No School)
June 1st - 5K Graduation
June 1st - 8th Grade Graduation
June 1st - Last Day for 3K/4K/5K/ 8th Grade
June 2nd - Volunteer Day
June 2nd - Last Day of School (1st-7th Grade) - Dismissal at 10:30
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603