Patriot News
Parent & Family Newsletter

Dear Birmingham Families,
I want to take this chance to wish all Birmingham families and friends a wonderful holiday season and a blessed New Year. December 16, the final day of semester 1, will be here before we know it.
One characteristic that we want to emphasize with our students is to finish the semester strong. This is aligned to promoting a growth mindset and working hard to learn and grow every day. When we put forth our best effort in school, good things happen, and we know this can be a pathway to success for all Birmingham students. Related to putting our best foot forward every day, please continue to work with us to emphasize daily attendance and punctuality. Please avoid taking an early vacation. We want students to have every opportunity to demonstrate their learning, so they need to attend every one of their classes during finals week to earn their best possible grade.
In life, showing up is half the battle, so the sooner we can help the students who struggle the most realize that success is built over time, one minute at a time, one day at a time, the sooner they will show the maturity to begin their growth pathway.
I also want to share how so many of our students are flourishing and demonstrating proof points of what is possible at Birmingham. Senior Alexandra Benavente-Reyes was selected to present her AP Research paper at the American Public Health Association at their annual conference. It was an incredible achievement for Alex to be selected to present at this professional conference.
So many of our students are thriving as we continue to look for rigorous, engaging learning experiences and programs for them. Our theory of action is that if we provide the necessary support, resources, and motivation, our students can achieve at the highest level. Alex's work proves this point. Our school was also recognized as a top 5 school based on our students' performance in the University of Pennsylvania Grit Lab course. This is a class offered through our National Education Equity Program Partnership which was recently highlighted in an article in the LA Times. Please find the link below and know that we are doing everything we can to inspire our students (Dream It) and providing them with the resources and support to achieve at the highest level (Do it).
Thank you so much for choosing Birmingham and trusting in us to support the success of your students!
Dream It. Do It. Birmingham!
Dear 9th Grade Families,
This past month has been a quieter month for 9th grade class, allowing students to focus a bit more on their studies. In early November, we recognized students who made the Honor Roll, earning a 3.0 GPA or above on their 2nd progress report. Students were sent notices along with Starburst, encouraging them to "reach for the stars." Those students who earned a 3.0-3.59 were recognized as being on the "Silver List," 3.60-3.99 made the "Gold List," and 4.00 and above were honored to be on the Platinum List. We encourage all our students to aim to make the Honor Roll for the final, and most important, report card.
On November 15th, the 9th Grade Senate took part in Fall Food Fest, selling burgers to raise money for future events.
Last week, ASB held a fun-filled "Snow Day" for all grade levels to help the students destress and enjoy themselves. This week, as part of "Quiet Week," ASB is offering additional opportunities for students to relax through various activities set up at lunchtime.
Please be reminded that if your student needs any additional support, we have many caring adults here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to any one of us:
Mrs. Michele Wydra
9th Grade Coordinator
Mrs. Riusech & Ms. Vasquez
9th Grade Counselors
j.hinojosa-riusech@birminghamcharter.com; m.vasquez@birminghamcharter.com
Counseling Center
Mr. Horacio Rodriguez
9th Grade PSW (Psychiatric Social Worker)
Dr. Joseph Granish
9th Grade Dean
Ms. Nancy Rocha
Attendance Counselor
Counseling Center
Mr. Jose Luis Navarro
9th Grade Administrative Director
Have a beautiful and happy Holiday Season!
With love,
The 9th Grade Team
11th Grade Students and Families,
Congratulations on making it to the end of the semester! You are all working so hard, and it shows! Please enjoy your winter break and come back refreshed and ready to step into the new semester!
On November 14th we took a group of 11th grade students to UC Riverside. The students were able to explore the campus, and then we were given a campus tour explaining a number of the programs available to them. All the students had a great time and we were very excited to be able to give them the chance to experience a new college campus!
On November 15th the Junior Senate participated in the Fall Food Fest. We sold out of Chamoy Gummies and the money collected is going towards events held for the class this year and Senior year.
On December 16 the Junior Senate is going to be hosting a Movie Night at 2 PM. We are going to be showing Home Alone. Entrance is free but snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. All students are welcome to attend!
The holidays can be difficult for many people. Here is a link for resources for information about how to handle stress during the holiday season: https://namica.org/blog/handling-stress-during-the-holiday-season/
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and see you in January!
There is still time to apply to college! 16 Cal States extended their application deadlines. Please keep in mind that not all majors are open.
- CSULA – 12/16/22
- East Bay – 2/15/23
- CSUDH – 1/15/23
- San Francisco State 1/15/23
- CSUN – 1/31/23
- Stanislaus – 1/15/23
- Humboldt – 12/15/22
- Monterey Bay – 12/16/22
- Chico State-12/15/22
- Fresno State – 1/2/23
- Sonoma State – 12/31/22
- Channel Islands – 1/31/23
- Sacramento State – 12/15/22
- San Bernardino – 12/16/22
- Cal Maritime – Rolling Admissions San Marcos – 12/15/22
Senior To Do List - Complete before January 2023:
1. Apply to Financial Aid:
> FAFSA for US Citizens or Legal Residents
> CADAA for Undocumented Students
> CSS Profile for students applying to Private Colleges
2. Create College Portals/Accounts (check emails from colleges for information on creating portals)
3. Update college list on Naviance by December 14. College Counselors will send school reports ONLY to colleges listed on students’ Naviance account.
** IMPORTANT: If applying through the Common App, you must MATCH your Naviance and Common App. You must also sign the FERPA Waiver on the Common App. Quick video tutorial: https://bit.ly/matchnaviance
4. Apply to Scholarships: bit.ly/12scholar
Congratulations to our Fall Sports teams and athletes for a great season!
Happy Holidays, Patriots!
Our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season. We'll see you next year!
CTE Programs have been in full swing this fall with some great events and end-of-term projects showcasing student learning experiences!
CTE is a fantastic to place to learn and apply skills and knowledge toward future careers.
In Culinary Arts, Chef Frederick’s students planned and prepared special menu orders with delicious pumpkin pies just in time for Thanksgiving.
Engineering students in Mr. Medina’s classes hosted guest faculty from LA Valley College in November.
Students learned about electronic circuitry and built a light-activated “canary” that would chirp when exposed to light.
The Theater Arts program with Mr. Wienckowski, students showed off their incredible acting, production and stage management talents with a wonderful reprise of Treasure Island.
Animation students took a trip to LA ComiCon for drawing and design foundations and to explore careers in animation. They also won recognition for the most creative float in our school's Homecoming Parade.
Graphic Design students attended LACMA to explore art and design in gallery and mixed media installations.
Hello from the patient care pathway!
We have been busy with many activities in the Pre-Med Science classes.
Students explored the Army truck and learned more about patient care and serving in the military.
Guest Speaker Doris Abrishami, Associate Professor and Program Director at CSUN, came to talk to students about a career in radiologic sciences. They learned about various types of x-rays and technology that are used today.
We had three field trips in November. We toured University Village, a Senior Living Retirement community in Thousand Oaks. Students learned about different career options and met with some of the residents.
We also attended a Career Symposium at Valley Presbyterian Hospital. Students toured the Physical Therapy department, Clinical Lab, and Radiology departments. They also listened to a panel of speakers about health care careers and educational requirements.
Lastly, we attended UCLA on 11/19 for MedReach's Seminar. Students learned about health career opportunities from the students that are in programs currently. They also learned about a mentorship opportunity and career planning in some of the most sought-after careers today.
We are also learning about proper and improper body mechanics. Students worked on poster board presentations.
They did an incredible job detailing some injuries that can occur. Knowing how to prevent injuries is key.
If your child is interested in pursuing a healthcare career, please have them reach out to their counselor to enroll in the Patient Care Pathway. Students learn medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology skills necessary to work in healthcare. They can get CPR certified! This is a great life skill for them to know. Any questions, feel free to email e.epstein@birminghamcharter.com
Wishing everyone a very healthy and prosperous New Year!
Birmingham is wholeheartedly committed to maintaining a true partnership with our families.
We are working diligently to create numerous opportunities for our families to feel welcomed and a critical part of our school. Our Parent Center Team is extremely excited to announce the School and Family Symposium to take place on Saturday, January 21, 2023. The symposium will offer a series of workshops that are based on what our families have expressed they would like. Lunch, activities for younger siblings, community resources, and Birmingham goodies will be provided. We are eager to see you all at the School and Family Symposium on Saturday, January 21!
Grad Nite 2023 at Disneyland and California Adventure
Hello Birmingham Parents/Guardians of 12th Grade Students!
Grad Nite tickets to Disneyland/California Adventure on Wednesday, June 14th, 2023, will be on sale in the Parent Center before school, during lunch and after school (until 4pm) starting on Thursday, December 1st. You don't want to miss out on an awesome night of celebrating the Graduating Class of 2023 with your friends! Tickets are $230.00 each and you must have a signed permission slip (form available at the Parent Center) from your parents/guardians. Payments only with checks (made out to BCCHS PTSA) or Money Orders. No refunds, no exceptions!
The permission slip is attached to this message for your convenience.
Thank you!
Interested in becoming a college athlete? Attend the NCAA Eligibility Webinar on December 14. Sign-up here: https://bit.ly/ncaainfo2022
- 9th Grade Scholarships: bit.ly/scholar9
- 10th Grade Scholarships: bit.ly/scholar10
- 11th Grade Scholarships: bit.ly/scholar11
- 12th Grade Scholarships: bit.ly/12scholar
Want to win scholarships AND get admitted into college? GET INVOLVED! List of BCCHS clubs: bit.ly/bcchsclubs