Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
November 29, 2018 - Meeting Highlights
Board Approves Two-Year Plan for Rezoning, Restructuring
The Board of Trustees approved a two-year plan for rezoning and restructuring schools.
Under the plan:
• In the fall of 2019, all current elementary schools, as well as the new elementary school No. 15 under construction, will become Pre-K through fifth grade campuses.• All current intermediate schools — for one year only — will become Kindergarten through sixth grade campuses.
• Then in the fall of 2020, these four schools will join the other elementaries in becoming Pre-K through fifth grade campuses. The fourth middle school also will open, and with that extra space, middle schools will become sixth, seventh and eighth grade campuses.
• High schools would remain unchanged.
• There are modified elementary and middle school attendance zones to accommodate this change in grade level configuration and the new schools set to open in the next two years.
Crowley ISD completed a 12-month review of attendance zones and grade level structures in its schools. Through this "Building the Future" process, the district has received valuable input from a variety of stakeholders through committee meetings, surveys, town hall meetings and more.
For updated attendance boundary maps, visit crowleyisdtx.org/buildingthefuture.
Board Names New Campus June W. Davis Elementary
June W. Davis was elected to the Crowley ISD Board of Trustees in May 2003, serving as secretary from 2005-2007. She was elected vice president in 2007 and served in that role until August 2010 when she was elected president.
A veteran educator for more than 30 years, Davis believes education opens doors for students and can play an important role in their income-earning potential, helping break the cycle of poverty.
The June W. Davis Elementary School will open in the fall of 2019. It will be located on the west side of the Chisholm Trail Parkway between McPherson Boulevard and Risinger Road, centered in the Chisholm Trail Ranch.
Read more of Davis' biography.
CISD Honors November Heartbeat Winner
Martin Morelos, CISD facility inspection technician, is the November 2018 Heartbeat Team Award winner.
The award recognizes employees who display heart as they go above and beyond their job description, inspiring other employees through their extraordinary work ethic. Heartbeat team members are nominated only by other district employees.
Watch to learn more about why Morelos is the heartbeat of Crowley ISD.
District Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Bowl Winners
ABOVE: Watch highlights from the district's first Hispanic Heritage Bowl.
The Board of Trustees recognized the volunteers, participants and winners of the inaugural Hispanic Heritage Bowl, which took place Oct. 20.
Final GMP For CTE Center Gets Board Approval
ABOVE: Architect's rendering of the new CTE Center
This GMP is for the building itself. The two previously approved GMPs were for grading, utilities, steel and concrete. Funding will come from the capital bond fund program.
The new CTE Center is expected to open in the fall of 2020. A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. Dec. 14.
CISD Emphasizes Social, Emotional Learning
ABOVE: The Social and Emotional Learning Steering Committee includes educators from every campus.
Reasons for Social and Emotional Learning include:
•Reduces aggression and emotional distress
•Increases helping behaviors at school
•Improves positive attitudes towards self and others
•Increases students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points
The team has analyzed barriers and opportunities to implementing SEL at each campus. Based on this information, the committee has made recommendations for future professional development to support SEL throughout the district.
Other Future Steps include:
Hosting the district wide SEL Professional Development in January
Tracking data from CISD schools implementing SEL strategies
Continuing to train educators on restorative practices, trauma-informed practices and trust-based relational interventions
Seeking out additional needed trainings using a Trainer of Trainers model
Read the complete presentation.
Trustees To Consider New Courses In December
Course 1: World Religions for 11th & 12th Grade (.5 credit)
A semester-long Social Studies course involving an analysis of the beginnings, historical development, sacred literature, beliefs, values and practices of the world’s major religions.
Course 2: Mexican American Studies for 11th & 12th Grade (1 Credit)
A year-long Social Studies course, students learn about the history and cultural contributions of Mexican Americans. Students will explore history from an interdisciplinary perspective and interact with relevant film, literature, art and other media.
The curriculum team is reviewing these proposals, which will be brought to the board for possible approval in December.
Trustees Approve New Positions
Crystel Polk was named Grant Administration director. Polk, who currently oversees the district's 21st Century projects, will also continue in that role.
Board Evaluates Superintendent Performance
Crowley ISD Board of Trustees
From left to right (front row): Lyndsae M. Benton, board secretary; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland; June W. Davis, board president; Mia Hall, board vice president
From left to right (back row): Gary Grassia, board assistant secretary; Nedra Robinson, board member; Dr. La Tonya Mayfield, board member; Ryan Ray, board member