Patrick Henry Post
August 27th, 2021
A Joyous First Week of School
On Friday, August 27th, we completed our first week of school for the 2021-2022 school year. JOY is the one word that could describe this week of in-person learning for our staff and students. We had so many students coming back to school for the first time in 18 months, and even more students coming to school for their very first year of school ever! Transitions like that can be incredibly difficult on students and families, but I am proud to say that our Patrick Henry students were up to the challenge! Our students are already finding a new routine and rhythm, and we know that this year will bring even more joy as they build new friendships, find new connections, and strengthen previous relationships. Thank you to all of our staff who made this week inviting and fun for our students!
Take a look below for some highlights around the building this week. We not only focused on practicing routines and procedures, but we also worked hard on building relationships between students and staff, and between the students as peers. And even though it was only the first week of school, we are already deep into the academic work that produces growth in every content area. I can say that our students dove in headfirst to this week, and their work shows how amazing they really are!
Thank you, Spire!
Backpack Extravaganza
Spire visited Patrick Henry on Tuesday, August 24th to kick off a partnership between our school and business community. People from all branches of Spire came to the school to connect with students and give a sling backpack full of supplies and an individual water bottle. Spire's company employees included technicians and people who work in the neighborhood of Patrick Henry, so there were many familiar faces in the crowd. They also brought some of the home office staff members, and we were able to meet regional level Spire leaders as well as the Chief Operating Officer. We are so thankful not only for the supplies, but also the kickoff to an important relationships between school, families, and our local utility company. Thank you, Spire!
Parent Information Meeting, August 26th
Ms. Webb's Title I Meeting
Our Family Community Specialist, Ms. Shanice Webb, led our first virtual Parent Information meeting on August 26th, 2021 after school. We were thrilled to see returning parents and new parents at the meeting and get their feedback on the first week of school. Ms. Webb led parents through our School-Parent contract and provided information about what it means to be a Title I school. One lucky parent even won the raffle for a $50 gift card!
Parent and Principal Q&A
Working with parents is one of the most important jobs we have as educators. Our relationship helps us build a foundation with our students and creates a positive community where kids are safe, happy, and always learning! During our Principal Question & Answer session, I got to hear a lot of feedback and answered many questions about our protocols and the school year. If you would like to see the recorded meeting, the link is below.
Patrick Henry in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Click here to read the Post-Dispatch article
Blythe Bernhard, local education reporter, visited Patrick Henry for our first day of school and documented so many beautiful moments between students, staff, and families.
Salsa Garden
Patrick Henry's own garden produced an incredible amount of herbs and vegetables over the summer, and Ms. Versen's class took advantage of the harvest by celebrating with homegrown SALSA! Her salsa party was a hit with students and staff, and the flavor of our very own vegetables and herbs was incredible!!!
Join us for Meet the Teacher: Virtual Edition!
Event Information
Virtual Meet the Teacher
All teachers will be sending out a calendar invite by email to their virtual meeting on Teams. Please check your email for your invite! If you have not provided an email address to the school, please call 314-231-7284 to add your email address to your contact list, and then contact the teacher to get the event invitation.
Wednesday, Sep 1, 2021, 04:00 PM