Principal Message

January 26, 2024
A Message From Mrs. Acosta
Hello Hart Families!
I hope this newsletter finds you well as the gloomy weather rolls in this evening. This week's message is short because I really just want to say how honored I am to have been named as the principal of Hart Elementary. I recognize the changes Hart has gone through and know change can be difficult. I wanted you to know how welcome I feel by students, staff, and families. Currently one of my biggest focuses is building relationships with everyone and fostering a positive environment. Everything won't be perfect all the time, but through our partnership we can continue to grow Hart into the absolute best school, where everyone wants to be! I look forward to many years ahead and thank you for trusting not only me, but the Hart staff with your kids. Tonight, we are celebrating my son's 15th birthday and all I can say is cherish every moment because they grow up so fast. Have a wonderful weekend and we will see our Little Leopards Monday morning.
❤️ Mrs. Acosta
Important Dates @ Hart
2nd: Student Holiday - No School
5th - 9th: National School Counselors Week
7th: Progress Reports Go Home
14th: Valentine's Day Class Parties
15th: School Marshal Appreciation Day
16th: Bump Up Day
19th - 20th: Student Holiday - No School
29th: 4th Grade Program @ 6:30 pm
Hart News
Morning Arrival
Please note that school starts promptly at 7:50 am. Students who arrive later than 7:50 must enter through the front door and sign in as they are tardy. Please do not drop off on the side of the building after 7:50 am as the doors will be locked. They must proceed to the front office. Our staff opening car doors in the morning will be coming into the building at 7:50 am so they can start their instructional day. Thank you for remembering you are driving through a school drive and need to maintain a slow speed both at arrival and dismissal.
February 2nd - No School
There will be no school on Friday, February 2nd. The office will be closed as staff will be at various trainings throughout the district.
Bump Up Day - February 16th
Annual Bump Up Day to take place on February 16, 2024.
Sloan Creek Intermediate, Willow Springs Middle School, and Lovejoy High School will host 4th, 6th, and 8th graders on Friday, February 16, 2024 for Lovejoy ISD’s Annual Bump Up Day. Bump Up Day was created to assist students with transitioning to a new campus and to help generate excitement for the new experiences they will have. Students will travel to the campus they will be attending for the 2024-2025 school year and have the opportunity to tour the campus, ask questions, and eat lunch. Students will be able to charge lunch and any a la carte/snacks purchases to their lunch account during their visit to their Bump Up school. Please make sure funds are available in your student's lunch account. Lunch prices for students visiting Sloan Creek IS or Willow Springs MS will be $4.00 for a regular meal or $4.75 for a premium meal. Lunch prices for students visiting the high school will be $4.50 for a regular meal or $5.25 for a premium meal. A la carte/snack prices vary. Please refer to this document for specific pricing.
Father/Daughter Dance
Calling all Hart men and their little ladies! Come join us for a night full of fun and dancing! There will be a DJ, dessert bar, drinks, photos, and more! Please purchase tickets accordingly. The fee is $10/couple and $5/additional attendees. Girls' t-shirts are available for purchase below.
Deadline to order tickets is February 27th!
Deadline to order shirts is February 14th!
Campus Report Card
Attention Parents:
Please see the 2023 Campus Federal Report Card. The information is being shared about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).
Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website and also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website at: https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/accountability/academic-accountability/performance-reporting/federal-report-cards.
Information on these report cards includes:
- Part (i): General Description of the Texas State Accountability System
- Part (ii): Student Achievement by Proficiency Level
- Part (iii)(I): Academic Growth
- Part (iii)(II): Graduation Rate
- Part (iv): English Language Proficiency
- Part (v): School Quality or Student Success (SQSS)
- Part (vi): Goal Meeting Status
- Part (vii): STAAR Participation
- Part (viii): Civil Rights Data
- Part (ix): Teacher Quality Data
- Part (x): Per-pupil Expenditure
- Part (xi): STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
- Part (xii): Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- Part (xiii): Cohort Rate of Graduates Enrolled in Postsecondary Education
- Part (xiv): Additional Information – Chronic Absenteeism
MAP Growth
Your child will be taking MAP Growth, a norm-referenced assessment which measures achievement and growth in K–12 math, reading, language usage, and science. This assessment will provide valuable information to help teachers develop responsive plans to meet the needs of ALL students. More information about MAP Growth can be found in the MAP Growth FAQ.
Valentine's Day Class Parties
Extended Academy
Spring signups are going on now!
Extended Academy Academy is an opportunity for your child to participate in enrichment activities on his or her campus before and after school. Our goal is that these enrichment opportunities will allow our Lovejoy Leopards to develop creativity and critical thinking skills through activities related to their personal interests.
Registration is open for the following academies for students in first through 6th grade. Choose from one of the links below for more information.
Engineering for Kids
Kindergarten G/T Referrals
Visiting Hart Elementary
In a continued effort to support our safety and security posture at the front entrance doors at each campus, all visitors are required to show ID prior to entering our facilities. The front office staff member will continue to ask each visitor what their intended business is at the campus, and visitors will present their ID to the camera intercom system prior to entry. Once the visitor ID is verified, the front office staff member will then allow entry. Note: Visitors should keep their ID in hand, as they will have to use it to sign into Raptor upon entry.
Attendance Update
Attendance continues to be a top priority for Lovejoy ISD. It should come as no surprise that attendance has a direct relationship with student learning. Additionally, public school funding is provided by the State of Texas based on each district's average daily attendance (ADA).
Lovejoy has developed an Attendance Task Force consisting of staff, parents, and students to formulate ideas about how to positively impact ADA in our district. One suggestion is to update the community via weekly principal communication on the number of absences each campus has accrued YTD along with the budgetary impact of those absences. This information can be found below:
Yearbook Orders
All 4th Grade Ads must be purchased by March 1st. We cannot accept any ads after the deadline.
Order your yearbook and ad today!
Volunteer Background Check
We love volunteers at HES, but in order to volunteer or go on a field trip, then you must have an updated Volunteer Background check for the current school year. Please complete your background check now!
A Note from Nurse Tami
Please help your child choose warm, comfortable clothing for school each day, including socks. With this cold weather, it’s a good idea to dress in multiple layers. Mittens, gloves and/or a hat are also recommended. Your child may also need to keep some Chapstick or lotion in their backpack.
We are still seeing several cases of flu, some Covid, and a few strep. Please do not send your child to school if he/she has:
- Flu-like symptoms (fever and/or chills, headache, muscle pain or body aches, feeling tired or weak, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea)
- A fever of 100.0 degrees or greater
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
- An infection that requires antibiotics (i.e. Strep throat, bronchitis, pink eye, etc.) unless they have been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours.
If your child is sick and tests positive for anything, please send me an email to let me know. This helps me monitor our campus health.
Lovejoy STEM Festival
Lovejoy Performing Arts
The LHS theater, choir, dance and orchestra have been working tirelessly to bring this classic adventure to life. We are so excited to present Lovejoy's first musical with a live orchestra. We will be performing in the LHS auditorium on Thursday January 25th, Friday January 26th, and Saturday January 27th at 7pm. Tickets will go on sale in Revtrak on January 15th.
LJVA Portrait Show
Lovejoy Visual Arts would like to invite you to the 9th Annual Portrait Show; February 6th from 5-7pm. This collection of work is an investigation of the concepts of identity and self through the eyes and hands of students of all ages and stages of exploration in LJVA. Whether dealing with honest representation or the languages of abstraction and symbolism, the work chosen for this exhibition speaks to the ever-evolving idea of how we see ourselves and the world around us. This carefully selected exhibition is a celebration of the diversity and personal experience that is found within our student body and Lovejoy community. Please join us to celebrate these selected artists at the Lovejoy High School Gallery opening, Tuesday, February 6th from 5-7pm. If you are unable to attend the night of the opening, the exhibition will be up for viewing until February 13th during school hours.
Lovejoy Child Development Center
January Nutrition Newsletter
PTO News
Tax Free Spiritwear - Coming Soon!
From 2/9 to 2/13, all ONLINE spiritwear purchases* are TAX-FREE! Don't miss this limited-time offer to show your team spirit and enjoy the savings. Visit our store now and rock your school pride!
*New items unable to be delivered by 2/14 (father/daughter dance shirts) are not considered eligible.
Dads at Hart
Hart Headlines
Don't miss out on important information from PTO! Click the button below for this week's Hart Headlines.
Interested in Serving on PTO?
Calling all creative geniuses, organizational gurus, and passionate parents!
It's time to share your incredible talents and make a lasting impact on ALL our students' lives. The PTO at Hart and Sloan Creek is on the lookout for talented parents like you who want to enrich the school experience for everyone. Whether you're a master event planner, a marketing maestro, or a fundraising wizard, there's a perfect spot for you! Fill out the forms to let us know where your interests lie, and together, let's create a kaleidoscope of skills that will elevate our school community to new heights. Your unique talents are the secret ingredients to making next year unforgettable, so let's join forces and make magic happen!
Volunteers Needed for Art
Foundation for Lovejoy Schools
District News
Lovejoy Student Council
Lovejoy Baseball
Lovejoy Lacrosse
Lovejoy Orchestra
MCCU Debit Card Design Contest
Lovejoy ISD recently entered into a partnership with My Community Credit Union. This partnership is intended to enhance student opportunities in the areas of financial literacy and provide hands-on learning experiences for future careers related to finance. An MCCU branch is scheduled to open at Lovejoy High School in the fall of 2024.
On Friday, October 27th, MCCU kicked off their Debit Card Design Contest. The contest is open to all Lovejoy ISD students. Three debit card design winners will be selected representing grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The winners will have their designs on our Lovejoy Leopard MCCU Debit Cards and will receive a $100 gift card!
Content Rules:
Must be an original image/design/artwork.
Participants may submit up to 2 designs.
Parent consent is required.
Submissions are due to marketing@mccu.coop by February 29th.
Final Card Size: 2-1/8 by 3-3/8
Scan the QR Code for Official Rules and additional details, or visit mccu.coop/lovejoy.