Superintendent Community Update
February 2, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Dear JUHSD Community,
And just like that, it's February! I hope you have been staying dry as this 'Pineapple Express' storm blows its way through the Bay Area.
National Black History Month
February is Black History Month! This is a time for us to learn more about Black history and culture and celebrate the accomplishments of Black Americans. This year, beginning next week, we will celebrate African American artists – including poets, writers, visual artists, and dancers – who have historically served as change agents through their craft.
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week, February 5-9, 2024, is celebrated to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors in our schools. School counselors actively support all students by assisting them in making decisions, managing emotions, coping with crises, and overcoming barriers to learning. They help students with their course schedules, and they guide them with their choices to ensure college and career readiness.
JUHSD thanks our school counselors for their unique contributions to our schools and their tireless efforts to support the students, staff, and families in our academic community.
Have a great weekend!
Toni Presta
Honoring Black History Month
National Black History Month, honored during the month of February, is an opportunity to learn more about Black history and culture and celebrate the African American educators in our community. Learn more about Black History Month from the County Office of Education’s website.
Photo: JHS Ethnic Studies teacher Jordan Santana and paraprofessional Ty Hayes look over materials that will be displayed in Santana's classroom during National Black History Month.
Miss this past Tuesday's Board Meeting? Click below to see what you missed!
Student of the Month Honored at Board Meeting - Chloe May, Oceana High School
📸 Photos From Our Schools 📸
Club Rush at JHS
Members from the JHS Key Club, a community service group, recruit new members for their program at the JHS Club Rush on January 31.
Career Day at OHS
ATP at Work
District Workability Program supervisor Ivy Janes supports ATP students during their shift at Daly City's Smart & Final on February 1.
WHS Cheers On
TNHS Soccer Stars
Girls soccer season recently kicked off at TNHS with a senior night taking place on February 1.
THS On A Roll
THS 12th grader Zxryryl Dimapilis proudly shows off an honor roll certificate he earned for the second quarter.
📣 Staff Shout Out! 📣
Mary Bier, DCYHC
Photo: Mary Bier stands with students from TNHS during the 2022 Pacifica Fog Fest.
Upcoming Principal's Chat at Thornton High
Thornton High Principal Dr. Dennie Marenco will hold a Principal's Chat on Thursday, February 8, 9:00 am, for parents and guardians of students who attend the school. Through casual conversation, along with drinking hot coffee and snacking on delicious pan dulce, guardians are encouraged to have an open dialogue with Dr. Marenco about all the glows taking place at THS, along with ways the campus can grow. To learn more about this event, please contact the school's office, (650) 550-7840, or click here.
Mission Fusion Next Week at JHS, Feb. 8-10!
🏮 Lunar New Year Holiday 🏮
First Year of Observed by JUHSD
Approved during the May 16, 2023 Jefferson Union High School District Board Meeting, the Lunar New Year holiday will be observed next Friday, February 9, 2024, a first for the District, with all sites being closed for the day.
Through collaboration with American Federation of Teachers Local 1481, the District’s Union, it was determined that the 2023-2024 school year calendar would benefit from the addition of observing the Lunar New Year.
During that May 16 board meeting, District Superintendent Toni Presta thanked now Oceana High School 12th grader Tyler Paing for suggesting the celebration of Lunar New Year for this school year. As a district, we appreciate students, like Tyler, for taking the initiative to advocate for change!
As a district, we acknowledge diversity in and outside of the classroom, along with appreciating the cultures that make up JUHSD. The more we understand each other, the more we strengthen the social fabric of this academic community. To learn more about the festivities and traditions of Lunar New Year, click here.
Photo: Westmoor High cafeteria employee Bimin Li places Lunar New Year decorations in the school's kitchen on February 1.
Lunar New Year Event in Daly City Next Saturday
Family Community Celebration at THS
On Thursday, February 15, the Thornton High Saints will hold a Family Community Celebration (FCC) at the school from 6:00-7:30 pm for their students and families. Join THS staff as they host a fun-filled evening full of food, music, free giveaways, the showcasing of student work, and more! For more information, call the school's office at (650) 550-7840 or click here!
♥️ Cafeteria Menus for the Month ♥️
Free Tablets and Internet Access Opportunities
Along with offering this opportunity with the JUHSD Adult School Division, it was confirmed that families of our high school students are also eligible to apply, too. A distribution of these tablets will take place in the library at Jefferson on Monday, March 11, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Further details will be provided closer to the date and please click on the below fliers (In English and Spanish) for additional information.
Scroll Below for Events, Opportunities & Resources from Local Organizations and Community Partners!
Community Events in February
Community Events in March
Save the Date: OYE Latinx Youth Conference
Latino youth (ages 12-22), and their guardians who live in San Mateo County, are invited to attend the return of the annual OYE Conference, an in-person event Saturday, March 23, 2024.
At this conference, held in person at Cañada College in Redwood City, youth and their guardians will explore ideas and discussion on culture, identity, obstacles their communities face, and opportunities for the future through interactive workshops, keynote speakers, performers and community networking.
To register for this event, please call (650) 834-3038. To view highlights from OYE’s 2023 event, please click here: OYE Conference 2023. For additional information, please click on the below flier or visit Facebook and Instagram pages.
Community Events in April
Free Homework Help For The New Semester
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net