Blue Devil Bulletin
November, 2023
From the Principal
Hello, Lodi High School Families!
It's hard to believe that we are more than a quarter into the 23/24 school year, and as the seasons quickly change, so do many of the co-curricular opportunities for our students that help highlight their unique talents. For instance, the first performance of this year's high school musical, Mamma Mia is less than two weeks away, and co-curricular groups such as Mock Trial, Forensics, E-Sports, and Dungeons and Dragons club are getting into full swing. We also look forward to our student's continued involvement in our winter sports (boys and girls wrestling, basketball and hockey, and dance team).
Please consider attending one of the 4 performances of this year's musical, Mamma Mia!!
Nov.11 - 7:00 pm
Nov. 12 - 2:00 pm
Nov. 17 - 7:00 pm
Nov. 18 - 7:00 pm
(Use the QR code below to order your tickets)
Lastly, the LHS football team continues its impressive march to Camp Randall with a WIAA Level 3 playoff game this Friday against Xavier. Game time is 7:00 and the cost of entry is $7.00. Let's fill the STADIUM, and help cheer our student/athletes on to another victory!
Go Blue Devils!!
Mr. Jelinek
Parent Teacher Conferences - Thursday, November 30 - 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Hello, High School Families.
Additional information via IC message will be shared with high school families regarding signing up for conferences as we get closer to Nov. 30.
Meeting options:
1. In-person
2. Phone conversation
3. Google meet
Post Secondary Night which was originally scheduled for Oct. 5, has been rescheduled for Nov. 30. On that night a representative from Madison College will be in attendance.
Senior Information
Post-Secondary Planning Meeting Rescheduled for Nov. 30th
Due to the FAFSA not being available until December this year, the Post-Secondary Meeting that was scheduled for October 5th at 6:00 p.m. has been rescheduled and will now take place on November 30th at 6:00 p.m.
UW System Applications
The University of Wisconsin System Colleges are now accepting applications. Students are encouraged to apply early in their senior year. The UW System application is available online at apply.wisconsin.edu. More information about the UW System can be found on The UW-HELP website at uwhelp.wiscsonsin.edu.
Madison College
Seniors interested in applying to Madison College should submit an application as soon as possible. Please check Madison College’s website for specific program information: madisoncollege.edu.
November 30th Post-Secondary Planning Meeting
The Post-Secondary Meeting that was originally scheduled for October 5th will be held on November 30th at 6:00 p.m. in the High School LGI. A representative from Madison College’s financial aid office will be presenting an overview of the FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid). This year, seniors can begin completing the FAFSA in December of 2023. In addition, families can get help completing the FAFSA by attending a free Wisconsin College Goal event. For more information and to register to attend Wisconsin College Goal, please visit https://collegegoalwi.org/. Information about the FAFSA, including a link to the application, can be found at https://studentaid.gov/.
National Letters of Intent Days
Lodi High School will offer four signing dates during the 2023-24 school year for prospective student-athletes. The dates are determined using the initial signing date for each period as listed on the National Letter of Intent website.
The dates will be:
November 8, 2023
December 20, 2023
February 7, 2024
April 17, 2024
Signings will occur in the Lodi High School gym during intervention period (2:34-3:13pm). Student-athletes are asked to invite any family, friends, teammates, and coaches that they would like to attend this special event.
Lodi Santa Project
Hello Families,
Each year, families in our district are offered support during the holiday season through the Lodi Santa Project. This project has been around for 30+ years providing local families in need with gifts and other necessities anonymously for children who might otherwise go without. Last year we put smiles on the faces of 110 local kids (a new record)! We know that these are especially difficult times for many families in our community. If you, or any family that you know who are part of the Lodi School District would benefit from this project, please reach out to the program coordinator, Pam Cunningham, directly via email at lodisantaproject@gmail.com.
Families who would like to support the Lodi Santa Project financially or who would like to sponsor a child or family can also contact Pam at the email address above. Monetary donations as well as items such as teen-friendly gift cards, socks, mittens, hats etc. are always appreciated!
Senior NARCAN Training - Lodi Community Action Team (LCAT)
The Senior Class took part in a Narcan and Overdose Awareness training sponsored by Lodi Community Action Team (LCAT). The training taught the senior students about how to recognize an opioid overdose, how to administer narcan, and the dangers of the drug fentanyl. We felt this training was important as our students head out into the world, whether it be for college or the workplace. Sadly, opioid deaths continue to rise in our state and in our nation. In 2014 there were 628 Opioid deaths in Wisconsin; in 2021 there were 1427 opioid deaths in Wisconsin. We feel it is important to give our students skills to recognize and assist in any way they can; as well as skills and knowledge that will keep them safe. Students were not given narcan at the training but were given the locations in our community where they can access it.
Student Representative to the School Board Election
The following information was shared with the student body regarding the application process for becoming the 2023/24 School Board Student Representative:
The Board of Education for the School District of Lodi is looking for a student representative to serve as a non-voting advisory board member for the 2023-24 school year.
Students would be expected to attend Board meetings throughout the school year and will be paid a $500 stipend for attending a minimum of eight Board meetings.
Students who are interested should submit a letter of application to Mr. Jelinek (jelinjo@lodischoolswi.org) by the end of the day on Friday, September 22, 2023.
The student representative will be selected by a vote of the Lodi High School student body.
The letter of application should include:
Why are you interested in this position?
What are some experiences in the past that best prepares you for such a role?
What type of impact do you envision your role as a student representative will have on the Lodi School community?
Three candidates applied for the position and our student body had a chance to vote from Monday, Oct. 2 to Wednesday, Oct. 4. On Monday, Oct. 2 students during homeroom were able to watch videos created by each of the candidates.
203 students voted and Caleb Rotzoll was chosen as the 2023/24 Student School Board Representative.
Congratulations Caleb!
Thailand Exchange
The 2023 Thailand Exchange is in full swing! On Saturday, October 14th, 11 students and 3 chaperones arrived at Lodi High School and were welcomed by 14 wonderful and giving host families. The Thai’s will be here three weeks and experience our local culture and hospitality, including, Cave of the Mounds, Sassy Cow Creamery, Epic Systems, Olbrich Gardens, as well as meet with Ann Groves Lloyd (the mayor of Lodi), Ms. Sara Rodriguez (Wisconsin Lt. Governor), and Mr. Jon Plumer (Wisconsin Representative). We would like to specifically thank all the host families for their hard work and time spent welcoming our Thai guests. This years host families are: (The Cahalane family, The Clepper family, The Detert family, The Leu family, The Ostrander family, The Heidenreich family, The Wagner family, The Scherer family, The Peterson family, The Walsh family, The Breunig family, The Fassbender family, The Barlow family, and The Howe family.) In addition we would like to thank the buddies who volunteered to assist the host students and families with their hosting duties. Thank you to Mr. Breunig, Mr. Jelinek, Mr. Marshal and the school board for their unwavering support of the Exchange Program. And finally thank you to the community for welcoming our guests with open arms and supporting this great experience for the students of our schools.
JP Fassbender and Kelsie Barlow
Exchange Co-Coordinators
September Students of the Month
The following students were selected as "student of the month" for September. Every month, staff from each department have the opportunity to nominate a student who has gone above and beyond in the past month. Award winners are presented with a certificate, enjoy some breakfast snacks, and receive a personal thank you note from the nominating teacher.
- Music and Math - Tommy Lund
- Office/Custodial/LMC - Madison Berry and Alyson Stratton
English - Dakota Pierquet
CTE - Nicolas Rentmiester
Science - Alyssa Larrabee
STEAM - Hunter Lorang and Ethan Winter
PE - Kogen Baron
Soc. Studies - Adysen Young
Spanish - Mac Chambers
Art - Amelia Clark
ALICE Training Review
The safety and welfare of our students and staff remains a top priority. To support these measures, the District has adopted the A.L.I.C.E protocol for incidents involving the highly unlikely event of a violent intruder or other dangerous event. A.L.I.C.E. stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. The A.L.I.C.E. plan draws on research regarding school violence, empowering staff and students to make informed decisions during a crisis, removing as many people as possible from the danger zone, and providing realistic training so that those involved in a crisis have a better chance of staying safe.
Here is a breakdown of the ALICE drills and presentations that were completed this past fall:
- ALICE Introduction and Review for all students in the PAC: Sept. 6 and 12
- Barricading Discussion and Drill: Oct. 12
- Counter and Swarm Discussion: Oct. 18
- Lockdown and Evacuation Drill: Oct. 26
High School Hiking Club
The High School Hiking Club started up in October. The group traversed the Rowan Creek Trail on October 11th, and the Ice Age Trail near Lodi on October 25th. This semester, the club has two more hikes planned in November and one in December.
Buy Your 2024 YEARBOOK Today!
Basic yearbooks cost $50 right now, but the price increases to $55 second semester! Your name can be printed on the front cover for an additional $8. Personalization icons are available for an additional $4 each.
To pay by debit or credit card, click here: Jostens Online Orders Payment plans are available online.
To pay by cash or check, send your payment with the student's name to the high school, c/o Renee Potter. Please make out checks to Lodi High School. If you want to order personalization, icons, etc., please fill out the Semester 1 Sales Form (good through 1/2/24).
Don’t remember if you ordered a yearbook this year? Check the 2024 Sales List (updated monthly).
SENIORS: Special Submissions
LITTLE FACES (Baby/Toddler Photos)
The yearbook staff is once again reserving pages for the Class of 2024 baby pictures. You may submit JUST ONE baby picture for these pages.
COST: No charge!
SUBMIT PHOTOS: Baby Photos Submission Form (limit one photo)
FINAL DEADLINE: Friday, December 8, 2023
REMEMBER WHEN (School-Age Photos)
Students always like to look back on years gone by in special pictures with classmates. You may submit UP TO THREE pictures of your student or groups of students when they were in kindergarten through middle school. Each year, we receive hundreds of "Remember When" photos. Please keep in mind our space is limited, and we strive to represent the greatest number of students.
COST: No charge!
SUBMIT PHOTOS: School-Age Photos Form (limit three photos)
FINAL DEADLINE: Friday, December 8, 2023
Parents: Give a word of advice or encouragement to your senior as they go beyond high school to pursue their dreams! We are reserving pages in the yearbook for parent messages dedicated to the seniors. When you purchase an ad, that revenue helps our school to create a better yearbook.
Order before second semester for the lowest price!
COST: $40 for an 1/8 page color ad through January 2, 2024. (Second semester, the price increases to $45.)
CREATE YOUR AD ONLINE: www.jostensadservice.com
Choose your ad layout.
Enter your text and upload your photo(s).
Important Information about Senior Recognition Ads:
Jostens is managing our yearbook ad sales, so please do not contact or send materials to the school. However, our school reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines. Please make sure all submitted materials are appropriate for school publication.
We retain the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos, or copyright-protected imagery or photos.
We will make every effort to use your layout and text as entered. However, we will correct typos we notice and may adjust formatting to keep the overall look consistent on the senior tribute pages.
Email Renee Potter at pottere@lodischoolswi.org
Perkins Funding Survey - 11th and 12th Grade Families
Every other year students and parents of our LHS 11th and 12th graders, help determine our needs by completing a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment to continue accessing Perkins funding. CESA helps facilitate this process. To help complete the process we ask students and one of their parents, to complete the following Google Form survey. We ask that only parent(s) of Juniors and Seniors complete the survey.
Perkins funding typically refers to federal financial assistance provided to support career and technical education (CTE) programs in the United States. The funding is named after the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which is a federal law that aims to improve the quality of CTE programs and provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce.
Thank you for your help in gathering this important feedback that will help us continue to grow in the area of Career and Technical Education.
Nurse's Notes, November 2023
Rethink Your Drink:
Teens with a regular amount of activity should be drinking approximately 6-8 cups of fluid every day. Sports drinks are usually high in sugars and typically are only needed for high intensity physical activity over 1 hour per day. Energy drinks are high in both sugar and caffeine and can lead to difficulty concentrating. Even mild dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, and inability to concentrate. Encourage your teen to carry a reusable water bottle to school daily.
Vaping Resource:
Flu Hygiene Tips:
Clean Your Hands:
Washing hands often will help protect from germs. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. CDC Handwashing Tips
Cover Your Mouth and Nose:
Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It helps to prevent those around you from getting sick.
Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, Mouth
Germs can spread when a person something that is contaminated with germs then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Stay Home When You Are Sick:
This helps prevent spreading illness to others.
Practice Other Good Healthy Habits:
Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces, especially when someone is sick. Get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of fluids, manage stress, get enough sleep, and eat nutritious foods.
When children and their families are vaccinated, it helps protect the risk of getting seriously ill. CDC Flu Vaccination Recommendations
A friendly reminder with any virus to keep your child home until they are 24 hours vomit, diarrhea, and/or fever free without fever reducing medications and symptoms have improved.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
School Nurse
Lodi High School 608-592-3853 Ext 4484
LES/OSC 608-592-3842 Ext 2103
Cell: 608-573-1851 Fax: 608-592-1025
Food Service
Fall Greetings to everyone!
Thank you so much for your support for the Apple Crunch! We had apples from Jasper, Ski Hi, Sacia and Lapacek’s Orchards. All different varieties and all from local orchards.
Some of our highlights this month were roast pork, queso chicken and rice and chicken bacon alfredo flatbread. Our special LTO this month was Kung Pao chicken and Korean bibimbap. Kung Pao was a hit but the bibimbap vegetarian dish got mixed reviews. Where’s the meat? Tofu is definitely not a favorite. Thank you to the students for trying them.
November brings some new LTO’S such as Philly cheesesteak and vegetarian eggplant flatbread. Our harvest of the month includes the spice rosemary, parsnips and persimmons. Watch for dishes containing these products. We will also have a day with turkey and the fixings.
On to some housekeeping issues:
Please make sure to put your silverware in the bin and not the trash can. Silverware is expensive to replace. We appreciate your cooperation. Also, be sure you are entering in the first door to get in line for the hot meal. Students that have been in line get upset when students cut in line in front of them.
Lastly, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for our students, staff and families. We have the ability to do things that others are only able to dream about doing and we are grateful!
Diane and the Food Service Team.
LHS Staff Appreciation
Appreciate a Staff Member!
We have so many amazing educators here at Lodi High School! Last year, Mr. Jelinek and Mr. Marshall sat down with each staff member, and one of the common themes that came up was how much our staff love to be appreciated by the families that they serve. When you experience a staff member who is going above and beyond or deserves some recognition, please consider giving them a shout-out through our staff appreciation google form. Your appreciation will be put on a staff appreciation poster and shared with that staff member.