Tarvin Times
Sept. 24, 2021
Wow! We had such a blast today! We are so proud of our students, families, and teachers for working together AS ONE and helping make this program a success! Honestly, we couldn't do this event without the support of our families, our teachers, and of course, our amazing kids! We are so so so grateful to each and every one of you! It was a wild success and Erin and I were turned into human spaghetti. Our school rocks!
Tarvin's Site-Based committee is still looking for members. This committee meets 3-4 times a year to discuss school improvement. We would love to add your voice. Email Christy Hilbun at christine.hilbun@leanderisd.org if you are interested.
Together in Learning,
Christy Hilbun
Grade level Newsletters
In order to help cut down the number of emails you receive, grade levels will have their newsletters here.
Early Childhood:Destination Imagination
Does your 3rd-5th grade child like to build, design, invent, create, perform, and work with a team to solve challenges? If so, he or she might be interested in participating in Destination Imagination (DI). Leander ISD is happy to be able to once again sponsor Destination Imagination (DI) teams for grades 3-12. The district will pay the teams' registration fees to participate in the in-person Heart of Texas Regional meet. Destination Imagination (DI) is an extracurricular program that fosters creativity, team-based problem-solving skills and life skills for students. Leander ISD Destination Imagination is open to all students in third through twelfth grades. If you are interested in learning more about Destination Imagination, please visit the Tarvin Destination Imagination Page or look over the "What is DI" document. Each team must have a team manager to facilitate team practices. I've also attached a document that goes over the team manager's responsibilities.
If your child is interested in participating in DI, please read over the attached DI documents and information found on the School DI site, and complete the DI registration form with your child. All registration forms are due by Friday, October 8th. Contact Kellie Lambert at kellie.lambert@leanderisd.org with any questions regarding DI.
I Will Change the World by.... Reflections Program
The Reflections Program encourages children to find their own voice through various mediums of artistic expression. With this year's theme, "I Will Change The World By...", students are encouraged to make their message clear through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Entry forms will be available in the front office and the Tarvin PTA Facebook page. All entries must be turned in no later than October 31. Students can turn in their projects, with their registration form to our Reflections submission bin in the community room or by email to tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. All entries will be reviewed in November and selected projects will be advanced to the regional level of judging. Questions? Contact tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. For more information: click here.
Literacy Partner
If interested, register with Education Connection as well as with LISD as volunteers.
https://education-connection.org/ and https://www.leanderisd.org/volunteering/.Important Dates
Sept. 29th: Early Release 1:25 PM
Oct. 4th: Tarvin Spirit Night at the Grove
Oct. 6th: Early Release: 1:25 PM
Oct. 8th: End of the 1st Nine Weeks
Oct. 11th & 12th: No School
Oct. 20th: Unity Day, wear orange
- Early Release Day 1:25PM
Oct. 25th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 27th: Early Release Day 1:25 PM
Oct. 28th: Trunk or Treat 5PM to 7PM
Nancy Tarvin Elementary School
Friday: Future Friday-wear your favorite college or high school shirt
Email: Christine.hilbun@leanderisd.org
Website: https://tarvin.leanderisd.org/
Location: 1280 Logan Del Way, Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 512-570-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/TarvinElementarySchool
Twitter: @TarvinES