LODL Newsletter
el 1 de septiembre , 2022
Back To School
Please complete the following required action items:
1. Log into the parent portal on Infinite Campus and choose “Schedule” to view teacher assignments. For assistance with Infinite Campus, contact the IT Help Desk at this link or call 952-226-0048 or 952-226-0062. The LODL office cannot reset passwords.
2. Grades 1-5 -Once you have your child/children’s teacher assignments, follow this link to PTCFast to schedule a Welcome and Assessment appointment:
** This appointment will be a chance for your family to meet the teacher, see the classroom and bring school supplies
3. Kindergarten Families, once you have your child/children’s teacher assignments make sure to sign up your child for a Meet the Teacher Time on Sept. 6 with the correct teacher. Here are the Sign up genius links for Kindergarten:
Sr. Rojas: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054BADAA2E5-srrojas
Sra. Geissler: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054BADAA2E5-sra
Sra. Luna: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054BADAA2E5-sra1
Sra. Trimberger: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054BADAA2E5-sra2
4. Because the end of day plan for each student is one of the most important logistical plans of the school day, please follow this link to let us know the plan for your child/children. Please fill one form out for each child. Bus information is available under “Transportation” in Infinite Campus.
End of Day Transportation Plan for ALL students: https://forms.gle/79p9XiS6XYgtL5Gh8
5. View our updated Back to School Policies and Procedures and the Parent Pick Up Map attached to this email.
6. Here is the link for the 2022-2023 Parent Student Handbook: https://www.priorlake-savage.k12.mn.us/uploaded/Parent_Student_Handbooks/Parent_Student_Handbook_2022-2023.pdf?1661275032941
7. Teachers will be reaching out to families in the coming days. Please also watch your email for our LODL Newsletters! First day of school is Thursday, September 8.
Student PIN Numbers For Breakfast and Lunch- Practice your lunch pin
The child nutrition section of our website, on the SchoolCafe page, has very detailed information on how parents can set up school cafe accounts, add money to their student's accounts, fill out FRL forms, etc.. Student PIN numbers are located under their student's name in SchoolCafe by clicking on the barcode.
SchoolCafe section on website:
Sign up for the Parent Directory by September 23
4th and 5th grade choir
Message from Child Nutrition
In June, the federally funded waivers enacted during the pandemic providing free meals for all students ended. Meal prices for all grade levels will remain the same as they were pre-pandemic and are located on our website here. Students will begin using their PIN numbers once again, these PIN numbers are located in School Cafe and in Infinite Campus, all accessible in the Parent Portal on our website here. In order to qualify for free and reduced price meals an Application for Educational Benefits must be filled out yearly and is also located on our website and in the School Cafe app. Information on how to create an account can be found here.
Scholastic Book Fair
Dear La ola del lago families,
We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair to kick of the school year and the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month along with the PTC! Please sign up for day(s)/time(s) that suit you and support our school by doing so! Proceeds from the book fair are shared across the school, so any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your support!!
Please use this link: https://bit.ly/3QXdYRy
Noon Supervisor help Needed- Sign up today!
4th and 5th grade planners- Order Today!
Our 4th and 5th graders will be using planners again this year. Planners help students prepare for middle school by learning how to organize their assignments, and they are a great communication tool between school and home.
Purchase your LODL bilingual planner here: https://givebutter.com/2022-23LODLPlanners
We will deliver it to your child's classroom so it will be waiting for them on the 1st day!
Sept 5- Labor Day
Sept. 6- Kindergarten Meet the Teacher
Sept. 6 and 7th- Grades 1-5 Elementary Assessment Days
Sept. 8th- First Day of School for grades K-5
Sept. 15th- Back to School Event- Bookfair, Food Trucks, and more 5:00-7:00pm
Sept. 30th- LODL Picture Day
November 8th- Picture Retake Day
May 4th, 2023- LODL ESTEM DAY
LODL Phone Numbers
Attendance Line: 952-226-0301
LODL Health Office: 952-226-0306
Richie Kucinski, principal office: 952-226-0303