01/12 McMicken Family Connection

Principal's Corner
A Word from Your Principal
Dear Families,
We are moving and grooving as we have returned from break. Some exciting things that have been happening are our Student Council elections. We host Student Council (Gr. 3-5) every year and it is such a great way to foster student voice and leadership. Our first week back we also revisited expectations for common areas in our PBIS stations and our Cougars did a fantastic job. Our Cougars are showing their growth in literacy and math through iReady Diagnostic over the next few weeks and will be sharing results with families in the near future.
A note about our family letter—we will moving to a bi-weekly schedule. If you love our letter, please talk it up with your fellow Cougar Families!
In collaboration,
😄 Principal Haas
January's Book of the Month
Recognizing January's Heritage Month: Poverty in America Awareness Month
"The Invisible" by Tom Percival
Click the image for a read aloud of "The Invisible" by the author!
A moving, powerful story that shines a light on those that feel invisible in our world - and shows us that we ALL belong - from the author of Ruby's Worry.
The Invisible is the story of a young girl called Isabel and her family. They don't have much, but they have what they need to get by. Until one day, there isn't enough money to pay their rent and bills and they have to leave their home full of happy memories and move to the other side of the city.
It is the story of a girl who goes on to make one of the hardest things anyone can ever make...a difference.
And it is the story of those who are overlooked in our society - who are made to feel invisible - and why everyone has a place here. We all belong.
Student Council Votes Are In!
Student Council members will have the opportunity to lead schoolwide events like Spirit Week, plan school activities such as clubs, and speak at our monthly PBIS assemblies to their fellow students. They work to advocate for McMicken Heights' student needs, and are seen as role models and show leadership for the rest of the Cougars.
We are excited to announce the following students earned the highest number of votes in each grade-level and will represent all Cougars. Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Student Council representatives!
- 3rd grade: Kenan, Richard, Trinity, and Joseph
- 4th grade: Jasmine, Diego, Gracie, Kim, and Obisani
- 5th grade: Aryanna, DJ, Ronit, and Jan
Please join us for our next Academic Parent-Teacher Team Meeting (APTT) in February!
- Look at class and student growth since our last meeting.
- Learn about a new skill students need to be successful.
- Learn about activities to do at home to support student success.
When: 5:15-6:45pm
- Thursday, 2/2/23: Kinder, 3, 5
- Tuesday, 2/7/23: 1, 2, 4
Where: At McMicken, in your child’s classroom
Childcare: If you can, please leave your child at home with another family member. If you need to bring your child, LIMITED childcare will be provided in the McMicken gym. Please fill out and return the “Childcare Waiver Form” that your teacher will send home on Wednesday 1/18/23.
Rewards: Families who attend will be in a raffle drawing to receive:
- Class raffle prize
- Grade-level class party (for the class with the highest attendance)
- School-wide raffle for a Lenovo laptop
McMicken's PTA is Back! Come Join Us!
We have TWO fun events planned for this month.
- PTA meeting on Wednesday Jan 25th at 5:45pm (meeting will start at 6pm sharp). We need family input on what we want from our school's PTA this year. Anyone in the community can join the PTA: moms, dads, teachers, students, grandparents, caregivers, businesses, or community members!
- Fun Friday is starting back up again! If this is your first Fun Friday, this is an opportunity to help raise money for our school by allowing the students to purchase fun items like popcorn, snacks, and surprises! More information will be sent home soon. The first Fun Friday is scheduled for Friday, January 27th.
We still need volunteers for all sorts of things! Volunteer opportunities will be discussed at the meeting. If you are interested in volunteering, please be sure to fill out your volunteer form at the office. Or you can click the link to download the form to turn in to our front office. (Download and print the form in English or Spanish.)
Questions? Contact the PTA at (206) 231-8191 or mcmh.pta@gmail.com
Attendance Matters
If your child will not be in school, for any reason, you must call the school office every day your child is out. Please call 206.631.4300 to report the absence. Please review the Attendance Basics for our policies. More information can be found on the Attendance page of the school's website.
A missed absence, for any reason and for any amount of time, is a missed opportunity for learning. Help your child succeed by building the habit of good attendance early. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college - and at work.
Did you know students can suffer academically if they miss 10% of the school year, or about 18 days? That's just one day every two weeks. Research shows that missing 2-3 days a month can result in:
- 3rd-grade students falling behind in reading
- 6th-grade students failing courses
- Teens dropping out of high school
Sporadic absences matter too. Just one or two days a month can add up before you know it!
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. If you are facing challenges related to health care, unstable housing, transportation or lack of food, our school can help. Ryan Bunda, our school counselor, can connect you to services for the whole family.
Ryan Bunda
text/call: 425.298.5329
Our Weekly Habit (January 17-20)
January's Monthly Focus: We are UNDERSTANDING.
Weekly Focus (Jan. 17-20): Resolve conflicts effectively.
A quote to think about: "The best way to solve problems and to fight against war, is through dialogue." -Malala Yousafzai
When we resolve conflicts effectively, it looks like:
Using tools and strategies to solve conflicts
Listening to others with a calm body
When we resolve conflicts effectively, it sounds like:
- Respectful words and tone
- Apologizing if needed
- Asking for help when needed“
- What is the problem?”
- “How can we solve this problem?”
When we resolve conflicts effectively, it feels like:
- A sense of calm
- Fairness
- Being heard
Our Weekly Habit (January 23-27)
January's Monthly Focus: We are UNDERSTANDING.
Weekly Focus (Jan. 23-27): Advocate for your community.
A quote to think about: "There is always light if we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.” - Amanda Gorman.
When we advocate for our community, it looks like:
Looking for ways to help others
When we advocate for our community, it sounds like:
Speaking up for others
Disagreeing respectfully and working together to solve a problem (using the blueprint)
Sharing ideas that will better the community
When we advocate for our community, it feels like:
A sense of pride for helping others
Being connected to those around us
Monday, January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
Thursday, February 2: APTT #2 for Kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 5th grade (5:15-6:30 at McMicken)
Tuesday, February 7: APTT #2 for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 4th grade (5:15-6:30 at McMicken)
Friday, February 17 - Monday, February 20: Mid-Winter Break, No School
Vietnamese Lunar New Year Festival
Vietnamese Lunar New Year Festival || Hội Chợ Tết Mừng Xuân Quý Mão
What: 3-day festival celebrating the new year, with food (cash only), entertainment, and beautiful scenery for photos! All are welcome to come.
- Friday 1/20/23, 6-11pm
- Saturday 1/21/23, 11am-11pm
- Sunday 1/22/23, 11am-5pm
Where: Vietnamese Martyrs Parish (Giáo Xứ Các Thánh Tử Đạo VN), across from the Tukwila Costco, 6841 S. 180th St. Tukwila, WA 98188
Lunar New Year
The Lunar New Year is on Sunday, January 22nd this year. Calling it Lunar New Year is inclusive of all the countries who celebrate the Spring Festival. In Vietnam, Lunar New Year is known as Tết, in Tibet it's Losar, and in Mongolia it’s Tsagaan Sar. Each country and culture that celebrates the Lunar New Year has similar and different ways they celebrate. For Chinese families, they will be celebrating the Year of the Rabbit – but that’s not recognized by all countries who celebrate the Lunar New Year.
Consider learning more about Lunar New Year by reading this National Geographic article or this History article.
See the full year's Heritage Month calendar and think about how you can continue to celebrate these groups and holidays at home. In addition, you can access the Heritage Month calendar in Spanish, Somali, or Vietnamese.
Explore resources, events, book lists, and more for January's Heritage Months in English or Spanish.
Poverty in America Awareness Month
January is Poverty Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and call attention to the growth of poverty in America, as well as learn about how and why poverty impacts so many people (over 40 million Americans) around the world.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan. 16th)
Each year on the third Monday of January, America honors the birth, life, and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is a time to remember the injustices that Dr. King fought. A time to remember his fight for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and peoples through nonviolence.
International Holocaust Day of Remembrance (Jan. 27th)
January 27th is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The UN and its member states celebrate the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and to honor the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism.
Contact us for support or with questions.
McMicken Heights Elementary School
Phone: (206) 631-4300
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Click on the image to complete the consent form for COVID testing at school. This only needs to be completed once this school year.
Does your student have symptoms? Click on the image for a flowchart to know when to send your student to school.
Click on the image for information on COVID vaccination and upcoming vaccine clinics.
Click on the image for more up-to-date information about COVID safety in Highline Public Schools.
Keep updated on your student's grades, attendance, and more! Create or update your ParentVue account by clicking the image.
Click the image for current and past Book of the Months.